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Smoking weed while pregnant?


Active member
:shrugs shoulders:

i don't know why people defer their own good judgement to others so often. you're smart make your own decisions. you ain't gotta take my word for it, or doctors, or cops, or anyone else. really. they're all just people same as you with the same kind of brain capable of the same kind of thoughts.


Active member
:shrugs shoulders:

i don't know why people defer their own good judgement to others so often. you're smart make your own decisions. you ain't gotta take my word for it, or doctors, or cops, or anyone else. really. they're all just people same as you with the same kind of brain capable of the same kind of thoughts.

I don't necessarily disagree with you on principle here, but I do think that it's a little silly to infer that your average joe knows as much about medicine as, say, a doctor. I also don't think that anybody here is saying that you should "defer your judgement to others" per say. The prevailing theme seems to be that in regards to children, their health should come before the pleasure of the parent and caution should be used with all mind-altering substances/drugs while a child is developing inside of you. Yes, this includes legal drugs like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and much more.

Obviously this doesn't quite fit a situation where a mother is very ill and cannabis has a proven indication to help her condition, but even then, a responsible parent would be looking at edibles and sublinguals and the like. The term "smoke" should not show up in a pregnant woman's vernacular for any reason, as ALL smoke contains carcinogens, be it cannabis smoke or burning tires. Put simply, it is selfish and negligent to smoke while pregnant, period.

Oh, and while the plant itself might not be a "drug," as I've seen posted in this thread a few times, the psychoactive compounds contained therein sure as shit qualify. When we all stop pretending that herb is a magical cure-all that can do no harm we might be able to have a more open, honest, frank discussion about how we can go even further to eventually see outright federal legalization in this country and affordable, safe access to medicine for those who truly need it.


Active member
i hear what you're saying. everyone doesn't need a whole bong hit. a little teeny tiny baby hit is enough to get rid of the nausea the women i talked to primarily used it for. some of em smoke weed because they smoke weed. they are concerned about their babies. they are't crackheads. the docs said smoking as always is bad for you because inhaling any kinda dirty air is bad for lungs. the carbon monoxide will reduce oxygen in the blood true enough. but the weed doesn't hurt the baby.

but as long as you aren't chain smoking which you would have to do to cause prolonged sustained long term damage. imho (this part wan't the doctors this is all me) you and the baby should be just fine. no worse than breathing this filthy air no one seems to be concerned about while we extoll the dangers of second hand smokes. but i digress. you don't smoke weed the way you smoke cigs which is why smoking cigs in pregnancy is so bad. you don't need to smoke a fat joint for 15 minutes to get high. you don't need 20 a day.


I dont need it but my doc told me to do it... no lie.... I smoke a lot of weed compared to most of my friends and my doc gave me a script for 5 grams a day. More than what I smoke now. Usually. I could see it being prescribed as morning naseau meds now. And straight well being of mind meds... and no im not prego not even a chick.... just sayin cannabis vs chemical.... id say smoke a j to my wife vs pop some pills if she was prego...


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
When we all stop pretending that herb is a magical cure-all that can do no harm we might be able to have a more open, honest, frank discussion about how we can go even further to eventually see outright federal legalization in this country and affordable, safe access to medicine for those who truly need it.

:tiphat: Thank God someone else came to the same logical conclusion... this thread is rife with stoner science, unfounded conjecture and outright bullshit. If you're going to have a child, give it the best building blocks you can. Drugs, sorry to say, are not part of that equation. I could care less how many people "did it and are fine", I know just as many people who smoked during pregnancy and have "special" children loaded with learning disabilities.

Some people are smart enough to make their own informed decisions, this thread and many of the posters here are testament to that fact that most people are not.


Active member
not trying to be a dick but that's a rather ignorant argument. cannabis is one of if not the safest drug known to man. there are many restrictions for expecting mothers but not smoking pot isnt one of them. several people here have mentioned their dr advising them to use cannabis for all the aches and pains a pregnant women has to deal with. think about it like this. a women is pregnant and in pain . she goes to the dr and the only thing they can safely give her for pain is Vicodin. (acetaminophen plus hydrocodone) now your choice comes down to take a highly addictive drug that you fetus will be addicted to and its first week of life is spent going through withdrawals or you could vape herb. i would say its better to vape a little herb or oil (not smoke it) than to take vicoden/percocet or even acetaminophen alone.. also keep in mind herb has been with us for thousands and thousands of years . so intertwined is our relation ship that we actually have cannibinoid receptors and our body makes its own cannibinoids. so to say it will make the mentally handicapped is a fear driven response that for some reason has been drilled into your head. i live in humboldt county. most moms here (50 % at least) smoke herb and do we have a higher rate of babies with health issues. nope. do the rasta women have problems with it? nope. how bout the indians and their charas.. no again. afghanistan? they may be a little old fashioned but damn sure are mentally slow. so all the real evidence points in the direction that it dosnt seem to make a difference and is actually beneficial to the mother and what benefits the mothers health benefits the childs. the studies that some have pointed to were done back in the 70's and were anti pot driven. the government lies to us about everything else cannabis related but they have this part right? wtf? do some research folks. cannabis does not increase the rate of birth defects or health issues for the fetus or newborn child.

check out this artiicle by norml: it talks about the studies done and how they were bs.. peace out



Active member
not trying to be a dick but that's a rather ignorant argument. cannabis is one of if not the safest drug known to man. there are many restrictions for expecting mothers but not smoking pot isnt one of them. several people here have mentioned their dr advising them to use cannabis for all the aches and pains a pregnant women has to deal with. think about it like this. a women is pregnant and in pain . she goes to the dr and the only thing they can safely give her for pain is Vicodin. (acetaminophen plus hydrocodone) now your choice comes down to take a highly addictive drug that you fetus will be addicted to and its first week of life is spent going through withdrawals or you could vape herb. i would say its better to vape a little herb or oil (not smoke it) than to take vicoden/percocet or even acetaminophen alone.. also keep in mind herb has been with us for thousands and thousands of years . so intertwined is our relation ship that we actually have cannibinoid receptors and our body makes its own cannibinoids. so to say it will make the mentally handicapped is a fear driven response that for some reason has been drilled into your head. i live in humboldt county. most moms here (50 % at least) smoke herb and do we have a higher rate of babies with health issues. nope. do the rasta women have problems with it? nope. how bout the indians and their charas.. no again. afghanistan? they may be a little old fashioned but damn sure are mentally slow. so all the real evidence points in the direction that it dosnt seem to make a difference and is actually beneficial to the mother and what benefits the mothers health benefits the childs. the studies that some have pointed to were done back in the 70's and were anti pot driven. the government lies to us about everything else cannabis related but they have this part right? wtf? do some research folks. cannabis does not increase the rate of birth defects or health issues for the fetus or newborn child.

check out this artiicle by norml: it talks about the studies done and how they were bs.. peace out


I don't think anybody is saying that a pregnant mother would be better off popping pills versus responsibly ingesting cannabis. I think it's important to remember that everybody on this forum has a respect and love for this plant, it's just that some are more realistic than others in how they approach the issues surrounding it. Not everything is black and white (in fact, very few things are)...that applies to this as well.

Unfortunately, your entire argument seems to be based on anecdotal evidence that is tenuous to say the least, so I'm not sure how you expect anyone to reasonably respond to it. "These other people do it and they seem okay" is not a valid course of reasoning.

Take care.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Hehe, took the words out of my mouth JD.

relic1981: If you're not going to spend the time to write a readible post, why should I waste time trying to read it? The structure, lack of coherence, and your admission you come from an area with a high rate of pot smoking pregnant women is definitely detracting from your post....

You thought you would counter my statement that this thread is made up of stoner science, conjecture and bullshit, with more bullshit and conjecture?

Where is this real evidence you mention, but do not cite?

That appears abrasive, but I find very frustrating when people so lightheartedly advocate using drugs (soft, hard, OTC, whatever) while pregnant when they have little to no experience or education on the subject.

I have an open mind towards anything, and enjoy being proven wrong. I do not however, live under the misconception that "everything green is gold".


New member
I wouldn't change anything about my pregnancy or breast feeding. thc & cbd are amazing for the whole family in educated and intelligent amounts.

Remember to not listen to everything you are told in the in the united states of areyouscaredyet. I'm more concerned about the GMOs and pesticides in and on my food.

Eat edibles, steep some tea from fan leaves, dab when you get morning sickness.

Smoke is smoke is smoke is smoke is smoke. I live in Los Angeles, breathing the air outside is more dangerous lol
Why mess with it like others said smoke is smoke and there is no benefit to it.just the mother stuck in her habit witch is very selfish any decent mother wouldn't take the risk no matter how small it is. Don't contribute to her habit just for your own morale. I have 4 kids my wife smoked before she new she was pregnant but quit soon as she did all are healthy and born normal. Just my 2 cents


New member
There are so many myths that it is hard to make a decision. I would never encourage someone to put anything in their body while pregnant that could harm the fetus. None of the studies I've read support that marijuana consumption harms a fetus. It is all propaganda and fear tactics.

My first preggo I didn't touch anything. I was an absolute angel. I did have to take meds for morning sickness that very severe and put me in the hospital. That child was born with multiple problems that took her life as an infant. Nothing I did, just the luck or rather unluck of the draw.

Next preg. I decided I did not want a synthetic drug to fight the morning sickness. I so very sparingly with my husbands support ingest (not smoke) mj. It was the only relief I got. It wasn't daily. Never for recreational reasons! When morning sickness passed, I stopped as there was no need. My baby was perfect. The study saying they are low weight and small heads was just bullshit. Head in the 90th percentile as is my husbands. Best baby ever. She is extremely intelligent and in the gifted and talented program. No cognitive issues. She is smarter than the majority of people she deals with and almost done with college.

My next child I did the same. This one is also in the gifted and talented program. Head in 90th percentile. Not a low weight baby. Not startled easily. None of the things I read in above studies proved true. This child won over 55 district, regional and state medals in different subjects such as history (1st to go to state in schools history of 30 years). She won multiple scholarships and received a full 4 year ride at a very prestigious university where she is holding close to a 4.0. Plans on being a brain surgeon or research scientist.

Lastly my last child....same thing. GT kid all the way. None of the things in the articles are true IMHO. There are many factors left out of those type of studies such as environment and exposure after birth. Parenting can be distant if the parents are spaced out causing all kids of issues.

There is a big difference between occasionally treating morning sickness and just plain ole being a pothead. It is not a black and white question. Of course all women should abstain from any drug that is proven harmful but this one has not been proven to be that. I asked my ob at one time and even he said an occasional use is not going to be harmful. All things in moderation. I wanted to share this as I think pregnant women are already afraid of everything. Show me a true blue double blind study over the course of these lives and see if there really are long term effects. Sometimes the benefits out weigh the unproven so called cons. This plant has been around for millions of years. It is amazing we are all still alive with cognitive function and a memory LOL.


Active member
My wife's obgyn said NO to all drugs even tylenol for my wife...No drugs for morning sickness..no NOTHING.

Her advise(female obgyn)....keep evercising, stay active, eat right, and finally...SUCK IT UP.

And those were her words....Short of being hospitalized that dr. would not prescribe anything.

Healthy happy baby boy.....Well well above the avg for size, sharp as a whip now, and he only been on an RX for strep throat once in 5yrs.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
^That. Everythings about convenience these days, when most everyone could use a big ol' dose of "suck it up, princess".

Show me a true blue double blind study over the course of these lives and see if there really are long term effects. Sometimes the benefits out weigh the unproven so called cons. This plant has been around for millions of years. It is amazing we are all still alive with cognitive function and a memory LOL.

There are so many unfounded myths, so you decided to contribute to the problem?

You've shrugged off previous warnings, why would another study prove anything to someone unwilling to listen?

I do agree there is a difference between a pothead and occasional use, but that's rather obvious. If there are issues with marijuana use and pregnancy, all you've done is lower the chance of it proving detrimental.


I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on t.v. I can't tell you about studies or if it's good or bad nor do I want to. I feel everyone has to make the decision based on situation. My wife and I ended up in such a place. While pregnant with our last child she was diagnosed with breast cancer in her first trimester. She had smoked here and there during our first child, more for morning sickness, so only in the 1st trimester of that pregnancy. Well before we knew it she was having a double mastectomy and starting her first rounds of chemotherapy, needless to say we were both a little scared. My wife and I were in our late 30's when this happened, and that was also a concern. Well sometimes karma works in strange ways, being the profession I chose is growing, my wife had access to medicine that was much safer, at least in our opinion then a doctor could prescribe. So we took the journey, she would smoke using a water pipe. Anytime she felt sick, instead of taking pain meds she smoked. With the exception of her surgery she only used pain meds once or twice. She also gained weight!! Her doctors asked us what we were doing and we told them, I was shocked when they approved, in fact they said not to stop because it was so much safer then the pain and anti nausea drugs. My daughter was born 2 weeks early, but healthy otherwise. My wife also survived and has recovered. So in my wifes case it was a blessing. The obvious answer is not smoke anything and eat as healthy as possible. I've seen pregnant women eating at McD's is that any worse? I mean the side affects of some of the anti nausea meds are horrible. I think we made the right choice for us. Bottom line is we were lucky enough to have that choice, sucks that most people who could benefit from cannabis don't.



Active member
wouldn't want my spouse to be high/smoking (insert any herb) during her pregnancy.
since imho cannabis IS a drug, it obviously has not only effects on the state of mind but also on the body.
that's reason enough for me to be against smoking while pregnant.
remember: you want the best conditions for this new life that's growing inside there...at least i do!


Well-known member
Wife was an MD who's speciality was Woman's Health. I got to read a lot of neat stuff as a result of having her as a sweetie. One of the more sad was a paper on the kinds of things men have done to women over this. Not a flattering subject for men.
I would like to suggest that the right thing to do, is to always let the women know that she will always be your first concern.
Happy women have healthy kids.

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