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Snitches.....enemy #1!!!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Gotta follow yer gut when you meet people. That nagging feeling that something isn't quite right is your instinct alerting you to a danger that isn't obvious to the eye or ear.

I met a guy a couple of years ago who became good buddies with several other people I know. Nobody knew much about him, only that he had moved from northern Cali and he liked to drink and party. I didn't much care for the guy in the beginning, but he kinda grew on people and I found myself playing cards or dice and smoking weed and having a few beers with him every once in awhile. But I'm pretty cautious and tend to keep quiet and watch other people and learn, so I never let him into my cycle really, which is mostly legal med patients anyway. But a few months after he entered the area people started getting busted for stupid crap and I mentioned to a few people that every who was getting shaken down were buddies of this other guy.

Most of the stuff people got busted for was small and petty, but one guy were a grower and got popped with a few hundred plants and some weight, so he went to court. He was sure surprised when his new friend from California walked in to take the witness stand wearing his pretty uniform.

Trust your own instincts... Even if everybody you know trusts somebody: If YOU feel apprehension or anxiety around somebody, there is a reason for it.

It isn't Paranoia if a threat is real.

Max Yields

Active member
FUCK THESE SNITCHES!!! That's why I don't trust a motherfucker. I learned this at a very early age. Be careful around your "friends" and who you consider one. There are plenty of what most consider "good" people out there, but when you are involved in this hobby or anything considered illegal by the law, things change.

When you cut the grass(pun intended) these fake ass, snitch ass, snakes start poppin' up. You gotta know how to "weed" these people out and move wiser nowadays. There are still some real and trustworthy people out there, but to know exactly who is worth it..., isn't an easy task at all. In short, your bullshit detector gotta be on point at all times. It's an art in itself that takes time to perfect. Most times I have put trust and faith in the wrong people before, I was always let down. This was before I ever even smoked, let alone grew bud. Just in everyday life itself. So now I try to take my own advice when I need it as I just typed. Sometimes I've had to cut off people I've known for many years and most would consider alright peeps. You gotta be ruthless... in a way.

I've let certain "cool" peeps go because them always being around was too much of a security risk. This considered with some other reasons led me to take action. My circle of close peeps isn't even a circle anymore, its more like a square now. You never know, it can turn into a triangle, line, or even a dot in the future. I try to think positive and give some people the benefit of the doubt, but that can also end up benefitting the other person more and give you doubts. So stay sharp out there peeps...:dueling::smoke out:


Active member
Snitches are such bad people, they ruin lives just to save their own skin. I personally, would die, rather than betray a fellow person. The total chaos and destruction that snitches cause in the lives of those they inform on, makes me liken them to the fucking anti christ, or at least his shitty little minions. If ruination is what the anti christ seeks, then they are that!!!!! And, once a snitch has snitched, LEO fuckin' owns them.......they are nothing but an investment, and they always pay out.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Whats the difference between an informant/snitch/grass/rat
and a plastic bag full of dog shit??
The plastic bag


Active member
Yeah,i had nothing to do with anything.The Agent in charge even straight told me"We would have never have known anything about you if you werent friends with so and so"/Thats the whole thing with Conspiricey/I used to give my buddy the shit i grew because he didnt want to smoke the shit he was getting from Mexico.As far as keepin yer hands to yourself,lmfao.If people payed there debts,they wouldnt get smacked in the face.And getting smacked,by no means makes it ok to be a scumbag snitch.Is that what im reading,that if he didnt get smacked he wouldnt have snitched,meaning someone thinks its ok because he should have never smacked the dude?.Alot of people making statements about things they have no clue about.And if they spent 3 years or even less in a Prison,they wouldnt be making light of anything.It doesnt matter any situation you could think up in your mind, that would make it ok for someone to get out of the crime they commited by getting someone else arrested so they can walk away.Period.


:tiphat:One of these Scumbags that never even met me,got me 3 years Fed,so i know all about those losers.Be a Big Man ,and if you get caught ,do yer time like one.Heres a Story for ya...My Buddy smacked a dude who owed him $3000.Ends up that dude gets pulled over and has 3 ounces of Bud on him,3 OUNCES ONLY.So he figures that my Bro smacked him and he owes him $3000,why not tell like a fuc#in scumbag sissy.Now mind you,he only got caught with 3 OZs,thats only a Fine,no Jail time.They write you an apperance ticket and they Fine you.So he tells on my Bro because he knows hes got alot of the MidGrades going on.So the Feds start looking at him,and see me going there(because we been friends since childhood)alot.They start lookin into me and at the end,they lump me into his conspericey,even though i dont fk with the regular bud and never spent a dime with him.So they raid me,find a bunch of BubbleHash,Dryed ECSD and FFA,all My Seeds and Mothers and some Misc Crap(never found any of my grow or anything of signifacence,but they dont need to,they dont even need a seed).I get 3 Years Fed because of someone ive never met,and i also never sold 10 cents of Weed to anyone, but its The Feds and they Do what They want.Feds Motto is= If it Aint Broke,Fix It til It Is.:moon:So moral of The Story Kids,is that Snitches suck and you dont even need to come into contact or even Know them for them to ruin your Life.Stay Safe people,and you even have to watch the people you know because they could get snitched on and inadvertantly bring you down with them,even if there great people,its not there fault.Its just the nature of the Beast. And another fkd up thing is,there was even more snitches than this dude(***** *****) ,there was 11 people total arrested in this Consp,i knew none besides my Bro whos a standup Man ,but out of the 11,only me and my Bro went to Prison and not one of the others did a single day even in a regular Jail.Him for 5,Me for 3.Great Story with no Happy ending at all...I stil have Faith in people and stil trust my Friends.Ive always been P-Noid and its hard to get close to me even though i dont sell any bud.But i dont hold it against anyone else or any new people i meet,but i am cautious and have a good sense of whos a stand up person or if i should run,lol.Peace and Stay Safe,DancesWithWeed
Gotta ask - are the pieces of this dude buried far enuff apart that leo can't figger out who Humpty Dumpty WAS???

I'd be plantin' bits of that mofo all over this province...

People up and move all the time - need help movin' him???

Snitches are bitches that end up in ditches...

See a hit and run, a vandal, a robbery, a rape/assault - tell leo fer sure...

Rat on a grower - especially one that has extended a hand when times are tough - become worm fodder - I have no issues w/ that AT ALL...


Active member
Gotta ask - are the pieces of this dude buried far enuff apart that leo can't figger out who Humpty Dumpty WAS???

I'd be plantin' bits of that mofo all over this province...

People up and move all the time - need help movin' him???

Snitches are bitches that end up in ditches...

See a hit and run, a vandal, a robbery, a rape/assault - tell leo fer sure...

Rat on a grower - especially one that has extended a hand when times are tough - become worm fodder - I have no issues w/ that AT ALL...
:tiphat: I never met Dude,but iput his written statement all over the placec and put word out that if i run into him,im going to smack him but ultra hard.He got a restraining order against me n my Man.P#ssy,and my PO warned me if anything happened,id be on my way right back..:moon:


Yeah,i had nothing to do with anything.The Agent in charge even straight told me"We would have never have known anything about you if you werent friends with so and so"/Thats the whole thing with Conspiricey/I used to give my buddy the shit i grew because he didnt want to smoke the shit he was getting from Mexico.As far as keepin yer hands to yourself,lmfao.If people payed there debts,they wouldnt get smacked in the face.And getting smacked,by no means makes it ok to be a scumbag snitch.Is that what im reading,that if he didnt get smacked he wouldnt have snitched,meaning someone thinks its ok because he should have never smacked the dude?.Alot of people making statements about things they have no clue about.And if they spent 3 years or even less in a Prison,they wouldnt be making light of anything.It doesnt matter any situation you could think up in your mind, that would make it ok for someone to get out of the crime they commited by getting someone else arrested so they can walk away.Period.
Quoted for truth...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

about 20 yrs ago I had something 'odd' happen to me.......

I came driving up to my mobile home w/a friend of mine 'Moose' (a native american) in the passenger seat, as we pulled up I saw a tall lanky native walking away from my door and to his car, as I parked my car I asked him "can I help you?" and when I acknowledged his query that yes I was Dave he said "cool you got any bags for sale?"

I jumped out of my car screaming "you motherfucker!!! what the fuck are you talking about?!?!" and that I was going inside for a gun and he'd better be gone which he was when I came out .44 in hand.

When I turned onto my road I noticed my friend Rob (a native) standing on his deck, he was still there looking this way while that skinny fucker drove past him, as I'm looking that way I see Missy (Moose's g/f) driving up. She parks near me and I ask her if she saw that guy driving past her in the red toyota, she asks "that 'skin?" "yeah" I replied, "I never saw him before in my life" Missy tells me....... I don't sell weed and now I'm pissed that I've got some native @ my door asking me if I could hook him up when Missy, Moose & Rob are my closest native friends and when I call Rob to ask if he knew the guy driving past he says "no."

Rob calls me back 5 minutes later & asks me to meet him in town @ the gas station, we wind up stopping on the highway on a cut-off road. Rob tells me that his wife Tanya is close friends w/my neighbors Pam & Tony and that they recently got into trouble w/social services for child abuse, somehow their drinking endangered their kids. So to get himself out of hot water Tony fabricates a story of his neighbor/dealer Dave (me) and the local sheriffs dept steps in.

The story Tony tells them is so convincing that the head narc tells them "With what you've told me we'll only need to get a single buy off of Dave to prosecute him!" Of course Tonys wife Pam tells this to Tanya and she tells Rob who is now telling me the whole story on the side of the road. I'm fucking furious, I go home and call the head narc who was quoted above, he's not in his office, I leave no message but will call the nest day.

The next morning rolls around & I call Sgt. Stedanko himself to tell him what happened at my door, I tell him that I know it was one of his narcs and that he can fuck himself that he's NEVER before heard of me selling weed before because I DON'T!!! "Oh no Dave! I've never heard of this at all, did you get the guys plate number? I want to follow up on this!" "STOP IT sarge" I said I know it was you and then as if taking the words right out of his mouth I repeated to him..... "With what you've told me we'll only need to get a single buy from Dave to prosecute him." dead silence met my ear.

"Where did you hear that?" he finally asked. I had to think fast so as not to rat out Rob and said, "Tony felt so bad for lying about me that he came over here crying and needing a beer and a joint so I got him stoned, he fessed up."

There was that kind of dead silence from Sgt Stedanko that said "Gotcha!!!" as he now knew how his plan went to shit.

OK, never mind the fact that I got one over on the law but the shittiest part of the story is that social services and the sheriffs dept both thought it was prudent to allow these two scumbag parents get away clean while trying to persecute & prosecute someone who had never been linked to weed sales before being lied about by Tony. Tony & Pam had two adorable little blond haired girls as precious looking as could be imagined.

I'm not sure what happened to those fuckwads but I'm always keeping my eyes and ears open hoping to hear that Tony's around, yup 20+ yrs later & I still owe that LYING snitch a fucking pounding and he'll get one the day I find him.


Ya I just got busted last month because I trusted someone and they told others too much, and one of those others was a little bitch snitch. Guy never even saw our shit but once they dropped my name, power bill got checked, then the 5.0 lied and said they found leaves and stems in the trash (they couldn't have) and that was enough for a warrant.


jury of our peers

jury of our peers

To bad we can't bring these chuncks of shit to a jury of OUR peers.Aye?
Or maybe snitchlove.com...'hi my name is T..,hav you seen me?' and a nice picture with whatever info one may have laying around.address,SS #..you know so they can feel the love



No jury needed. But the legal system does put a few roadblocks in the way of getting to the name behind a CI. If one is lucky, there's a very small pool of people who could be the culprit, and things like open warrants, arrest records, incident reports, etc. that are publicly available can be searched for one of the few to appear there. Not much of a leap from there to know who was responsible. Let a few years go by, but keep tabs on their location, and plan it carefully and you can exact your own retribution.

I've lost too much from bitch ass pussy snitches to let this one get a pass (had a co-defendant testify against me a decade ago and got a 146 month sentence - served 6 & 1/2 on that). This time I lost what would've amounted to $50k by the end of this year, and I can't even calculate the amount I'll lose overall from the change in my job situation. I was making $100k legit and now that's all up in the air. Plus my pregnant fiance got arrested too - she'll get off without much trouble but who snitches on a pregnant woman?

I have a hell of a lot of anger to exact on the one responsible.
have peace in your hearts, my friends

you are your own worst enemy, do not invest your precious time and energy into perpetuating the negativity of snitches.... this includes getting mad.

be proactive and forgiving


Rubbing my glands together
have peace in your hearts, my friends

you are your own worst enemy, do not invest your precious time and energy into perpetuating the negativity of snitches.... this includes getting mad.

be proactive and forgiving

Apparently you've never had a SWAT team standing in your livingroom!
what happens in this physical world should not harbor hate in your hearts

"the can lock my body but they cannot lock my mind"


Rubbing my glands together
I can respect and even admire your position. I just happen to feel differently about rats. Never have been a, "here, Kick me in the nuts again please sir" kinda guy.

We are all one.

WHether you believe in the creation or in evolution of man, you cannot deny it all started with that First and One human being, who procreated and have led us now to today. Still One, there aren't two sides to this story.

the reality that we live in has falsely molded our minds into creations such as hate, anger, and thinking that some of us are better than others. Trust me, I'm no different. I will throw em under the bus just like the next guy, BC I'm human and we are faulted, not made for this reality.

walk in his shoes.. What a snitch does in his mind is fine and he can live with. Consider he does not have those bonds in his life which show you the way of love and trust and loyalty. His environment may be one of instability, mistrust, a d false hopes.. He cannot grow with virtuous convictions. He is weak, from the inside out .. And snitches... I can understand that...

And once I do.. I feel a sadness for humanity. I think maybe if I can show them love, maybe they can see to that they are special they are important and that our bonds do matter love matters... BC we are one. Maybe I can change him and this positivity can invoke other changes in his world.

We are our own worst enemies...

Come on guys you think this wonderful plant which has brought us all together here, is simply through evolution? no, its a gift from One that knows the trials and tribulations we face in thus world.... To have us stop for a moment and see the beauty in this world and that our only purpose is to share it with each other and love.

But we are not perfect, our cracks show if you are willing to see them. But my friends, we must strive to love each other :)

May be the trimmer hash speaking;)

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