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so, this is why women needed liberating.





Women have control over the relationship. They just have to realize that. Men only need sex and food. I think that is what those comments are referring to, that's just how men think. Men want to be the doers and feel responsible for the family. Give a man sex and food, and make him feel like the important man and he'll do whatever you want....he won't want to go out all night and stay late anywhere...

OK, beat me up now....


Active member
that is BRUTAL

its amazing how times change =)

i personally cant wait for the future when Fear and ignorance are all but diminshed

funny find tho, funny, but still sad. . .

much love


Now, at least, I can understand my Granny's Codine addiction. May she rest in peace.
And to any man that tries to justify even one word of that arcticle. This is the kind of thinking that caused the downfall of men everywhere. We need to keep ye happy? Why? So ye wont stay out all night and shag the first slut that "puts out". Fuck That Shit!! And I have to say, Im quite partial to food and sex too. But I dont expect my husband to spend his life keeping me fed and sexed. And I definatly wouldn't stay out all night if my dinner wasn't on the table or if he couldn't get it up. Are you really justified? Id like to think that most men would be embarrassed by this arcticle. So, cook your woman a crackin meal tonight and then shag her brains out. And say, "Thank you for being a beautiful woman with all the crap social pressures that weigh you down daily." Cause you know it's true. And we are all to blame...


The Tri Guy
lol, for a guy to go out and shag the first slut that puts out, he needs a woman to be that slut who puts out.


Well, we all know they are out there. Poor sluts who have been conditioned by society and media to measure their worth by how many guys think their good lookin enough to shag. Or he may get lucky and find a nypho on the prowl.
Flamengo said:
Women have control over the relationship. They just have to realize that. Men only need sex and food. I think that is what those comments are referring to, that's just how men think. Men want to be the doers and feel responsible for the family. Give a man sex and food, and make him feel like the important man and he'll do whatever you want....he won't want to go out all night and stay late anywhere...

OK, beat me up now....

That always worked on me...



I see. So things haven't changed as much as I thought. Silly girl... :pointlaug


My little pony.. my little pony
Nothing says liberation like a full burka and just shaved legs.



LOL where do you get these pics Verite? Shit, you are 'google picture's' whiz Muahahahahahahahha


Dont think you gave 100% there Verite, but still nice way to break the tension. :wink:
To be honest, Im siting here rather bewildered. I dont want to sound like a feminazi or anything like that, but I thought a group of free thinking smokers like ourselves would have a more realistic view of men and women and the roles we REALLY play. Food and Sex is that all we are to men? I was raised by my father since I was 3 with little female imput. Did someone forget to tell me something? Are men better than women? Err. Fuck dat shit!!! :angrymod:


My little pony.. my little pony
Thats why I posted the burka pic as a halfway joke with strong elements of truth.

If you think 1955 [ yes folks people actually though different 50+ years ago *shock* ] rhetoric was harsh for the times try being a feminist in the middle east, far east, well anyplace east of the US and you'll be met with anything but jokes.

Seriously though what did you expect of a 50 year old magazine designed for housekeeping women that was entirely produced by men? Articles about foreplay and g-spots?


Who wants to be a feminist? Didnt think there was a need for it anymore. Not in the "western world" anyway, and especially not on a web site dedicated to the weed.


Active member
How about a joke to lighten things up. Why don't women need licenses? Because there's no road from the kitchen to the....ok that one's probably in poor taste.


New member

Although I don’t know exactly what you mean when you say

Motley said:
There main complaints... men get treated like they're invisible, they get no deference, there's little eye contact

(Personally my ideal world is one without the burden of eye contact :woohoo: )

I agree with your post 110%. I think there is too much focus on gender and not enough on how people should treat each other (or demand to be treated). We should be focusing more on our common humanity rather than our differences (some of which are a product of biology, some a product of society). Focusing too much on “women’s liberation” or “men’s liberation” only reinforces the “us-vs.-them” mentality which is far too prevalent.

Mr. Nevermind

Laxpunker said:
How about a joke to lighten things up. Why don't women need licenses? Because there's no road from the kitchen to the....ok that one's probably in poor taste.

well i got one.

How many men does it take to mop a floor?

None, its a womens job.

Sorry thats was bad.



What's the difference between Big Foot and intelligent man?
Big Foot's been spotted a several times.

What's the smartest thing a man can say?
"My wife says..."

What's the quickest way to a man's heart?
Straight through the rib cage.

Why are all dumb blonde jokes one liners?
So men can understand them.

Why can't men get mad cow disease?
Because they're all pigs.

Why did God create man before woman?
Because you're always supposed to have a rough draft before creating your masterpiece.

Why do jocks play on artificial turf?
To keep them from grazing.

Why do little boys whine?
Because they are practicing to be men.

Why do men like smart women?
Opposites attract.

Why is psychoanalysis a lot quicker for men than for women?
When it's time to go back to his childhood, he's already there.

Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and good looking?
They all already have boyfriends.

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