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so, this is why women needed liberating.



1. Men Need Women, and This Need Gives Women Huge Influence. "Men are simple creatures who come from a woman, are nurtured and brought up by a woman, and yearn for the continued love, admiration, and approval from a woman." Women have great power and influence over men, and wives in particular have tremendous power over their husbands. How they use this power essentially controls the relationship, because women are the masters of most relationships and marriages.

2. Women Err in Favoring Children Over Husband. A friend once told this writer that once a woman has children, her husband is relegated to the moral equivalence of a piece of furniture. How sad if this is true in many marriages. "Once wives became mothers, they had no time to be wives. The men would even compliment their wives on being great mothers, but expressed considerable pain over not being shown love, affection, or sexual interest. The typical reply from a wife challenged with this was 'I only have time to take care of one person, and our child is that person. I'm just too tired for you.' This puts fathers in the ugly and uncomfortable position of feeling competitive with and resentful of their children, whom they love so much."

3. Men and Women Are Different. That men and women are deeply different ought not to be notable, but for the fact that it is so often challenged today. Society tries to make both men and women "unisex." But men are happiest being men, and women are happiest being women, with few exceptions. The differences start to manifest themselves very early. In one study a barrier was placed between 1 year-old babies and their mothers. What did the little boys do? They attempted to get around the barrier or knock it down. The little girls? They cried until their mothers' picked them up. Men tend to respond to things physically, women verbally. In fact, the two sexes are just right for each other.

4. Not Every Thought and Feeling Needs to be Said. Women tend to be so verbal, so expressive, that they can tire out men easily unless they exercise some restraint. Wives generally overwhelm their husbands with communication. "Husbands imagine (so foolishly) that their wives are telling them something they actually need to know because they're supposed to do something about it. Otherwise, men can't imagine why the 'communication' is happening at all. It confuses them, frustrates them, and their response is to turn off. That's when they unfairly become labeled insensitive." Husbands and fiances are not girlfriends or psychologists, and women who want attention should adjust their communication style accordingly when speaking with them.

5. Men Are Not Mind-Readers. Most men are not very intuitive compared to most women. Many women "get caught up in the absurdly romanticized notion that 'if he loved me, he'd just know what I'm thinking, what I'd like, what he should say.'" If a woman wants her man to do something, she should just ask him plainly, without nagging, and show appreciation when he does it. To act otherwise, as many women do, shows arrogance and lack of respect for the husband's difference, and it leads to unhappiness in the marriage and in the family.

6. Man Is an Embodied Soul. "Embodied soul" is a Catholic concept. But that concept is what underlies how important it is to a man that his wife try to keep up her appearance. What does it mean that we are embodied souls? It means that our bodies are integral parts of who we are. We are not just souls. Our bodies are not like clothing that we can take on or off. There was no time during which we had only souls and not bodies, and in eternity as well we will have bodies. It is through our bodies, in fact, that we communicate to our loved ones and to the rest of the world. One thinks of the beautiful line from the old Anglican marriage rite: bride and groom pledge to each other "with my body I thee worship." It is ironic, but in many cases men--sex-crazed pigs in the minds of many women--actually have a truer understanding of the beauty of the body and the meaning of the marital embrace than their wives do. "Objectification" may come as much or more from the woman's side as from the husband's if the woman sees her own body as being separate from rather than an integral part of herself. The wife's comfort with and appreciation of her own body and femininity, and her willingness to share that with her husband, actually feeds his sense of well-being, his feeling of being loved as a husband and valued as a 'man.'"

7. Infidelity by Omission. Brides and grooms make a number of vows, not only of sexual fidelity. Marital vows include and imply words like love, honor, protect, and care for. "[W]hen one breaches those vows by neglect, is that also not a form of infidelity? Perhaps we should start looking at the act of intentionally depriving a spouse of legitimate needs as infidelity, too, because it stems from being unfaithful to the intent of the vows."

8. In the Bedroom. "The bedroom is the foundation of marriage and family." St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei, that supposedly conservative institution within the Church, put it this way: "The marriage bed is an altar." Enough said?

9. Women Should Appreciate Men's Masculinity. A mom and a dad were wading with their infant child. Mom held the child against her chest, cooed to him, and swooped him up and down. She passed the baby to dad. He turned the baby's face outward and swooshed him forward and up into the air. "Mom equals protection and nurturance. Dad equals autonomy and adventure. It is the perfect balance that helps produce a functional, secure human being." Too many women, though, act like Alice Kramdens, constantly belitting their husbands, shooting down their aspirations, treating them like children. "When a wife treats her man like he's one of her children, when she puts him down or thwarts his need for autonomy, adventure, risk, competition, challenge, and conquest, she ends up with a sullen, unooperative, unloving, hostile lump."

10. Thou Shalt Not Covet. "thou shal not covet." Specifically, she understands it as a rebuke to people who want it all, especially feminists. "Perhaps the feminist notions about women having power if they do it all has obstructed too many women's ability to realize that in real life we all make choices, and that the true joy and meaning of life is not in how many things we have or do, but in the sacrifice and commitment we make to others within the context of the choices we've made. The Tenth Commandment, about coveting, reminds us that none of us can have everything there is nor everything we want. Without enjoying and appreciating our gifts and blessings, we create a hell on earth for ourselves and for those who love us."

- Laura Schlessinger
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Since we're tellin jokes here:

What's the smartest thing to ever come out of a womans mouth?
Albert Einstein's cock! :biglaugh: :muahaha:

In all seriousness though there are a lot of good points made in this thread.

It's hard to be a man in this world...It's hard to be a woman in this world...It's just plain hard to be a human.

My wife and I came to a little agreement.
I know she's the boss, and for most part it's because she makes better decisions than I do...but when we're in public, I get to act like I'm the boss :wink:


Active member
moose eater said:
The nice part about my marriage; I can repeat a joke like the one I wrote above, and she knows that I don't believe women are lesser, and she can laugh too...

I do the bills, my wife balances the check book. I cook the meals, my wife does most desserts. I do the laundry, and take care of the kids in the day time, my wife directs (an office) and does dishes. I design the building projects, my wife builds many of them. I plant the garden, build the raised beds, and mix the soil. Come harvest time, my wife is digging out root crops and cutting braches with the rest of us. We both do the weeding. I fall the trees, my wife mows the grass. I do most of the cross-country driving, and she helps me to stay awake when I haven't slept enough. I kill both the wild and domestic critters for the freezers, and she affords me the opportunity to do that

Expenditures on non-essentials and decisions re. our kids are made jointly, with consensus and support.

We talk. When ever we need to.

We're a partnership.

moose eater

Well put. However you forgot the part where you gotta pick up the dog doody before your wife will mow the lawn...or at least that's how it is here...I feel as if I somehow lost on that one.


Active member
I'm anxiously awaiting the day I can use my daughter as cheap slave labor, picking up a yard full of four large dogs shit is quite the task.

Props on finding a woman so dedicated and loving Moose.


Sunshine DayDreamer
moose eater said:
Thanks Laxpunker,

The transition and growth in a marriage is, in a general sense, in my opinion, not too unlike the transition that the womens' rights movement(s) has/is gone/going through; a desire to be a part of a unit, whether society or family, with one part or the other sometimes feeling unappreciated or taken for granted. A 'push-pull' can come out of what oughta' be a 'give and take,' sometimes resulting in what feels more like a tug-of-war.

I personally think that a good marriage comes out of working through those times of pushing and pulling, and not taking the easy way out and saying, "Screw you," and then each person taking the time to really hear what the other one is saying, and to honestly ask themselves what it is that they're doing that isn't what it could be.

Without that honest introspection on both persons' parts, and without a willingness to move forward with the best interests of each other in mind, what ever relationship is being discussed is somewhat doomed.

Both my wife and I have chosen to work through those times that we were each, in our own time, asking, "Why the hell am I here??" There were 'close calls.'

And the result is something that doesn't fit description well. We still sometimes have resentments, but we try to speak them; easier for one of us than the other at times.

Choosing to focus on the positive attributes in the other, and assuming that they're doing the same, and the best that they can do, is a big key, in my opinion.

moose eater

Very nice post moose and it makes me smile just hearing you describe such a wonderful working relationship that has value to you both.... I particularly liked the last part.... :respect:



Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
Verite said:
Thats why I posted the burka pic as a halfway joke with strong elements of truth.

If you think 1955 [ yes folks people actually though different 50+ years ago *shock* ] rhetoric was harsh for the times try being a feminist in the middle east, far east, well anyplace east of the US and you'll be met with anything but jokes.

Seriously though what did you expect of a 50 year old magazine designed for housekeeping women that was entirely produced by men? Articles about foreplay and g-spots?
High all! interesting point Verite. I'm not going to get into this one to deeply for fear of losing my cool. But I'll say two things, not in direct defense of the article, but for all to consider. JUST consider..
ONE, there is a definate reason(not just a spur of the monent idea) why dad runs off with the young secratary and divorices mom. This hurts the childern most!
TWO, having mom out of the house and working, hurts the childern most.
Just put that out there for consideration, I dont want to go off And spell all the horrible truths of our society. :badday: Peace and be safe, TBug


My little pony.. my little pony
Dad running off with the secretary and mom going to work hurts children the most?

I hate to spring a light on ya but neither of those things hurt children as much as emotional neglect. Your dad could run with 100 secretaries and mom could work 4 jobs, as long as they dont emotionally neglect the kids wheres all the harm?
TBug said:
ONE, there is a definate reason(not just a spur of the monent idea) why dad runs off with the young secratary and divorices mom. This hurts the childern most!
Wait a minute. Are you saying that dad runs off in an effort to hurt his children? Or maybe, that the cosequenses of dad running off is that the children hurt the most?
TWO, having mom out of the house and working, hurts the childern most.
Just put that out there for consideration, I dont want to go off And spell all the horrible truths of our society. :badday: Peace and be safe, TBug
I agree that it hurts the childs growth. I don't agree that it hurts them the most. I mean c'mon, I've got a friend that watched his mother shoot herself in the head. Splattered blood and brains all over him. He's still got the shirt

The most? No.



Sunshine DayDreamer
I do believe that what TBug was trying to say is that 'bad choices' by the parents can lead to neglect... whether it be a secretary, drugs, porn, a job, friends... anything that you put above your children can definantly lead to some sort of neglect of the child...

IMVHO it's all about Priorities and where your Children rank...

..... But lets' also add that 'bad choices' don't make one a bad person, but when you keep making the same ones with the same consequences, well, get a clue.... :D .....


I agree it would be nice for mom's to be stay-at-home moms, many professionals claim that a working mom hurts the kids...
What if the mom needs to work to pay the bills though, and save for the kid's school?
Is it worse for the kid to grow up in debt? or is it worse for the kid to grow up in a daycare or preschool while mommy is out busting her butt to provide a better future for the kid? Seems like a catch 22 almost nowadays
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New member
Flamengo said:
I agree it would be nice for mom's to be stay-at-home moms, many professionals claim that a working mom hurts the kids...
What if the mom needs to work to pay the bills though, and save for the kid's school?
Is it worse for the kid to grow up in debt? or is it worse for the kid to grow up in a daycare or preschool while mommy is out busting her butt to provide a better future for the kid? Seems like a catch 22 almost nowadays

Yes, but hurts the kids how? Are the downfalls of growing up in a family where neither parent is home full-time apparent to all involved, including the child, or are the effects subtle and buried deep beneath the surface?

I was a latchkey kid pretty much from the age of 10 on, and I'm thankful for it. Not to mention that, as you pointed out, the fact that both of my parents worked greatly contributed to our financial stability and is the sole reason I’m able to go to college and my father was able to go to medical school.


My little pony.. my little pony
Yeah but the nightly news just got a little easier to watch.



Active member
Adam is walkin through the garden of Eden one day and gazes upon the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. He asks, "God, what IS that?" God says, "That is woman, she will cook, clean, is concerned about you, will take care of you and the house, help rear the children, show you love and compassion, never complain or nag and will be forever faithful". Adam replies, "Wow, bet they are expensive, what does one cost?" God says, "An arm and a leg". To that Adam replies, " That's too much, what can I get for a rib?"

Haha had to tell that one, folks. Hope you got a smile out of it. IMHO, many women, once a child is born put all of their emotional energy into that child, leaving the husband to adjust and somehow find his way. It weakens the marriage in far too many cases. Most peeps put their children first, and although it is a noble act, to me, the marriage comes first for it is the basis, the foundation if you will, that supports the family. The balance, of course, can be painfully hard to find. It's a big adjustment, no doubt about that. Infidelity used to be a term men were labeled with. My how that has changed. I'm an Operations Supervisor and work with 700 people every day, mostly women. (15-1 ratio women-men) I get hit on constantly by married women who are dead serious in their intentions. The "Men are Pigs" cliche' is still repeated, but one thing for sure, we've got plenty of company. To me, we're all screwed up, men and women. The key is to find a hell of a lot of patience and understanding on both sides. Some men look for a woman to take care of them and become very lazy and abusive, some women just want a man with money and feel somehow "entitled" once they find one. I've seen both. Who is more screwed up? Dunno, but it makes for one hell of an interesting conversation. Hell, at this point, I'm asking myself what I'm doing in the woman's forum. Guess I'll go find the "Mens Forum". LOL, still looking for that one. I'm feeling a little opressed......haha. Take care folks, keep the jokes coming. They're hilarious. Peace to all. :wave:


I wish i could stay home, cooking, make the laundry, play with the kids. Wish i could find a woman take the financial part over her shoulders!!! :wave:


Active member
sahima said:
I wish i could stay home, cooking, make the laundry, play with the kids. Wish i could find a woman take the financial part over her shoulders!!! :wave:

Yeah because that is so easy right? That particular job, the homemaker/stay at home mom is a 24 hour a day 7 day a week job and you are always on call no matter where you go or what you do. And......the pay you get? hahahahahaha


Active member
Laxpunker said:
I'm anxiously awaiting the day I can use my daughter as cheap slave labor, picking up a yard full of four large dogs shit is quite the task.

feed youre dog a natrual diet. raw meat, veggies, and fruits. they will only shit 1 to 2 times a day(just like humans), but the great thing is that there poop doesn't stay there for weaks at a time. it turns white in about 2 days and when you step on it it turns to powder, not smushed between youre toes in the middle of the night. all dog food is, is wheat and meat bybroducts. if you ate nothin but fiber all day you would shit alot to.

MOOSE i'm with ya man, i love my wife very much, coudn't emagin the world without her. but at the same time theres benn times when you just want to shake the hell out of her(i have never hit a woman). i'm quite sure my wife feels the same way. we take the good with the bad and keep on goin(12 years strong). it is deff hard bein male, but in the same breath i'm glad i'm not female,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Yeah because that is so easy right? That particular job, the homemaker/stay at home mom is a 24 hour a day 7 day a week job and you are always on call no matter where you go or what you do. And......the pay you get? hahahahahaha

Having been a single parent of 2 babies I can honestly say Let me go to work and earn the money, my hat is off to any woman for taking that job. That's why I look at my wife as a Goddess, any woman who will marry a man who is raising 2 babies on his own and take over the mommy role of 2 kids that aren't hers plus a man child is a keeper in my eyes. When I think back to those days of being a single parent and meeting my wife and what she has done for us the term HEAVEN SENT suddenly makes perfect sense to me

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