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So guess what's in my bong


Rice. Yeah. My friend thought it would be a good idea to try and use rice grains to help clean out the bong because he saw it in the internet or something. I normally just use alcohol and kosher salt but he suggested throwing some rice in there also. I told him we really didn't need to do that but he still thought it would be a good idea. So I ran to the grocery store and when I got back he had started cleaning the bong and he put a little rice in there. Bad idea. I immediately bitched him out for doing it and pointed out to him why it was a bad idea. Now there is rice stuck in my percolator chamber. I guess he didn't notice that all the cleaning mixes that involved rice were used on bongs without a percolator. Apparently he used some 10 minute insta-rice or some shit and now it won't come out - it's just bloated and soft. I'm hoping that it will eventually break down but I came here anyway since I really couldn't find another instance of this via Google. Anyone have any ideas? I could try soaking it in boiling water, alcohol or something else maybe? This could take quite some time but I'm hoping eventually it could come out.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i would boil some water and shoot it in there and let it sit, eventually the rice will become very soggy and you can probably wash it out. sorry to hear that man, i hope you slapped your friend for that one! iso and salt is the best that i have found. good luck!


Yeah, wow thanks for the quick response you two. I'll be letting it soak for as long as possible in different solutions I suppose. I was thinking it should eventually come out. I'm thinking of riding to his house and slapping him as soon as he opens the door. Oh well, lesson learned. Never let anyone else clean the bong. I usually just use salt + ISO also but for some reason he thought he needed to change it up. He probably just didn't really know how to do it and tried to wing it.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
you could always get some chinese food and smoke your rice bong and then eat the chinese food????? should go well together!


Haha, yeah. I've been forced to use my little bowl now as the bong sits in the sink soaking. I almost contemplated smoking out of it with the rice in there but I didn't know how that would go.


Registered Cannabis User
I think I'd let it sit and get dry and see if you cant poke it out then. bol either way you go about it

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
soak it in hot water with a whole bunch of cheap malt vinegar in it...should help the rice break down faster
Oh and erm, tell ur friend not to touch uir nong again when ur not there...
lucky u with the perc....EDIT have had my money since march but the bloody bong(Weed star elevator1-double pec-tree perc) i ordered got screwed up in thr factory.... now theyre telling me it will come in stock in mid may ...
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i would just let it dry up see if falls away
maybe even hydrogen peroxide it would probably help break down the rice cause rice isn't clean enough u know i dunno i'm high give it a try
can't hurt it anymore
good luck peace


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Cannazym should turn it into mush in a day or two..that is what it is for ....

Take some pics, we need a rice dissolve report for a change. For some reason all people round here seem to post up is pictures of some funny looking tomato plants.



I had this EXACT same problem this summer with my Roor perc. After many trials and deliberations, including keeping the bong in a double boiler whilst pouring boiling water into it, I've found the easiest way.


I got the gel, put it in, let it sit 15 min, rinse in tub w/ hot water. Then iso it.

You're welcome.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Tronic said:

I had this EXACT same problem this summer with my Roor perc. After many trials and deliberations, including keeping the bong in a double boiler whilst pouring boiling water into it, I've found the easiest way.


I got the gel, put it in, let it sit 15 min, rinse in tub w/ hot water. Then iso it.

You're welcome.

very genious!!!!!!

i hear draino bong water fucks you up!!!! bleach works too!!!

(dont use draino for bong water! comedic purposes only, i dont want someone to smoke draino and blame me!!!)
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Registered Cannabis User
^^^^hahaha endo... while I was readin that I was like..is this guy serious!?!?! then I saw you were joking and I felt much better. I thought you were one messed up cat for a second. haha


Oh wow, thanks everyone. Didn't think I'd get this much response. I'll have to make a run to the store to pick up some more chemicals to use. I was thinking drain cleaner but I wasn't sure (thanks for clearing it up.) Cannazym, eh? That sounds like it would be a good idea. I just wish I had some. I guess I'll stick with the hot water/draino/malt vinegar/peroxide deal and keep soaking. Maybe I can get some pictures of it, lol. I should definitely keep her out of reach when I go out next time. I don't mind so much, I know he was just trying to help. I assumed some how it could be fixed so that's why I wasn't as mad at him as I could be. Now if he would've broken it or done something else to it, I would've already punched him in the face. Live and learn :joint: Thanks again for all the help, everyone.


Sneak attack critical
Chances are, the rice won't just fall away...

It's a starch, which are full of glutens and are hella-sticky when dry(ing).
I think your best bet would be to use a solvent of some sort. Draino sounds intense, but would probably work, seeing how rice is an organic solid.

Either way, party foul on your friend. He should sit out the next round of bingers for ignoring your wishes as the owner of the bong...

For future reference, I've never had dirty glass that 90% iso alcohol and kosher salt couldn't handle.


panopticist said:
Either way, party foul on your friend. He should sit out the next round of bingers for ignoring your wishes as the owner of the bong...

For future reference, I've never had dirty glass that 90% iso alcohol and kosher salt couldn't handle.

Yeah, he got a red flag on the play. Definitely a party foul. He's been banned from touching it until further notice. I haven't run into a mess yet that 90%/kosher salt can't fix but for some reason it wasn't enough for him. Now he knows, haha. And I know better, also. No more letting others clean it.

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