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So who exists at Survival Level?


guest 77721

One of the basic human aspects of Human consciousness is the ability to survive. When we are faced with a flight or flight situation, we will respond. Those that respond wrong, fail.

Now having a car cut you off in traffic or a dog leaping out of an alleyway barking will trigger the survival instinct which works quite nicely. But having your survival button pushed continuously isn't healthy.

We are surrounded by people that will push this survival button to get what they want. The thing is, that every time your are forced to react to survive, you forget about the other things.

Tell me if you feel that you are forced to survival mode and what is the thing forces you there.


being on the run from the law would probably fit that description... a need for constant vigilance might fall under the category of survival behavior


ICMag Donor
Interesting you started this thread I was just analyzing my family dynamic between parent sibling and I would have to say that its my family that triggers this "Survival Mode" in which logic and reason both do not apply. Try not to be caught up and have a strong aversion to drama but sometimes the force is powerful and they end up getting the desired results, a reaction to suit needs. Thanks for the therapy time. Traffic was my other thought on what would cause elevated levels...NS

guest 77721

I've had to deal with a parent that threatend to kick me out or else. That's pushing the old survival mode button.

I've also worked for a company that is constant downsizing mode. Being threatend with a lay-off is pushing the button.


Kiss My Ring
noting the direction the economy is headed...
driving anywhere...
seeing fat women...

just sayin'.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
I notice the effects around us every day as the planet spins into further chaos...

It is at a tipping point now with population pressure forcing many changes on society at large... talk about pushing the survival button.

We hear that 40% of the planet's surface is now damaged beyond repair by the actions of humans...


ICMag Donor
The only things i really need are internet,electricity.a/c and food..

Got rid of the natural gas years ago..got rid of the cellphone..stopped driving the car..and bought a bike..dropped the insurance cause its not mandatory..Constructed systems to harvest and use rainwater for showering,cooking ,flushing the toilet ,washing clothes..
I let the water bill lapse.then had a pipe break and a big leak.Now they shut it off.I probably own about $400 for that bill...

All bills are able to be paid for ..from a halfway decent job.But i love drugs..and my Drug of choice has activated a sort of pseudo survival living,kinda thing...

But some people eat berries and vermin...drink dirty water ...And bathe in waste water if at all........In comparison.. who is "really" in survival mode these days????

"Flyin through the air on a kite
Everyday and everynight
Sometimes the wind ain't right"

guest 77721

Now the thing with the Survival Mode button is that it is hardwired to work EVERYTIME it is pushed....

If you look at our evolutionary behaviour and put ourselves back it time... Imagine you are a Gorilla and you want to move into a dark thicket to find some nice juicy berries. There could be a tiger in there so if there is anynoise, you have to run your ass off...

So you go into the thicket and hear a noise and run out.... and there's no tiger. No big deal.

So you go into the thicket and hear a noise and say it's nothing. But it's a tiger and he eaths you.

We are hardwired to react to a to anything that threatens our survival. If you react to every noise then you will NEVER be eaten by the Tiger. Now do you have to react to every noise that may not be a Tiger?

This is called a False Positive. If you run away from an imaginary Tiger, there's no harm done.

A False Negative is failing to react to something that is there. Like having problems peeing and ending up with Prostate Cancer.

The thing about False Negatives is you have to THINK about them. It is far better to REACT to the False Positive where there are no consequences.

The reason why you are so easily manipulated by your Survival Level, it is because it is hardwired to react to a False Positive...
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PTSD is a form of survival mode; thats what the media calls it because of the wars. WW2 called it "shell shock" but in reality you can have an imbalance of the body chemistry at any time of your life and triggered by shock, injury or trama. this throws your body into "survival mode" and leaves the mind behind OR visa versa.

i got shot, lost a dear family member, had a plane accident and a 14 year marriage breakup; all in 1 year and thus developed a body chemistry imbalance that is life long. LIKE PTSD, there are certain side effects from the disorder like "fight, freeze or flee" and numerous side effects from the medications used to battle "the demons". mine is Panic Anxiety Disorder and i've fought it for years.

guest 77721


I want to bring out the point that anytime your survival button is pushed, you turn into an Animal.

Sounds like PSTD is from being forced to SURVIVE or a long period of time.

Now the last point that I'd like to bring out is that if ANYONE can FORCE you to SURVIVE then they have turned you into an ANIMAL.

The trick is to identify the FALSE POSITIVES that push that HARDWIRED BUTTON...

lost in a sea

i dont need anything and my reactions/killer instinct is shit hot,, i just am an animal and have tuned into that potential aspect of being over my life so far, the intuition that comes with it is fun and rewarding..

whether its catching things with lightening reactions or sensing panic/fear in the air,, as well as reading animals, their intentions and body language..

and that thing that sees things in your peripheral vision and says "thats going to fall any second" or "that was a copper" and then is proven right mere seconds later,, the brain and our instincts are amazing and do far more than we are aware of or responsible for..

ive always loved the human ability to throw things which such amazing precision and get them on target first time,,,
I did all my life, just exist that is, but now I am finally starting to live. Nothing big yet, just what others would consider routine but to me it's an accomplishment. Still, I am making progress and not feeling sorry for myself constantly, so it's a start. I forget already the thread opener's point but I wish you well man!


I am forced due to my own weaknesses at this game we all happen to be playing.

And forced is really a bad word, its more that I chose from another perspective.


Parker Schnobel
Its a dog eat dog world around these parts,im rural but not too far from being in the shit.I dont deal with a lot of people because I am always thinking in the back of my head about what they want,or are trying to get from me.So thats my survival mode(or accute paranoia)but Im doubting that theory.I guess im a product of my enviromental up bringing.There is shit hardwired into my brain from 35 years ago that keep me on edge.....
Coming to grips with ones own level of complacency will/should provoke a person to regain some survival instincts.Keeping ones self in top physical condition is a great place to start.

Fuck,fight or throw rocks...you have to be physically ready to get in to any game.


Active member
I am hard-wired in survival mode. People are stupid, judgmental, evil, don't use logic, have the best ways to fuck you over. They think being a genius means reading books. Well, it means understanding them, instead of just the answers. Possibly the question posed in the book and the perception it leaves forming a concept and ideas, rather than punctuations of ideas...the answers.