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so... Sleep Apnea ,Hyperventilation_syndrome or lung cancer?


I have one of these apparently

but I smoke weed obviously so a guy told me I have Hyperventilation_syndrome that it's common between weed smokers.

So yeah guys did anyone have this hyperventilation syndrome here?

I never coughed not even a tiny bit of blood and quoting wiki:
The most common symptoms are shortness of breath, coughing (including coughing up blood), and weight loss.[2]

I don't have any of those.

But I do think I have Hyperventilation_syndrome or sleep apnea since 2 years ago.

Any of you guys have any experience in this?


if you have none of the symptoms why do you think you have the disease?

oops I didn't mention it.

When I go to sleep, sometimes I loose air just when I'm about to fall asleep and feel like I'm going to pass out from no air, just like forgetting breathing, then I inhale and everything's fine, happens only when I go to sleep, never during day.
I never pass out in the end. This happens around 2-3 times a month now for 2 years.

Or maybe Asthma ... def. have 1 of these 4 ...

alot of overweight folks seem to have sleep apnea. are ya overweight? my bro in law has it

I'm not really overweight at all. Have a small belly but far from overweight.


sounds like sleep apnea, cant remember which kind though. pretty sure theres three. that wouldnt be the one caused by being overweight though, which is typically caused by an obstruction in your breathing due to fatty tissue.


Here's a list off the 10 worst diseases for you to google ,maybe if you don't have any symptoms you got em all !

10. The Black Death
75 million Deaths

9. Polio
10,000 Deaths since 1916

8. Smallpox
Native Americans suffer a population drop from 12 Mil. to 235,000

7. Cholera
12,000 Deaths since 1991

6. Ebola
160,000 Deaths since 2000

5. Malaria
2.7 Million Deaths per year-2800 children per day

4. Bubonic Plague
250 Million Europeans Dead (1/3 population)

3. Spanish Flu
Between 1918-19: 50-100 Million dead

2. Influenza
36,000 Deaths per year

25 Million since 1981


sounds like sleep apnea, cant remember which kind though. pretty sure theres three. that wouldnt be the one caused by being overweight though, which is typically caused by an obstruction in your breathing due to fatty tissue.

yah I am almost 100% sure it's sleep apnea...
lung cancer usually happens after 50's with long time smokers...
I'm 28 and haven't been smoking for a really long time...
Will go to a DOC, but I hate docs. So yeah trying to figure out what I have with da netz/people on the net...
I am probably visiting a doctor today tho.. And tell him my issue..
will report back when I find out what I have..
sleep apnea is 99% or maybe that other thing you get from smoking weed.
hey guys go easy on this, it's my first disease in my life, I don't like this at all, and you're trying to troll me. not nice.


Parker Schnobel
Tomorrow is another day,I am sure more members will post before then with relative answers to your original post.Take it easy Bro,I hope you have a good night.Bob


I haven't been refering to you mate

Tomorrow is another day,I am sure more members will post before then with relative answers to your original post.Take it easy Bro,I hope you have a good night.Bob

Yeah night would be awesome if I wouldn't have this worry.

Thanks to whoever mod cleaned up that troll.

I'm sure some people with experience on this matter will pop in sooner or later.


Active member
The mind is a powerful drug. Chill out, dont smoke them strong sativas all of the time, and separate your mind from your body. Think to yourself, "If my conscious thought is undamaged and operational then my impermanent body is of no significance to me". Think it, believe it. The results are amazing.


yah I am almost 100% sure it's sleep apnea...
lung cancer usually happens after 50's with long time smokers...
I'm 28 and haven't been smoking for a really long time...
Will go to a DOC, but I hate docs. So yeah trying to figure out what I have with da netz/people on the net...
I am probably visiting a doctor today tho.. And tell him my issue..
will report back when I find out what I have..
sleep apnea is 99% or maybe that other thing you get from smoking weed.
hey guys go easy on this, it's my first disease in my life, I don't like this at all, and you're trying to troll me. not nice.
Doesn't sound like obstructive sleep apnea, maybe central apnea?

A doc can find out pretty easily, and it's not a big deal. Really.

But here's the thing... If it is apnea, and you don't get it treated, you *will* die sooner. Your chance of stroke and heart attack rise dramatically. It runs in my family, so I've seen first-hand how untreated apnea affects people. And it's not just overweight people, either. Here's a good website about sleep apnea.

I know you hate doctors, most of us do, but get it checked out. Whether it's sleep apnea or something else, this shit is nothing to fool around with or ignore. You owe it to yourself, for peace of mind if nothing else, to find out what the deal is.

Best wishes!!!

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Active member
you can be tested for sleep apnea

i had the test because i have it,getting to grips with the mask used to treat it is a whole different thing though i couldnt settle with them it drove me nuts.



Doesn't sound like obstructive sleep apnea, maybe central apnea?

A doc can find out pretty easily, and it's not a big deal. Really.

But here's the thing... If it is apnea, and you don't get it treated, you *will* die sooner. Your chance of stroke and heart attack rise dramatically. It runs in my family, so I've seen first-hand how untreated apnea affects people. And it's not just overweight people, either. Here's a good website about sleep apnea.

I know you hate doctors, most of us do, but get it checked out. Whether it's sleep apnea or something else, this shit is nothing to fool around with or ignore. You owe it to yourself, for peace of mind if nothing else, to find out what the deal is.

Best wishes!!!


thanks for the post

ya man I think I'm going to tell the doc today the situation.. hope they work in the morning.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I'm 36, and I've had sleep apnea for years. I got it officially diagnosed last year. Smoking weed doesn't cause it. Being high (mostly from edibles) at night keeps it mostly under control, along with sleeping on my side in my case. That's what they found from the sleep study, anyway. Sleeping on my side, I only wake up a few times an hour. Sleeping on my back, I stop breathing and wake up once a minute on average. Knowing that, I can get a mostly good night's sleep now just getting high and sleeping on my side.

You won't know the details of your situation until you go to the doctor for a sleep study. It's uncomfortable for one night, but it's worth it. This isn't something where you can figure out all the details on your own.