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So my neighbor just pounded on my wall...


Devil's Advocate
does everything that happens in our lives need to be put on the internet?
its like having a jury for every decision we make... no offense, but please have the guts to make your own choices every once in a while.

ps violence (mental or physical) is never the answer

Sometimes people don't have a base of info or experience upon which to make their decisions. I personally think it is better to vent and ask questions on the internet than to make a stupid snap decision. After all, that is essentially what the net is for, creating a place where we can all share info to make eachother better off. Who are you to decide whether or not it was a good idea for the OP to make a post about something he was unsure about?

and PSS, violence is the answer when someone is getting ready to be violent against you. If every pacifist let themselves be killed off by the cavemen of the world, all that would be left is the cavemen. If you are against violence from a self-defense standpoint, you've gone too far.

Not trying to be a dick, but I saw some blatant nonsense going on.


does everything that happens in our lives need to be put on the internet?
its like having a jury for every decision we make... no offense, but please have the guts to make your own choices every once in a while.
I don't understand this. I ask various forums for their collective opinions on all sorts of things before I make major(and minor sometimes)decisions. Why not? It's an incredible, never-ending resource of people and information!


hey rab lets keep this civil man i'm not tryin to start a fight...
i'm just wondering what will happen to some of these people when there is a life-altering decision at stake and there isn't wifi...

i'm all for enlightenment but shit, when it comes to dealing with people, rude or not, didn't most of us learn the ropes when we were 10ish?

saying this person is 18+, i just find it hard to believe "shit something happened in my apt! i gotta let the internet know... they'll know what to do" is the most health approach

i know this is the den.... blah blah blah its all IMHO


Active member
i'm all for civil talk

when the time comes where people can't have access to information, people will have no choice but to deal with
and if they can't that's too bad

we should be able to talk about what we want

didn't we all learn the ropes when we we're 10 ?
there is always new things to learn about people, new situations etc.

I see what you mean, that it's better to deal with shit on our own

they say you learn from mistakes, but sometimes mistakes are very costly

and if people want to share their life with common minded people, then I think that it just brings us closer

like I said, there's nothing wrong with trying to make enlightened decisions

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Devil's Advocate
i'm just wondering what will happen to some of these people when there is a life-altering decision at stake and there isn't wifi...
Then they will make the decision without the net, and hopefully their experiences from before will come in handy. It's not like it is a crutch that is required after its used even once. You are smarter for all the times you were using the internet to make decisions.

when it comes to dealing with people, rude or not, didn't most of us learn the ropes when we were 10ish?
LOL, everybody's different, man.

i just find it hard to believe "shit something happened in my apt! i gotta let the internet know... they'll know what to do" is the most health approach
I'm sure he gave it some thought on his own before coming here, ya know? Fact is, from his first post, it's obvious that maybe this is his first apt and would like to see if anyone who has more experience has learned from their mistakes so that he doesn't have to make them on his own. I'm with it.

Personally, I don't see why people on the internet feel like they have to chime in about what they consider to be "unnecessary" things that people post. Can you either help, or shut up? I'm sure you thought your commentary was necessary here, but maybe you need to start a thread about what the perfect thread is to you.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Personally, I don't see why people on the internet feel like they have to chime in about what they consider to be "unnecessary" things that people post. Can you either help, or shut up? I'm sure you thought your commentary was necessary here, but maybe you need to start a thread about what the perfect thread is to you.

I agree completely, if you think something is unnecessary, don't read it and don't post about it. People couldn't care less about how necessary you think something is. If you find it to be a waste of your/their time to post such things, DON'T REPLY!


I am curios to how you know what crack smells like and I would imagine that you are wrong about smelling it.

If you did they had to be cooking it not smokeing it, which would explain the Audis


its called respect little boy! you share a wall with a neighbor in an apartment. bass in omnidirectional and you cant tell how far it travels.

what never seems to amaze me is the little immature dickholes who think they are in the right for having loud music!

if only some little prick like you would come to my door after i banged on his wall for loud music........... :pointlaug

You really represent the Bay Area well don't you? You must have failed english 101 because I said the music was at a normal medium level.

I suppose if you were my neighbor that smokes crack I could always report you and the random cars that come in at night to the complex to the landlord?

Way to paint a picture of yourself as a douchebagnozzlecumguzzler.

Quiet time is 9pm-9am I was playing music at 11am.

The reason I made the post was to see if its normal to pound on neighbors walls intstead of walking 15 feet over to their door and having a civil chat.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Leave him be, if he has an issue he can take it up with the landlord and the landlord can give you a noise complaint. I wouldn't sweat it at all until then.

I have a neighbor who did the same thing, she pounded on our walls for TALKING in our bed. I simply stood up on my bed and used my forearm to slam into the wall a good 5+ times right after her. I never heard a peep from her since.

Sometimes a strong defense IS a strong offense BUT if you grow and then the neighbor might be LOOKING for reasons to rat on you. I HATE apts and the rats that live in em.

Guest 18340

Was listening to Metallica at a medium level, not loud. Next thing I know I have some idiot pounding on the shared wall (apartment).

Should I go over there and kick his face in for being rude? Ignore? lol. Some people never amaze me.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Not if you're growing in your apt.
Either way, no need for violence. I'm not above beating the shit outta someone, (I did 5 straight years in prison for that), but only when it's the only solution:joint:


Active member
I am curios to how you know what crack smells like and I would imagine that you are wrong about smelling it.

If you did they had to be cooking it not smokeing it, which would explain the Audis

i never smoked it.. but I remember some people I was with we're smoking a powder laced spliff and it smelled like strawberry incense

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Medium level....Metallica??? He was definately asking you to turn it up.

Headbanging dog, turn it up!
Then call the cops and say he's making noise and disturbing your peace..
The cops will come and bother him LMAO and he'll get what he asked for.
Same shit happened to me at like 1:00 in the afternoon, fucking bullshit if you ask me, if you live in an apartment, you must put up with noise until 10:00pm. when the noise rule starts...Fuck anyone who says they need to sleep at daytime, that's BS, they should not live in an APartment..

Motherfuckers rent lower units, then complain my young kids upstairs are walking around and jumping too much, how fucken ridiculous, what do you expect, no kids to live in apartments?. Go rent a fucken place at the temple up the mountain if you want peace and quiet. Apartments are not quiet places FOLKS..

rant off LOLOLOLOL:yeahthats


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
So my neighbor just pounded on my wall...

so settle it nicely or next time while you're rockin'
& a tokin' he just might call the cops instead.......



if its in the middle of the day, and its not thumping the whole building, i dont see a problem with playing semi-loud music. but i wouldnt get all pissed and contemplate kicking someone's face in over it, either.

if there is a grow on site, you better be dr huxtable playing jazz at low volumes n shit.


ICMag Donor
Was listening to Metallica at a medium level, not loud. Next thing I know I have some idiot pounding on the shared wall (apartment).

Should I go over there and kick his face in for being rude? Ignore? lol. Some people never amaze me.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Headphones for stealth

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