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SO what compromise would you accept

lost in a sea

there's big money in cannabis, thats what i worry about,,, and money doesnt lead to love and freedom,, at least i cant see any examples,,

the other entheogens have no chance imo,, they are just too powerful and dangerous to the powers that be,,

no they want you taking cocaine that they have flown in and had government agencies encourage rebel groups by flying out guns the otherway to destabilise regions and excuse more draconian laws surrounding immigrints and how the us deals with s.america in general..

even peyotes are illegal,, dumb dumb de dumb dumb dumb

something over there in is scared as fuck of the plant teachers enlightening their surfs,,,, personally i find it hard to believe they will reverse that becuase the drug war is the ultimate war,, and they love the ego!

the next stage in getting our rights, and replacing them with state privileges, after they are done with this terrorism witchhunt and the global warming co2 bashing noose, will be about ownership and control of the very chemicals your body produces as well as the chemicals that affect the chemicals in your body,, stuff like this just always starts with precedents,,

could ganja be that trojan horse for them ?,, i dont know but i wouldnt mind betting that if they tricked people into letting them control ganja and its supply then the rest of the medicinal plants and entheogens will follow,, and will be patented and regulated by the state or something like monsatan..

and people will be all stoned up laughing smoking GHS arjans haze, after they sell out their catalogue of stolen genetics to monsatan, and wont really care about how all their natural right to grow ganja and all the other plants was stolen from under their noses,,

only one potential future of course and would just depend on how they approached legalisation,, but just remember how powerful ganja is and think about what that means..

you may well find that the government and their corporate buddies have a nightmare planned for ya.. lets face it they usually do, and its not getting better in that respect..

if its a no strings deal and people can grow whatever they want freely and without surveillence or conditions then it couldnt be a better thing.. but i think anyone who thinks this might be how it happens is so ridiculously optimistic they may verge on delusional.. just my :2cents:
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after the shit that THEIR side has pulled on OUR side over the last 70 years we should not be settling for anything.

THEY are pretty much the same bunch of dick heads that made all those treaties with the indians back in the day


I would say that so far the pro cannabis is coming across as the ideaslistic side some would say it evidences an immature attitude to be as uncompromising. There are some easy ones that not many would object to and are already accepted as part of the Dutch tolerance policy such as not smoking cannabis within a school grounds.

At the moment it comes across like most want to be able to grow cannabis in a household with no restriction, store the cured cannabis if they want in the kids bedroom and drive the kids to school while blazing a joint.

Lets put a small little thing to bed a child over here died as a result of drinking the nutrients the mother was storing to feed her cannabis plants with. Cannabis growing can be carried out carefully but there is one direct death caused as a result of the parents irresponsible actions while growing cannabis.

No one has said this is the idea that must be followed all that has been asked is to consider what you would compromise however the main reaction has been to focus on one suggestion as something to complain about. Maybe the cannabis community has spent so long complaining it can no longer think of idea's.


I would say that so far the pro cannabis is coming across as the ideaslistic side some would say it evidences an immature attitude to be as uncompromising. There are some easy ones that not many would object to and are already accepted as part of the Dutch tolerance policy such as not smoking cannabis within a school grounds.

At the moment it comes across like most want to be able to grow cannabis in a household with no restriction, store the cured cannabis if they want in the kids bedroom and drive the kids to school while blazing a joint.

Lets put a small little thing to bed a child over here died as a result of drinking the nutrients the mother was storing to feed her cannabis plants with. Cannabis growing can be carried out carefully but there is one direct death caused as a result of the parents irresponsible actions while growing cannabis.

No one has said this is the idea that must be followed all that has been asked is to consider what you would compromise however the main reaction has been to focus on one suggestion as something to complain about. Maybe the cannabis community has spent so long complaining it can no longer think of idea's.


I would say that so far the pro cannabis is coming across as the ideaslistic side some would say it evidences an immature attitude to be as uncompromising. There are some easy ones that not many would object to and are already accepted as part of the Dutch tolerance policy such as not smoking cannabis within a school grounds.

At the moment it comes across like most want to be able to grow cannabis in a household with no restriction, store the cured cannabis if they want in the kids bedroom and drive the kids to school while blazing a joint.

Lets put a small little thing to bed a child over here died as a result of drinking the nutrients the mother was storing to feed her cannabis plants with. Cannabis growing can be carried out carefully but there is one direct death caused as a result of the parents irresponsible actions while growing cannabis.

No one has said this is the idea that must be followed all that has been asked is to consider what you would compromise however the main reaction has been to focus on one suggestion as something to complain about. Maybe the cannabis community has spent so long complaining it can no longer think of idea's.

I am sorry for the loose of a child,but really?? how about we compromise and outlaw stupid parents??

I will take any advances in our cause,but this war is not over until my plants are freakin free..period..dot


Here is a link to the real uncompromising attitude of anti drug not gov


Paladin your for no compromise why claim the woman was stupid she has done nothing more than plenty peaople on here have done and store nutrients (PH UP) in the same house as children and is no different from the maturity, intelect level or social circumstances as many using this site or thousands of people who do grow in the UK.

Its very easy to come up with quippy comments such as no compromise or no deaths have ever been caused by cannabis but directed to an example of a death caused directly by the growing of cannabis and storage of dangerous chemicals within a household to then go OK its a stupid parent is deceiving yourself if you think 'no deaths' have ever been caused as a result of cannabis. There is a genuine cause for argument that sites like ICMAG actually fuel peoples anticipation of what they will gain if they grow cannabis and should when giving out information ensure that safety is a number one priority. If you want to be taken seriously as a mature contributor to the world then take responsibility for your actions and advice.


Active member
Lets put a small little thing to bed a child over here died as a result of drinking the nutrients the mother was storing to feed her cannabis plants with. Cannabis growing can be carried out carefully but there is one direct death caused as a result of the parents irresponsible actions while growing cannabis.
The use of dangerous chemicals certainly isn't confined to growing the gentle herb. Go to any "legitimate" garden store and you'll find shelves full of poisons used in various ways in cultivating tomatoes cucumbers and beans. Does that make it reasonable to talk about bean-related deaths?

That case is strictly about carelessness with a dangerous chemical, and has nothing whatsoever to do with its intended use.


Neuroherb: The biggest problem i would see with full legalization of all drugs is that then, in theory, the pharma- and chemical industries would be completly free to invent new stuff. Look at their behavior now, they are constantly poisoning the population with their medicaments and 10.000s of unsafe chemicals in basically everything we eat and use. Testing protocolls are not worth the paper they are written on. Look how many medicines turn out to be harmfull or useless despite being "tested". Look how these corporations are held responsible(they aren't.)
Now imagine these psychos are allowed to freely develop Heroin, Speed and Ecxtasy 2.0. TOTALLY safe and tested of course, and if it turns out it's highly addictive afterall...bad luck for you sucker.
Wait... what? Legalization does not equal non-intervention or no regulation. In fact, legalization often leads directly to regulation. By your own examples, and there are more and more instances occurring every day because these large pharmaceutical companies staff governmental organizations like the FDA, NOT because people like us are trying to get cannabis legalized, or at the very least decriminalized.
Some seriously twisted logic in this thread.
Don't legalize cause big pharma makes dangerous drugs and they'll get their hands on it?!
Do legalize, but with the expectation that the only seeds legally available will be GMO?

Whatever, I'm with supermanlives - it's a fucking plant, and no body should need permission to grow it.
I guess baby steps have their place, but if you are going to play "what if?" then why start out with a bunch of compromises?
I can't agree with you more than I already do.

I would say that so far the pro cannabis is coming across as the ideaslistic side some would say it evidences an immature attitude to be as uncompromising. There are some easy ones that not many would object to and are already accepted as part of the Dutch tolerance policy such as not smoking cannabis within a school grounds.

At the moment it comes across like most want to be able to grow cannabis in a household with no restriction, store the cured cannabis if they want in the kids bedroom and drive the kids to school while blazing a joint.

Lets put a small little thing to bed a child over here died as a result of drinking the nutrients the mother was storing to feed her cannabis plants with. Cannabis growing can be carried out carefully but there is one direct death caused as a result of the parents irresponsible actions while growing cannabis.

No one has said this is the idea that must be followed all that has been asked is to consider what you would compromise however the main reaction has been to focus on one suggestion as something to complain about. Maybe the cannabis community has spent so long complaining it can no longer think of idea's.

Ideas on what? Ways to lessen ourselves against the rest of the population? Ways to distance ourselves from gits? If it's ways to compromise, you're not getting it. And I believe that as a grandmother I am indeed mature enough to not only make my beliefs, but standards known in the wider public venue.

This attitude actually feeds the perception that anyone who uses cannabis automatically requires closer monitoring. Why do we need closer monitoring than the mum who spends all her free time in the pub while her children are left alone to fend for themselves? We don't, but the public perceives that we do. I will NOT feed that. In fact, since I've come out publicly I'm finding that a *lot* of locals know who I am and it opens up an opportunity to both discuss cannabis intelligently, but then *I* get an opportunity to shift their paradigms and break wide open the stereotypes they have in their heads.

I bet that mother whose child died from drinking fertilizer has other problems, the least of which are cultivation of cannabis.

So, what compromise will I make? It won't be plant count, for several reasons. It will absolutely NOT be allowing myself to be taxed for a product I grow on MY property (on which taxes are already paid) for MY own use. It won't be feeding the idea that the mere exposure of children to live cannabis plants is automatically somehow harmful.

I will accept the very same compromises as are in effect against those who brew their own beer, their own wine, mead, grow their own tobacco, vegetables, fruit, whatever. I will accept the same compromise as is found for these very same products sold in a market, i.e. a permitting and tax structure, with all the accouterments that go along with.


I would say that so far the pro cannabis is coming across as the ideaslistic side some would say it evidences an immature attitude to be as uncompromising. There are some easy ones that not many would object to and are already accepted as part of the Dutch tolerance policy such as not smoking cannabis within a school grounds.

At the moment it comes across like most want to be able to grow cannabis in a household with no restriction, store the cured cannabis if they want in the kids bedroom and drive the kids to school while blazing a joint.

Lets put a small little thing to bed a child over here died as a result of drinking the nutrients the mother was storing to feed her cannabis plants with. Cannabis growing can be carried out carefully but there is one direct death caused as a result of the parents irresponsible actions while growing cannabis.

No one has said this is the idea that must be followed all that has been asked is to consider what you would compromise however the main reaction has been to focus on one suggestion as something to complain about. Maybe the cannabis community has spent so long complaining it can no longer think of idea's.

i have to admit one of my "ideals" is to not get fucked by the same group of yo-yo's that has been riding roughshod over us for all these years. if i really believed that they would honor any compromise, i would actually take the time to consider one.

"lets put a small thing to bed" ....... if that kid had drank nutes that were destined to be poured on a tomato plant he/she would still be dead and tomatoes would still be legal to grow and consume. the problem is that it is easy to blame a very stupid move by his parents on a plant and that they can get away with it.(as they have for years)

i am in a med state. the people as a group voted for MMJ, but the same guys who have been making the rules for years have been on the attack against what the people voted for .....AGAIN.

i don't really feel like sitting down at the table with someone who has been caught dealing from the bottom of the deck over and over and over again. does a rattlesnake turn into a puppy because it wants to discuss something? IME it is still a snake and is not to be trusted:tiphat:


The use of dangerous chemicals certainly isn't confined to growing the gentle herb. Go to any "legitimate" garden store and you'll find shelves full of poisons used in various ways in cultivating tomatoes cucumbers and beans. Does that make it reasonable to talk about bean-related deaths?

That case is strictly about carelessness with a dangerous chemical, and has nothing whatsoever to do with its intended use.

Yes but all of these gardening habits are generally carried out in a garden environment not in the home. The child died as a direct result of the parent growing cannabis and storing the chemicals to do so within the home and she is not alone in doing so.


Yes but all of these gardening habits are generally carried out in a garden environment not in the home. The child died as a direct result of the parent growing cannabis and storing the chemicals to do so within the home and she is not alone in doing so.

:laughing: please tell us you are kidding.


Wait... what? Legalization does not equal non-intervention or no regulation. In fact, legalization often leads directly to regulation. By your own examples, and there are more and more instances occurring every day because these large pharmaceutical companies staff governmental organizations like the FDA, NOT because people like us are trying to get cannabis legalized, or at the very least decriminalized.

I can't agree with you more than I already do.

Ideas on what? Ways to lessen ourselves against the rest of the population? Ways to distance ourselves from gits? If it's ways to compromise, you're not getting it. And I believe that as a grandmother I am indeed mature enough to not only make my beliefs, but standards known in the wider public venue.

This attitude actually feeds the perception that anyone who uses cannabis automatically requires closer monitoring. Why do we need closer monitoring than the mum who spends all her free time in the pub while her children are left alone to fend for themselves? We don't, but the public perceives that we do. I will NOT feed that. In fact, since I've come out publicly I'm finding that a *lot* of locals know who I am and it opens up an opportunity to both discuss cannabis intelligently, but then *I* get an opportunity to shift their paradigms and break wide open the stereotypes they have in their heads.

I bet that mother whose child died from drinking fertilizer has other problems, the least of which are cultivation of cannabis.

So, what compromise will I make? It won't be plant count, for several reasons. It will absolutely NOT be allowing myself to be taxed for a product I grow on MY property (on which taxes are already paid) for MY own use. It won't be feeding the idea that the mere exposure of children to live cannabis plants is automatically somehow harmful.

I will accept the very same compromises as are in effect against those who brew their own beer, their own wine, mead, grow their own tobacco, vegetables, fruit, whatever. I will accept the same compromise as is found for these very same products sold in a market, i.e. a permitting and tax structure, with all the accouterments that go along with.

Seamaiden you start by vehemently stating you would accept no compromise but end by stating you would accept the same regs as home brewing and wine making. SO therefore you would compromise.

BTW Maturity isn't always age related I know plenty 50 to 60 year olds out in the night clubs trying to pick up the teens using a bag or two of powders for enticement. In this context maturity is the understanding you can't have everything your own way and yes as a grandmother I would expect you have seen enough negotiating to realise you can't get everything you want.

You could lok at the question diferently if the choice of wording brings out the inability to compromise. People often use the catchphrase "regulation not criminalisation". SO what regulations would you like to see replace the current system.

Cannabis isn't the only plant thats regulated so just going its a fucking plant is not an answer. Try importing flora or fauna to Australia and you will prbably find it easier to get drugs in.


:laughing: please tell us you are kidding.

What you don't see a difference between a gardener that stores there chemicals in the locked garden shed versus the boom of cannabis grows within the bedrooms in social housing estates by individuals that have no knowledge of the chemicals they use and some without even the ability to read the warnings.

You want to compare the demographic of those that are regular gardeners for lack of a better phrase with those that are part of the up surge in home cannabis gardens. Sorry but I find you the one thats laughable on that one or your deliberately trying to confuse the two because it is convenient.


Here is a link to the real uncompromising attitude of anti drug not gov


Paladin your for no compromise why claim the woman was stupid she has done nothing more than plenty peaople on here have done and store nutrients (PH UP) in the same house as children and is no different from the maturity, intelect level or social circumstances as many using this site or thousands of people who do grow in the UK.

Its very easy to come up with quippy comments such as no compromise or no deaths have ever been caused by cannabis but directed to an example of a death caused directly by the growing of cannabis and storage of dangerous chemicals within a household to then go OK its a stupid parent is deceiving yourself if you think 'no deaths' have ever been caused as a result of cannabis. There is a genuine cause for argument that sites like ICMAG actually fuel peoples anticipation of what they will gain if they grow cannabis and should when giving out information ensure that safety is a number one priority. If you want to be taken seriously as a mature contributor to the world then take responsibility for your actions and advice.

It is not either easy to come up with Quippies. I am really a un-compromising prick who has been grassed and harrassed over this plant.
you put up a straw man arguement ie; dead child, when the OP was compromise. Children needing proper supervision is not a Cannabis problem.
compromise? ok 2 guys 1 sack no scales. First guy splits the sack second guy gets to pick. Sound about right? compromise? I want the whole sack but will take an even deal.

Where have our enemies ever shown an honest attempt at compromise? They just take the whole sack and anything else that takes their fancy.

free the Weed is the compromise we Need


Yes but all of these gardening habits are generally carried out in a garden environment not in the home. The child died as a direct result of the parent growing cannabis and storing the chemicals to do so within the home and she is not alone in doing so.

Oh, come on. Really? When my boys were very young my home was filled to the brim with houseplants of all kinds. I also grew many flowering plants--pansies, African violets, petunias, that sort of thing. I *also* had a marine aquarium, and buckets that I had to keep inside the home. I had fertilizers for the plants, salt mix for the aquarium, all kinds of things the kids could have gotten into were they not minded. THAT is the key, were the kids minded or not? Not were the parents growing plants in the home or not. And guess what--I used quite a lot of cannabis back then, and it was years before the passage of Proposition 215, so I grew up in the culture of fear.

These arguments are logical fallacies that need to be addressed one by one, head on, and I am willing to do that here just as I do with someone from the general public, with a smile. :)

Seamaiden you start by vehemently stating you would accept no compromise but end by stating you would accept the same regs as home brewing and wine making. SO therefore you would compromise.
Are you familiar with the regulations and enforcement on home brewing and winemaking here in the U.S.? In essence, unless someone is trying to SELL it without proper permitting, licensure and taxation, they're left alone to brew and vint as they wish with zero interference from the government. Vegetable gardens...? Again, pretty much completely un-interfered with unless I plan to market them as certified organic. In fact, my state allows me to set up a farm stand on my property and sell what I grow on that property to the general public with no interference (I must declare the cash income, of course).

Therefore, THAT is the compromise I'm willing to make. Next..?
BTW Maturity isn't always age related I know plenty 50 to 60 year olds out in the night clubs trying to pick up the teens using a bag or two of powders for enticement. In this context maturity is the understanding you can't have everything your own way and yes as a grandmother I would expect you have seen enough negotiating to realise you can't get everything you want.
I have indeed, but I will always push for as much as I can get, because I also know through experience that you generally don't get what you don't ask for in terms of rights, ESPECIALLY in this context. I'm also likely more a veteran of the political world than most participating here.
You could lok at the question diferently if the choice of wording brings out the inability to compromise. People often use the catchphrase "regulation not criminalisation". SO what regulations would you like to see replace the current system.
I will reiterate my above post--those that are equivalent to home brewing and vintning and fruit and vegetable gardening. In other words, for all intents and purposes, none. As long as my activities don't infringe on my neighbors in any unique way (smell and chemicals do not count, nor does agriculture in my agricultural county, where we are specifically given the Right to Farm), I abide by the criminal laws and don't otherwise fail in my comport, there should be NO OTHER compromises I should, as a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen, be forced to make.

Cannabis isn't the only plant thats regulated so just going its a fucking plant is not an answer. Try importing flora or fauna to Australia and you will prbably find it easier to get drugs in.
Due to my background in the aquatic ornamental and exotic trade in the Los Angeles area, I am actually rather familiar with both the international laws, for example those regulating the movement of CITES protected species, and the laws of countries with which we may import or export animals. The reasons behind regulations in places like Australia, Hawai'i, Florida and California have more to do with the invasiveness and resulting fiscal impacts of the organism in question than anything else.

Next? :)
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Active member
its just a plant a special plant tho. just cause some dumb bitch left some ferts out and the kid croaked aint weed related.lots of poisons in the house. parents are supposed to put that stuff in a safe place. maybe if she had been a organic grower thing would of worked out better LOL


What you don't see a difference between a gardener that stores there chemicals in the locked garden shed versus the boom of cannabis grows within the bedrooms in social housing estates by individuals that have no knowledge of the chemicals they use and some without even the ability to read the warnings.

You want to compare the demographic of those that are regular gardeners for lack of a better phrase with those that are part of the up surge in home cannabis gardens. Sorry but I find you the one thats laughable on that one or your deliberately trying to confuse the two because it is convenient.

the only "demographic" that can be compared using the example of a kid getting his hands on poison is common sense V. completely stupid. the crop that we are growing has NOTHING to do with this particular set of parents being fools. i have a grandson running around so there are locks on the stuff that needs to be locked.it has zero to do with my favorite crop, so there is zero connection there. what i am doing is because 16 month olds are prone to do goofy shit.

what is "deliberately confusing" me is how easy you are connecting growing or consuming herb with this case of child endangerment.

by the same logic it would be really easy to say that religion leads to molestation, but a blanket statement like that would be a little over the top wouldn't it???:tiphat:

sorry about the "convenient" comparison


Wait... what? Legalization does not equal non-intervention or no regulation. In fact, legalization often leads directly to regulation. By your own examples, and there are more and more instances occurring every day because these large pharmaceutical companies staff governmental organizations like the FDA, NOT because people like us are trying to get cannabis legalized, or at the very least decriminalized.
That's correct imho, you summed it up more eloquently than me. And it scares the shit outta me. The track record sofar is abysmal, there's dozens of medicaments out there who literally don't do nothing besides having side-effects, ridiculous cures for nonexisting ills. Because the crooks build the system, and they run it. Now give them the additional option to market everything that makes fizz-boom-bang in your head or somehow feels nice or interesting.... like i said, scares the shit outta me. I'm not against legalization of most drugs, I'm against our corporatocrazy.


Repeal Cannabis & Hemp Prohibition Now!

Repeal Cannabis & Hemp Prohibition Now!

We were not put on this earth to "obey the government". Our government was instituted to serve the people! I am beginning to think that we need to come up with a different word to denominate the institutions we create for our general welfare. The very word "government" implies that we the people need to be controlled, when it is the "government" that needs controls. The constitutions was supposed to do that but something has gone very wrong!

Demand your natural, lawful and unalienable right to cannabis.GENESIS 11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. ” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Make It Lawful as god intended!!:wave: