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How to tell the Ogre pheno


Am growing some sensi star clones, 4 at the moment. Been reading about this Ogre pheno. How do you tell if it is indeed the Ogre. I'm sure I don't have it, but would like to know how to tell the difference.


Active member
it'l have thick fingered indica leaves. if i mind right or is the ogre a sativa pheno. dont know i have'nt grown the sensi star yet but soon. anyways you'll have to grow from original seed to find out cause the clones off your buddy if they were ogre he'd say so. so get the credit card out and buy some paradice seed. clones are exact copy off the parent plant remmember man. :joint:


Active member
ogre is a wide leaf, indica dominate pheno. heavy yields of pine tree/musty gym shorts tasting buds. finishes in about 65 days. every other plant i had in that 10pk of standard seeds was the lankier, lemony pheno....


hmmm... Well sirshamus, I counted the other day, Ive grown out 23 packs of SS in the past 8 years, both indoors and out but mainly outdoors. Im not sure what the ogre pheno is but I can describe the star and all of her attributes so that perhaps you have some info that will help.

Sensi star has 2, some might say 3, predominant pheno's but there are a number of different expressions of the 2 pheno's in my view.

First, there is the branchy, indica leaning plant. The lateral branches reach up toward the center cola. This pheno has a heavy indica buzz that becomes knockdown with a cure. This plant in this pic is maximum size and this pheno rarely exceeds 6'. The more extreme phenos of this expression may not exceed 4'. This plant and its related pheno's finishes in 45-55 days, depending on the uniqeness of the pheno. This is the most common pheno and represents 2/3 of the plants in my view. The plant taste like a corroded penny, with a touch of rubber cement.

In flower

in veg

30 days old

Then there is the sativa or hybrid pheno. This pheno tends to grow taller and in a single cola expression with shorter lateral branches. Notice in this pic of veg, the plant is nearly 7' but the lower side branches are really quite short.

The high to the hybrid or sativa pheno starts out much more like a sativa but quickly sets you down as time goes by. Potency on this pheno is intense and this is the pheno that most search for when popping a pack of seeds. This pheno appears at about 1/4 plants in my opinion, but ive never popped a 10 pack and didn't find a couple of them.

After those 2 initial pheno's, different expressions appear from time to time. The indica pheno produces and even shorter, heavier, quicker finishing pheno that is terribly heavy in effect. There are several expressions of the sativa pheno, they become taller and skinnier and take longer to finish, usually about 10-12 weeks but can go 16(the haze pheno).

The basic rule for SS is the more sativa leaning the pheno, the more potent and the more extreme the effect. The satva pheno has a metallic, chemical taste with a dash of lemmony rubber cement.

The most extreme pheno I have seen for this expression is one I call the haze pheno. It grows to 9' and takes 12=16 weeks to finish and in my mind is the most potent marijuana plant in the entire world, landrace and all hybrids included. It has an extremely intense sativa high with panic and sweating at first, hallucinatory and euphoric, then turning just a bit heavier in the end with a good cure. Ive smoked since 1968, and Ive never smoked any weed more potent than this plant. I estimate that this plant shows up about 1/100-200 plants. I have seen 2, and one of those wasnt as extreme as the one pictured below. This plant has a hard, metallic taste w/ a chemical, almost eyeburning scent.

Here she is just starting to flower.

Here she is 8.5 weeks into flower and needing another 4 weeks. I have her tied over

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trybud said:
...musty gym shorts tasting buds....

Well, does it taste like the front or back of the gym shorts?

I sure hope the high is sensational to be blazing something that tastes like funky jockstrap.
What' up Everyone,

I have a clone of Ogre that I got from an Oakland MMJ Dispensary about 2 years ago, and based on what trybud said,

"ogre is a wide leaf, indica dominate pheno. heavy yields of pine tree/musty gym shorts tasting buds. finishes in about 65 days."

I don't agree with the must gym shorts part, but it definitely has an intense piny-lemony musky aroma.

The effects it has on me when I partake is a very nice relaxing body buzz. After a while, I feel my eyes get heavy. I consider it a stony type of buzz as opposed to a "high" type of feeling.

As Ogre grows, she produces fat Indica leaves that you have to selectively prune out, so light can reach below the canopy. It's a very thick growing plant.

Now, the description that silverback gave,

"First, there is the branchy, indica leaning plant. The lateral branches reach up toward the center cola. This pheno has a heavy indica buzz..."

That description and his first pic is in accordance with the Ogre clone which I have.

I've never grown Ogre or seen her outdoors, but I've grown her indoors and she is a producer, with thick fat buds. I like to top or supercrop her. My last Ogre harvest I had 14 plants that finished up a little over 3'-3'.5''. They were under a 1000k in hydro and I yielded approximately 1.6lbs.

She's a good plant. But the clone I have tends to hermaph. a bit. Nothing outrageous, but I usually get a few immature seed pods or some actual seeds from her every harvest. I usually chop her down between 8.5-9 weeks. Ogre is a worthy strain to keep around.



ICMag Donor
would someone tell us a little about the name???....

ive smoked loads of sensi star... good and crap phenos....when i grew a pack it was crazy indica....only 1 plant suvived....it should have been better ....the weed in amsterdam was better than the pheno i saw