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We were on our way to make some plays (we had to drive kinda far). A whie after driving we see flashing lights behind us. FUCK. When that happened Snype told me to delete everything in my cell phone and handed me a wad of cash and said 'i'm going to jail'. Before the cop was able to make it to the car window snype gave me the run down. he said he'd probably spend the night in jail and i should take a cab back home to take care of the plants. We knew the car was getting searched b/c snype has had a suspended license since i've known him. So the cop asked for snypes license and as snype was handing it to him he said it was suspended. Then another cop car came and they separated me and snype :( The cop asked me if i had a license but i only have a permit which sucks b/c it seemed like he would have let me drive.. Then I hear the cop screaming at Snype about our age difference. Next, the car is being searched and after they popped the trunk i see Snype run up and slam the trunk shut and say "you can't search my trunk"! Snype was supposed to stay seated so when that happened a cop tackled him to the ground and put his knee into the back of snypes head pushing his face in the cement. I started screaming at the cop! i couldn't even help it. When i saw snype's face.. i'll be honest i started crying. it looked FUCKED up. I wanted to hurt that cop.. So after snype is cuffed and put in the cop car. The cop pops the trunk again and i hear 'BINGO! what to we have here!?" His voice was just dripping with happiness. So they found everything. The cop pulled me aside and asks if i knew that stuff was in the car. i say no. he asks if there is anything else in the car. i say i didn't know there was anything in the car to begin with so i wouldn't know. (there wasn't anything else). Then he asks why there are bags of soil in the trunk. i say his mom gardens. The cop quickly searched my bag (i had nothing ilegal) Then they drove me down the street and i called a taxi. I had to pay almost $200! I got dropped off a good walk from the house.
So now i am home by myself waiting. Me and snype have talked about shit like this happening so we are ready and know our parts. He said not to worry and the plan for him to get out will be in place and i don't have to worry about bailing him out and it will already be arranged. I'm still bugging out though. what if the plan wasn't in place this time..? what if something goes wrong!? There is no connection to this house so i am safe here. But is there something i should be doing? did i miss something? i'm so fucked up in the head right now. what a fucking day.

oh and after i checked on the plants i picked up my cat b/c i needed some love. She is in heat and fucking attacked me.


I feel for you, cops are ugly people. Good Luck to you & yours.


Active member
HOLY SHIT! that fucking blows. hope all is well. i'm sure he is fine. the laws for possession where you are..are super lenient. how much did he have if you don't mind me asking.

best wishes.

p.s. snype is a really good guy.


Crap, hopefully they can throw out the search but driving with a suspended license its probable cause to search your car. That completely sucks, hopefully they wont come search your house now. I would get rid of anything at the house grow related, hopefully your grow is not at you home, it makes it harder to get a search warrant, if they dont know where they are looking...


HOLY SHIT! that fucking blows. hope all is well. i'm sure he is fine. the laws for possession where you are..are super lenient. how much did he have if you don't mind me asking.

best wishes.

p.s. snype is a really good guy.
Thanks.. we have a good amount.. we were making a few plays. :(

Crap, hopefully they can throw out the search but driving with a suspended license its probable cause to search your car. That completely sucks, hopefully they wont come search your house now. I would get rid of anything at the house grow related, hopefully your grow is not at you home, it makes it harder to get a search warrant, if they dont know where they are looking...
there is nothing to connect us to the spot i'm at.

hope all turns well, sounds like he was prepared.
thanks & ya except the soil..

okiedope, eddiesaw, and cannatopia thanks for your support :)

here is what the cat did to me..
Hang in there - follow the plan, and say nothing. Hit some herb, get some sleep.

New day will bring new info, let's us know, OK?

That cat would be a gone in my house, no-one carves me up like that except Magda, and only when she's been drinkin' (j/k)


JESUS... and i'm not religious!

My stomach just sank when reading this... I don't give a flying fuck... just immoral to commit this shit an another human being for the sake of marijuana... this is just fucked up.

Man, sending you as much good karma as I can.

You seem to have all the bases covered. Please don't forget to take pictures of his condition as soon as he is released... all scares, bruises, cuts, etc. Give it all to your lawyer.

Sending you some vibes!


Holy shitcicles!!! The only upside to all of this is that it sounds like Snype was prepared to dance if things went down like the Hindenburg.

Follow the plan(s) you two worked out. I'm sending good vibes FWIW. Keep us in the loop....we're all concerned about you both.

Hopefully it all goes smoothly with minimal complications.....in the meantime take a breather.....have a couple of bong hits.....and try to relax until more details are clear.


Courage is not the absence of fear, it is in controlling it.

Sit tight and hang tough! He trusts and has faith in you! Follow the plan he would expect you to follow...for now! But, watch for his lead and and be ready to change gears on the fly.

May you both burn a big fat one just so you can laugh your asses off about the oven fresh cat!


The cat did not mean any harm, it could sense there was something wrong. Wishing you guys the best of luck and good karma.

good drown

damn that sucks
i'd get out of that house and stay in a hotel for a few days, assuming you have any cash after the piggies took everything.

Grass Lands

I feel your pain sister...me and Garden Angel will be sending good vibes and karma your way...

One thing though..maybe think about deleting those pics of the cat attack...in a sense they can and would be evidence if they can link you somehow...


Active member
ICMag Donor
police brutality sucks !! man we have a cop in our town who is into ufc fighting and i swear he practices on duty!

dont worry karma is on your side .


natural medicator
really sad news. best wishes to snype. hoping the plan works out and he is out on bail soon. looks like your cat did a number on ya.
try to stay relaxed but ready to act
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