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So what's the deal with sizzling/crackling bud?



Ok, I've done some reading and I've got some answers however they vary quite a lot. Some say it's because the plant wasn't flushed properly/enough, others say it isn't dry enough. Then some people say it is actually TOO dry. Then there is obviously the "my weed is laced" group of people and finally to top that up there's the gang who swears that the most potent-crystal-covered-buds sizzle because the actual resin glands explode or pop with a small flash when heated.

So what's the deal???

  • Not properly flushed?
  • Too wet?
  • Too dry?
  • "My weed is laced"?
  • "My weed is super potent and the trichomes pop"?
  • Is it bad?

This thing is driving me mad... Any "sizzle-weed" experts lurking here? Am I even in the right place?



Active member
ill go with not flushed or laced... definately not of the "my weed is super potent and the trichomes pop" school of thought.


New member
How much sizziling and crackling are you talking about? I know alot of weed does it a little. If it is laced just send it to me for further investigation..LOL... I usually get the sound when the weed is just not dry enough yet. some times it is also hard to light. good luck with your research I will continue smoking mass varities of good weed to see if I can come to a true answer.. Peace
Generally, sizzling or crackling is the result of the plant being improperly flushed before harvest. The second most likely culprit would be too much moisture. Is the smoke burning the back of your throat? Usually you can tell from the quality of the smoke whether it's moisture or nutes that're fuckin with your smoke. Additionally, if it has a funky taste (i.e. anything that would seem anomalous to the vast array of weed smells/flavors...trust me you'll notice it) i'd put my money on not flushed correctly.


Thanks for the replies!

It's not my particular case but a question rose in my mind which I needed an answer to.. Luckily I can grow my own and mine doesn't really sizzle..It did my first crop was just a tad bit too wet though...So I can actually contribute to the answer myself a bit hehe ^^

In any case the thing that interested me the most was the claim that the actual trichomes "pop" and are able to make a crackling sound...It was also said by quite an experienced smoker and that's what made it so interesting, because it does not sound logical...Trichome heads popping? c'mon...

if anyone can clarify that, I'd greatly appreciate!



Active member
the claim that the actual trichomes "pop" and are able to make a crackling sound...It was also said by quite an experienced smoker and that's what made it so interesting, because it does not sound logical...Trichome heads popping? c'mon...:
Your instincts are correct GrassHoppah, the one who quoted from experience was indeed just smoking #*&^. :D

I've never had wet bud crackle or pop unless there were seeds in it. It generally just goes out. Bud with nutes in it (shit on it like sugar or chems) will crackle and sparkle and pop. I've heard reports of 'Raid' roach spray being used on schwag to increase the feeling of being 'high'.

I know of one dispensary that has excellent quality, every time I go there. Until I have a steady supply myself, that's the only place I go. Glad I don't have to buy from the street anymore as it just messes my life up horribly.

Stay Safe!


Even in Arcadia I exist
Some good answers here. Not sure which is right, but I do know this.

This same sound occurs when burning other matter, matter that ALSO was once a plant and was once alive . . . WOOD!

Here's why it happens with wood: "The explosions are caused by the collection of gases, including steam, in the wood cells. When the gases cannot escape, the pressure causes the cells to explode, often with a loud report. For example, apple wood burns quietly, while mulberry and cedar pop and crackle."

So I'm guessing the water content within the weed is vaporizing from the center of maybe a tiny little piece of stem or branch, or something included in your smoking material, thus making the snap/crackle/pop sound.

I too have had this happen when smoking buds, but I've NEVER had it happen when smoking sugar trim at a harvest lets say . . .

My $0.02


Your instincts are correct GrassHoppah, the one who quoted from experience was indeed just smoking #*&^. :D

I've never had wet bud crackle or pop unless there were seeds in it. It generally just goes out. Bud with nutes in it (shit on it like sugar or chems) will crackle and sparkle and pop. I've heard reports of 'Raid' roach spray being used on schwag to increase the feeling of being 'high'.

dude, in my area ive heard and SMOKED many tenses that have been sprayed with a fire extinguisher!:mad:
its just bad u no...


Thanks for the replies! Greatly appreciated!

I'm glad I don't have to search the streets for weed and I feel sorry for everyone who does! That stuff goes for ~30$ a gram for random, probably low-mid quality stuff, in the country I live in... :fsu:

If anyone still stumbles upon this thread with information about the actual trichomes "popping" It would be great!

spider mites. they spark, snap crackle and pop. like a bowl of rice crispies. cant believe nobody mentioned this one. if the weed tastes like metals its prob ferts, but if the weed tastes like shit but is perfectly dry id say mites. youll see the sparks as there bodies pop...
if youve smoked commercial weed, chances are you've smoked mites, powder mildew, and more. grow your own, and grow it organic. then you will know what your smoking...


what a productive post.

ill cast my vote on boiling water in the cells, exploding as steam, within stems, improperly trimmed buds with tons of plant material to burn.. i rarely come across cracklin' pot.. cant even remember the last time:abduct:


Was it on the 4th of July? It might have been Fireworks weed...But I don't know nothing. Actually heard that Spider Mites make it snap and crackle...Beats me..doesnt sound good...best advice is to grow your own!


what a productive post.

ill cast my vote on boiling water in the cells, exploding as steam, within stems, improperly trimmed buds with tons of plant material to burn.. i rarely come across cracklin' pot.. cant even remember the last time:abduct:

Let a man laugh its healthy!! :laughing:

Some commercial nugget around here gets coated in stuff which makes it burn different i never smoke that shit though.