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Snitches.....enemy #1!!!


Active member
I am the most peaceful person ever, and would do ANYTHING for anyone. I LOVE people, but snitches are not people. I love people, and talk to almost everyone I come into contact with......I really care about humanity. But snitches are not part of that...they would slit your throat in a secone. I would rather die, than snitch....I would protect life, they ruin it. It is difficult for me to comprehend that anyone could want to extend love and compassion, to a snitch. But then, if you have never lost your children, your home, your pets, your business, your family pictures, mementos from your children's birth, birthdays, youe whole life....then you cannot understand. Snitches are not HUMANE, and they deserve no quarter........I am the most loving peaceful person ever, but I have nothing but hatred and contempt for the cocksucker. If that makes me a bad person, I'll live with that. One thing I abhor, is the softening attitudes toward snitches. They ruin lives to save their own.


Sorry BuildAforest but you are not seein the trees...that 'let karma take care of em' mentality is what has lead to this epidemic..my name is BadKarma
A snitch gets popped right.. Can't take responsibility for his actions, passes it off to you...

We're all big boys here, not like shits been flipped overnight, consequences for our actions in this game are there, you take responsibility for your actions before you get into this shit, everything else is just commentary..

And you direct your emotions to the messenger, not the root, yourself... Are we suddenly surprised that the law says something contrary to our "rights" and "wrongs"? I pray your enemies can find it to show understanding, love and forgiveness.

All I see are 2 parties Unwilling to take responsibility for their actions, right or wrong.


My snitch did not get popped brudda...he called them up n used them as a tool because he was not man enough to handle me...All I did was fuck his X slut..better....way better..
I took my responsibilty like a man..I whined and payed out the ass!!

All I see is someone like trich said has never had SQAT in their home masterbaitin in their porn and leavin it in the kids room,smashin shit and fuckin stealin....
All because some pindick had his little feelins hurt???? you think him and I are the same???

The only reason I marked you post helpful???was as a Bad example


Active member
Builtaforest, I guess you are talking about me, when you say you see "2 parties unwilling to take responsibility". And that is your opinion, and you are welcome to it. But my opinion is far different. And of course, it would be. I am speaking from experience, and you are speaking from your very kind, albeit, ignorant heart. I don't mean ignorant, like a dumbass, I mean ignorant, like you have never experienced what we are talking about. A part of me would like you to understand the pain these low life's have wreaked upon our lives, but you can't. This softening attitude towrds snitches, reflects a general softening all around, and maybe you should not grow, cause soft translates to weak, to alot of people. While I admire your ability to forgive all, this life dictates a firmer attitude. I also feel, and I said so on the positive rep I gave you, is that you must never say, ever, that you would "throw someone under the bus". I am a very positive person, and there is nothing positive about that statement......just foolish. Obviously, you are a youngster, and because I am such a FORGIVING person, as are all the other good souls, that have posted here, I will forgive you (for your very ignorant, and inexperienced position). You can't understand how we feel, so don't act like Yummybud, and try to get a shit response from anyone. We are all about love for humanity......but like I said, nothing humane, about a snitch!!!!!!


Active member
i make sure people that dont know me, Dont know me, till i trust them.

and usually at first glance i have them figured out.

people give off vibes, if it aint 100% friendly, i dont come near and even when its 100% friendly i keep a certain distance till im sure. (might be 100% friendly, but that only means we talk friendly, friendly aint a friend.)

know about my grow?


what would be the purpose of that?



though, on instinct, ive told people about the grow, years back. and these people are growing now. (dont know them anymore though, just had a feeling they would grow and be ok, didnt have an actual interest in hanging though and they dont know where i live now

but then again, i just run the risk of a fine if caught. smalltime grower.

and these people i knew to be heavy smokers and very interested in growing and only needed a push (good people too))

but thats rare rare occurances.


its none of people fucking concern that i grow.

and actually , in the future, i seriously doubt i would let anyone know of the grow, though i might help someone to start to grow.


Active member
As for me bringing this on myself, once again, Builtaforest, you have no insight, and know not of what you speak. ANYBODY that is doing something illegal, and growing is illegal, according to FED law, are exposed to the wide world of snitchery. No matter how tight your quilt may be, there is always a loose string. And once again, your inexperience in this matter is blatantly obvious, or you would understand that anybody that has been snitched out, goes over EVERY LITTLE MISTAKE, over and over again, with all the free time, they find they have. I SHRED myself every day I wake up, without the benefit, of my children's beautiful smiles. I go over and over what I could have done differently, better, right!!!! But, I still would have given my snitch cuts, helped him tighten his grow, gave him avid when he had mites, and helped he and his lady, plan their wedding. Yeah, I would still do all of that, and KINDNESS is my flaw. I live with that every day, while I rack my brain trying to figure how can we survive, how am I going to get this lump in my breast checked, how am I going to afford to pay for insulin, and blood glucose test strips? Will I ever see my kids again, and will they have somewhere to lay their heads, cause home is gone, the dogs are gone, and so am I? And I brought all this chaos to my life, and to the lives of my children, because I was a good and helpful person.........I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT........the echo of my children's voices, asking why I had to help people, and but not myself. I have to live with the echo of my children's cries. That shit will haunt me forever!!!!! So don't ever say I have to take responsibility, like I haven't. Your inexperience in what you are speaking of, is almost painful. I am actually crying right now, your words have so impacted me....your ignornace so loud, that it hurts my brain. God bless you Builtaforest, cause you will need some divine intervention, if you continue to be as kind as you are acting. Weakness, and that is my opinion of your opinion, is not the same as kindness. In life, only the strong survive......you will have the wolves at your door, before you know it, with that forgiving attitude of yours...some might even call it snitch bait???? Best of luck in all your endeavors......and I hope you never do get to speak from the voice of experience, like we are.........


Active member
As for me bringing this on myself, once again, Builtaforest, you have no insight, and know not of what you speak. ANYBODY that is doing something illegal, and growing is illegal, according to FED law, are exposed to the wide world of snitchery. No matter how tight your quilt may be, there is always a loose string. And once again, your inexperience in this matter is blatantly obvious, or you would understand that anybody that has been snitched out, goes over EVERY LITTLE MISTAKE, over and over again, with all the free time, they find they have. I SHRED myself every day I wake up, without the benefit, of my children's beautiful smiles. I go over and over what I could have done differently, better, right!!!! But, I still would have given my snitch cuts, helped him tighten his grow, gave him avid when he had mites, and helped he and his lady, plan their wedding. Yeah, I would still do all of that, and KINDNESS is my flaw. I live with that every day, while I rack my brain trying to figure how can we survive, how am I going to get this lump in my breast checked, how am I going to afford to pay for insulin, and blood glucose test strips? Will I ever see my kids again, and will they have somewhere to lay their heads, cause home is gone, the dogs are gone, and so am I? And I brought all this chaos to my life, and to the lives of my children, because I was a good and helpful person.........I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT........the echo of my children's voices, asking why I had to help people, and but not myself. I have to live with the echo of my children's cries. That shit will haunt me forever!!!!! So don't ever say I have to take responsibility, like I haven't. Your inexperience in what you are speaking of, is almost painful. I am actually crying right now, your words have so impacted me....your ignornace so loud, that it hurts my brain. God bless you Builtaforest, cause you will need some divine intervention, if you continue to be as kind as you are acting. Weakness, and that is my opinion of your opinion, is not the same as kindness. In life, only the strong survive......you will have the wolves at your door, before you know it, with that forgiving attitude of yours...some might even call it snitch bait???? Best of luck in all your endeavors......and I hope you never do get to speak from the voice of experience, like we are.........

remember to be equally kind to yourself.

you are not of less worth than anyone.

and your freedom is more important than teaching someone to grow.

your freedom is more important than helping some dude with anything less than his own freedom.

kind to others and cruel to yourself?

..on revenge?

do what you want, the karma is yours.


Active member
do not be kind to yourself at other´s expense.

do not either be kind to others at your expense (meaning it hurts you) (not fucking money)


Active member
Castout you are too kind.My self,if face to face with anyone that thinks that way,would choke the shit out of him just for suggesting such things.And in his mind he might think he would be able to defend himself from this,he would not be able to in the least.And i would make him feel the pain that,you,I,and many others have felt,because i am nowhere as forgiving as some.And fully able to do what i say.Anyone that thinks everyone that gets busted by snitch or otherwise deserves it because of what they do,is an idiot and needs to be bent around a bit,imo.


Active member
A snitch gets popped right.. Can't take responsibility for his actions, passes it off to you...

We're all big boys here, not like shits been flipped overnight, consequences for our actions in this game are there, you take responsibility for your actions before you get into this shit, everything else is just commentary..

And you direct your emotions to the messenger, not the root, yourself... Are we suddenly surprised that the law says something contrary to our "rights" and "wrongs"? I pray your enemies can find it to show understanding, love and forgiveness.

All I see are 2 parties Unwilling to take responsibility for their actions, right or wrong.
Sorry bro, but "right & wrong" shouldn't really even be an issue when dicussing gardening! The "root" of this problem is not the grower but the law. As Rev. King said "An unjust law, is no law at all". Yes, I realize that we all know that gardening cannibis can land us in jail or worse, but the root of our troubles is most definately an unjust law.


Seems to me that the snitch didn't like getting smacked so he ratted your buddy out,well where I come from I wouldn't have fronted the asshole 3K worth of weed to sell. It's always money on the table, none of this I'll pay ya when I get this sold, that never works. He had no intention of ever paying and getting smacked was the excuse he needed to rat him out.
Moral of the story don't front and keep your hands to your self.

Moral of the story was keep your shit isolated. If you're not making money on it, stay the fuck away. Stash houses are not good places to meet or kick it.


built a forest your post belongs in the Tokers Den under the thread "Top Secret Stoner Information"

your opinion is not helpful here, nor does anyone here that has had trouble with the law care to hear about forgiveness.



Confirmed snitch: Michael DeLeon, 2041 Fannin St. Abilene,TX ....is old lady was bragging to mutual friends about how they snitched on a local dro dealer. this son of a bitch know tons of low life vermin he could have turned in but chose to get the old white dealer who gave him a real break. I know the person he snitched on's bro...


Active member
Yup you gotta stay away from the "soft" people who you just cant see taking the blame and living in a cement cell for years....

I can count on 1 hand the people that kno I grow, 4 out of 5 are lifelong friends (and growers), that are really like family to me. I dont think, i KNOW they would never snitch. We have eachothers backs too, if one goes down u better believe whoevers responsible will pay dearly


built a forest your post belongs in the Tokers Den under the thread "Top Secret Stoner Information"

your opinion is not helpful here, nor does anyone here that has had trouble with the law care to hear about forgiveness.

I have offered forgivness to my favorite snitch..he is not intrested..enough to meet with me...


3rd-Eye Jedi
i typed a whole thing and now its gone but since I took the time to post once ...

snitching is passing off your karma to someone else

there are two types as i see it

dropping a dime on an innocent to save your skin or dropping a dime on someone else to save your skin and fuck them

most grower are dimed because their crime is seen as significant enough as to offer some value in the reduction of the charges and because growers are pot centric and thus non violent

aka low hanging fruit

it is no different than passing off a death sentence, and it literally takes years from your life


it is behavior I would expect front the worse type of crack or heroin addict, someone who has sold his soul for his addiction

which brings us to the demographic we deal with

how many people are headed to that place are coming from it?

for many people addiction especially opiate addiction destroys any moral fiber we once had

I am the victim of addiction and I know what it is like to be addicted and unfortunately the sick are the ones who need the medicine the most

and this is were we have to be very cautious because when you see it as a lifesaving medication it changes your but not everyone else

many, many people still have a ways to go

the Ten Worlds is a Buddhist concept that identifies 10 states of being that we can find ourselves in at any time and they go from base and instinctual to enlightened

these people are of the lower worlds and that state of being is cursed and they are sowing their own hell

it is sad, very sad, but not nearly as sad as the pain they inflicted on others

but don't change the person that you are because some one else fucked you over

not because lief isn't painfully altered or because they don't deserve some horrible retribution but simply because we need your light in this world and when your heart is heavy its harder to shine

in this regard fuck snitches and all their karma the only one it pays of is the cops

and they are preying on the weakest of the weak instead of trying to help them like us

that's right big pharma enslaves em, we try to save me and they use that to fuck us

but it is a real war, real casualties and real lives and we are on teh front lines

lets just go day by day and hope and ray our brothers and sisters keep on keeping on till tomorrow

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