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Smoking weed while pregnant?


I agree with hydro soil, all studies are like that. Global warming charts are usually quoted as changes across 10 or whatever years, they pick dates and say "look its significantly warmer". The issue with those is there is no scientific basis of picking the dates. The same charts say very different things by shifting the same 10 or whatever year timespan by a few years or decades depending on how long the sample is being taken over.

I am not fully denying global warming but to say that adding to 1/30 of 1% of the air will cause us to ruin the planet it too much to belive. The amazon is not the worlds largest forest its the worlds largest RAIN forest. The largest forest is in siberia and pratically not absorbing co2 at all because its currently in tundra conditons, when the planet warms the biggest c02 sink besides the oceans gets "turned on".

I will say this, trying to keep us on a fixed climate is not realistic, we have been warming since the last ice age.

I am not trying to derail the thread so no global warming talk please its just my example of how scientists are people with opinions also so all findings have to be scrutenised. Thats why scientists have peer reviews.


Why on earth are you bringing climate change into this? Do you know how easily your claims and assertions are met with real, hard science? My point is that you've chosen an area of extreme and incredibly diligent study, and are trying to contrast and compare it with an area with a dearth of studies. Comparing it to, say, a rare disease (Morgellon's, for example), one that was only recently thought to be a mental illness and not a physical malady, and discussing whether or not cannabis would help sufferers would be more appropriate here.


Active member
I'm a retired weather forecaster. I can safely say weather is cyclical, and has been for...about some 6 billion (or whatever) years now. Pregnancy and cannabis use aren't cyclical. Like the maiden, I fail to understand the comparison...but that's not an unusual thing here at all, this IS the internet after all.


Game Bred
I think the comparison is in the malleable nature of statistical analysis.
As sea maiden pointed out however,there is a dearth of study on this matter.
When dealing with neonatal development allowing confirmation bias to effect our decisions is inexcusable.
Thalidomide is a perfect example.
No im not comparing the effects of thalidomide to cannabis.
My point is the dearth of information concerning the former is equivalent
to the information concerning the latter.

Further the societal consequences far outweigh any possible(unproven)benefits.

Given these truths why in hell would anyone risk health and safety of the developing child?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^it's not the thc in smoking the weed that is bad it is the carbon monoxide from the smoke. eat a brownie if you wanna get high while preggo.


I just want to point out again that some mothers, and I was one of them, would not be able to eat a brownie. I ended up in the ER during both pregnancies on multiple occasions because of the vomiting. Also, it is so much more difficult to titrate that I would actually hesitate far more to recommend that to a pregnant woman.

It's really difficult to get certain ideas and concepts across to people who've never experienced them. There's something about your body being full with another body.


Active member
My point is the dearth of information concerning the former is equivalent
to the information concerning the latter.

Further the societal consequences far outweigh any possible(unproven)benefits.

Given these truths why in hell would anyone risk health and safety of the developing child?

Usually I don't read your posts because you're on my ignore list.... Since I read it and disagreed, and you asked, I'll put it in print.

No... the 'WEALTH of information' is much greater for cannabis than any other chemical you can name that's been used on pregnant mothers and children. Several thousand years worth. *shrug*

The societal consequences are minimal to non-existent with doctor supervision and abstinence for a month before delivery.

Given your lack of any personal experience and in consideration of all the situations you'll never be able to conceive of or contemplate... you're not qualified to give advice on anyone else's child or future child. *shrug*

That's why I marked it as unhelpful. That's why I'll continue to put you on ignore. Time and time again you post things that have almost no basis in reality. Plus your attitude is terrible. You'll remain on ignore and I'll not be checking your posts anymore... learned that one. :thank you:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Game Bred
The ignore list(especially the fake ones)is the ostrich of confirmation bias.
Like the creationists..
"i refuse to hear any opposition to my already held beliefs"
Any challenge to those structures however infantile they may be,is met with logical fallacy. Typically in the form of ad hominem.


Active member
Once again, pisssing contest ensues. I liken this to that sticker you see on the back of pick-up truck widows with the "Chevy" little boy pisssing on the "Ford".

Ya'll just too smart for me, using big words and shit. Actually that just proves out your stupid, miniscule intellect.

I'm outta here. Too bad, I liked this thread, but doesn't always seem the best ones get hijacked by pissing and arguing dumb-asses?


I think if your going to do it smoking and really vaping shuldnt be the method.... eating.. or, if your really in need of the medcinal qualities, a tincture(which i think would be the safest thing for a pregnant women)
the truth is though, if your pregnant, and thinking of smoking weed... please contact a licensed doctor... and for goodness sake please dont smoke it(if you find edibles lacking in strength after any given period of time... eating foods that are infused with high grade wax that has ben made to be ingested{can remember the process... u can look it up on skunk school jst google skunkschool}). but again please consult a licensed doctor before you decide to do anything.

on a side note... some1 mentioned how childhood vaccines have lots of toxins compared to cannabis.. veeeeery true guys other meds are horribly tainted too
you need to think about all the things we put into our body that docs tell us is fine, but that actually causes serious side effects that are usually 10 times worse than the original ailment trying to be fixed.
I try veeeery hard to not even take asprins and pain relievers as youd b suprised how much crap is in them too... and when you have stomach ulcers and other gastro problems asprin and ibprofin can do a real number on you(im pretty sure they cause liver or stomach bleeding but dont quote me on that).
point is, if you want a real honest opinion, you need to go to a doctor, for the above said visit for talking about using marjuana during prenancy, thats actually open to the possibility of cannabis as a relatively safe(depending on way of ingestion and purity of the sample you use) ailment relieving med that can seriously compete with a number of current treatments on the market, for all types of maladies.
then hopefully you can get a good honest opinion on the risks, if any, of using cannabis while pregnant.
please be safe everyone:)


ICMag Donor
There seems to be a lot of guys in here.


Ive noticed that too mmm, if you dont agree with someone its okay, we dont all have to think the same way on every subject. Please dont come in here and start making things about you. Its a discussion and nothing more.


The strangely-named "Women's Forum" is nothing resembling a women's forum. I can't tell you guys how many threads I don't post in because it's really MEN going back and forth, knowing absolutely nothing of the female experience, but trying to tell us how it is, or how it should be. Oh, look! Another one!
I think if your going to do it smoking and really vaping shuldnt be the method.... eating.. or, if your really in need of the medcinal qualities, a tincture(which i think would be the safest thing for a pregnant women)
the truth is though, if your pregnant, and thinking of smoking weed... please contact a licensed doctor... and for goodness sake please dont smoke it(if you find edibles lacking in strength after any given period of time... eating foods that are infused with high grade wax that has ben made to be ingested{can remember the process... u can look it up on skunk school jst google skunkschool}). but again please consult a licensed doctor before you decide to do anything.

on a side note... some1 mentioned how childhood vaccines have lots of toxins compared to cannabis.. veeeeery true guys other meds are horribly tainted too
you need to think about all the things we put into our body that docs tell us is fine, but that actually causes serious side effects that are usually 10 times worse than the original ailment trying to be fixed.
You're kidding, right? So, polio is nowhere nearly as bad as the possibility of autism in your world? Death is nowhere nearly as bad, either. And you, I'm assuming who are male, are going to sit there and insist that a woman who's pregnant is ok for eating medibles, but not smoking or vaping. Why? By what measure of reason, logic or knowledge?
I try veeeery hard to not even take asprins and pain relievers as youd b suprised how much crap is in them too... and when you have stomach ulcers and other gastro problems asprin and ibprofin can do a real number on you(im pretty sure they cause liver or stomach bleeding but dont quote me on that).
point is, if you want a real honest opinion, you need to go to a doctor, for the above said visit for talking about using marjuana during prenancy, thats actually open to the possibility of cannabis as a relatively safe(depending on way of ingestion and purity of the sample you use) ailment relieving med that can seriously compete with a number of current treatments on the market, for all types of maladies.
then hopefully you can get a good honest opinion on the risks, if any, of using cannabis while pregnant.
please be safe everyone:)
Clearly, you've neither been pregnant, nor visited an OB/GYN for your own issues. I would love to know which OBs are that open-minded. Fuck, I'd love to find a Kaiser doctor who knows about and how to regulate hormone imbalances! My last visit the FEMALE doctor stood there and lied to my face, saying that synthetic hormones are exactly the same as bioidentical hormones. She lied about a couple of other things, too. You wanna know what doctors know about this hormone balancing stuff? Plastic surgeons. WTF-age abounds.

Point is, good luck with that. I still say don't discuss your cannabis use with your OB/GYN unless you want a whole lot of state interference with raising your child.


I think medman was possibly thinking of the fact you lower your oxygen content in your blood levels temporarily when ever you inhale burning matter...?....
- A friend of a friends baby was born with cancerous brain tumors. Try as they may, the docs couldn't save it. Her obgyn told her had she not stopped smoking pot, the thc could have prevented this, or at least slowed it down so the baby could have been saved.
- My bff smoked through both her pregnancies. Both boys were straight A students, & way less hyper than most kids were. Now they're college students, still carrying that perfect gpa! Smoking relieves morning sickness. I'm now 60. Seen most of my friends smoke while pregnant, & I have to say, I've not seen any adverse effects from it, only positive ones.
- BTW, I don't have a uterus either...... they took it out just after my 24th BD. I'm what's known as a des daughter. (Diethelstillbestrol) . Its a drug that was given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages (which it didn't), but what it DID do was cause a strange deformity in the female off spring... T- shapped uterus.


To the OP; would you rather she get her weed from other than you that might not be well or cleanly grown?
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Smoking is bad for pregnant women period.
Vaporizing is not.
Is THC bad for fetal development? I have trouble believing all the science that says so.
That said, my wife did not consume Cannabis, tea, coffee or any psychoactive substance for 9 months while pregnant.
I find it hard to believe that a few tokes on a vape to relieve morning sickness is bad for you. I would advise it.
By the way THC is not a "toxin" as several here have posted.
There is no real LD50 for Cannabis, compare that to Alcohol or Nicotine or even Salt or Water.

Most authorities agree that blood alcohol concentrations in the 0.40 - 0.50% range meet the requirements for the LD:50. There are 300-1300 yearly deaths in the USA from direct and alcohol/related poisoning.
For caffeine, the LD-50 is 192 mg/kg of body weight. Several people die directly from caffeine each year in the USA up to 1000 yearly die from caffeine related complications.
For nicotine, the LD-50 is only 50 mg/kg.
and for ethanol (alcohol), it's 6300 mg/kg.
For water, the oral LD50 is greater than 90 mL/kg. ... you can give a little over 6L of water to a 150 lb human before 50% of them will die.
table salt sodium chloride LD50 is 3 g/kg

The Merck Index lists the LD50 of pure THC to be 42 mg per kg of body weight so if a 100 kg person ate 4.2 grams of pure THC it would kill half of them, according to Merck, but I have eaten 5 grams of pure THC and did not even get close to being dead, I could not walk, but dead? I have never never never heard of a human dying from to much Cannabis Hashish or even THC, not even one. Why is that? Maybe Merck is on drugs?
I have heard of people drinking to much water and dying, to much alcohol and dying, to much caffeine and dying, to much tobacco and dying specially if they eat it, same with salt, why are there no Cannabis deaths for consuming to much?
