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so guns and growing=bad...



what about weapons in general? A friend of mine introduced me to bow hunting and it seems fun, so far. Anybody know anything about owning a bow or similar weaponry relative to grow laws?



Ripped since 1965
It's ONLY FIREARMS, you can have bows, crossbows, killerdogs, knives, swords, axes, spears, bballbats, crocs, snakes and mean old ladies etc.


I think it's really more for handguns, automatic weapons...etc. A crossbow is a lot different from a .45, especially if you have a lisence and live in an area where you can hunt. My buddy who does his thing has a bunch of firearms but they're all for hunting purposes.


talk to your attorney. what, you hypothetically grow in the us and don't have an attorney you can ask questions? that's pretty dangerous if you ask me.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Didn't know crossbows were legal. Some ways more dangerous than firearms.

Yep - crossbows are legal. At least in Oregon for deer, elk, etc. hunting. It's a very popular sport as bow hunters are allowed to begin the hunting season earlier than hunters using rifles. The elk season starts next month! Yay!




It's ONLY FIREARMS, you can have bows, crossbows, killerdogs, knives, swords, axes, spears, bballbats, crocs, snakes and mean old ladies etc.


what about weapons in general? A friend of mine introduced me to bow hunting and it seems fun, so far. Anybody know anything about owning a bow or similar weaponry relative to grow laws?


Dude, you need to check YOUR STATE's laws specifically. They will be online, just search for ______ (state's name) annotated statutes on google and start looking.


Those dudes that want to kick in your back door aren't expecting indians... you should pose as a Cowboy and shoot their asses. Guns are only bad if you expect your home to get raided by cops, it's good if you are protecting yourself, make sure that firearm isn't in plain view when you are away from home, burgulars could use your weapon against you.
I would just keep the bow at your friends house. Just my take on thing. I would rather play it safe than sorry. Now if your an avid hunter and have dear heads hanging on your wall and such, registers buck tags and a subscription to bow hunters monthly ...a good lawyer can get the penalty lowered, but why give them more ammunition at sending your ass to jail longer. A bow probably wouldn't get that much attention as a crossbow would. Generally Guns and grows don't mix. Well when they do = stiffer penalty. Grower A gets popped 3 years. Grower B gets popped with the same setup and guns on the premise 6 years. I would contact a local lawyer if you really want to keep in in your home. I think a bow would pretty small potato on the whole scheme of things, but don't let johnny law get any competitive edge when it can be pretty simply be avoided.

I have ice climbing axes....and yes they could be probably considered weapons. I have them crated up in with all my hiking, camping, climbing gear....but If they were taped to the back of the door......johnny law would definitely be able to make a case for a stronger sentence. So there is some truth to bats and knifes posing stiffer penalties.


ICMag Donor
Actually, has this been tested since the Supreme Court ruled the Second Amendment a Right versus a privilege? Just wondering if they are still using this to prosecute?
