Devil's Advocate
does everything that happens in our lives need to be put on the internet?
its like having a jury for every decision we make... no offense, but please have the guts to make your own choices every once in a while.
ps violence (mental or physical) is never the answer
Sometimes people don't have a base of info or experience upon which to make their decisions. I personally think it is better to vent and ask questions on the internet than to make a stupid snap decision. After all, that is essentially what the net is for, creating a place where we can all share info to make eachother better off. Who are you to decide whether or not it was a good idea for the OP to make a post about something he was unsure about?
and PSS, violence is the answer when someone is getting ready to be violent against you. If every pacifist let themselves be killed off by the cavemen of the world, all that would be left is the cavemen. If you are against violence from a self-defense standpoint, you've gone too far.
Not trying to be a dick, but I saw some blatant nonsense going on.