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Smoking weed while pregnant?



Cannabis isn't a drug..... so I'm hoping you're referring to alcohol as the drug problem.....

Bobby Boucher

Active member
A drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue, causes a physiological change in the body.

Pot might be safer than milk, but it's still a drug. If it didn't cause any physiological change, I sure as hell wouldn't waste my time growing it.


A drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue, causes a physiological change in the body.

Pot might be safer than milk, but it's still a drug. If it didn't cause any physiological change, I sure as hell wouldn't waste my time growing it.

Alright if you say it like that then sex is a drug too


Don't make me edit your posts.....
Shithawk your pretty aggressive with your posts, it doesn't matter how long you have been here. In this forum there will be no fighting, if you continue you won't be welcome to post here.
We all have our opinions on this subject and to put down some one else's is not right. We might not all agree and have different ideas on smoking while pregnant.
I'm going to say this again, no fighting....

I'm not being too aggressive am I?
Ok I haven't read any of this thread's prior posts yet. It's long and I wanted to express my thoughts right quick and get some feedback. My wife and I just had our first baby monday. She had a c-section, they kept her in 24 hours and cut her loose with some acetiminophen.

After seeing her needlessly suffer I convinced her to take a drink of some bhang i made. I made it super weak for my standards but it really seems to help her a lot. (night and day difference). She doesn't smoke or even drink in her day to day life, and is taking drinks of bhang every few hours only for her pain from her surgery.

Should we be concerned about any side effects from cannabis in her breast milk? She doesn't and isn't smoking. she only consumes it in a beverage of milk and cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, almonds and a little sugar for taste. Our baby is healthy and happy, and we have not noticed any adverse reactions, in either her or the baby.

What are your thoughts? I would like some secondary opinions. Thanks.


Ok I haven't read any of this thread's prior posts yet. It's long and I wanted to express my thoughts right quick and get some feedback. My wife and I just had our first baby monday. She had a c-section, they kept her in 24 hours and cut her loose with some acetiminophen.

After seeing her needlessly suffer I convinced her to take a drink of some bhang i made. I made it super weak for my standards but it really seems to help her a lot. (night and day difference). She doesn't smoke or even drink in her day to day life, and is taking drinks of bhang every few hours only for her pain from her surgery.

Should we be concerned about any side effects from cannabis in her breast milk? She doesn't and isn't smoking. she only consumes it in a beverage of milk and cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, almonds and a little sugar for taste. Our baby is healthy and happy, and we have not noticed any adverse reactions, in either her or the baby.

What are your thoughts? I would like some secondary opinions. Thanks.

Cannabinoids are good for all mammals :) the only worry at all with cannabis is the stupid laws that prohibit it thus making it criminal. Cannabis for the win my friend


Well-known member
+1 for healthy baby girl born into a cannabis loving family. 5 months in and she has exceptional muscular and brain development. Go Cannabis!


Active member
Hey ricky, my wife didn't smoke at all during her pregnancy, but after she recovered from giving birth she started smoking a hit or two with me when I got home from work. Our daughter was exclusively breast fed until she could eat solids, and she's perfectly fine. Happy, healthy, and psychologically pretty advanced. We haven't noticed any detriment from breastfeeding with light cannabis use.


Lots of good info here..I think organic ganja consumed properly can not harm baby a lot.
My first she baby was produced on organic AK47 -Serious Seeds...she is a beast :)


New member
I have been getting the worst morning sickness you could ever imagine for almost a month now. I tried everything to reduce the nausea and the vomiting but its not working good for me. I tried searching alternative things to help with the morning sickness and i came up with this article about cannabis and this certain kind of strain at https://###/cheese/. Im a little afraid for the fact that im pregnant and thinking that i could affect the baby inside me. What should i do?
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Autistic Diplomat in Training
I have been getting the worst morning sickness you could ever imagine for almost a month now. I tried everything to reduce the nausea and the vomiting but its not working good for me. I tried searching alternative things to help with the morning sickness and i came up with this article about cannabis and this certain kind of strain at https://###/cheese/. Im a little afraid for the fact that im pregnant and thinking that i could affect the baby inside me. What should i do?
Same thing my wife did...
Cut out all avoid foods for the mother and baby's possible blood types. (look up D'Adamo Typebase5) Then use the cleanest, most functional strain of cannabis you can find which zaps your nausea.

My wife was throwing up water, couldn't keep anything down and was starting to miscarry. We tried everything else under the sun (except the nasty pills the doctor agreed were no good for her or the child) and cannabis is the only thing we found which would reduce her nausea. She had about 3 bong rips a day of Cinderella-99 and quit vomiting. She actually gained 11lbs during the rest of the pregnancy. 8 years later, our kid is alive, extremely intelligent, healthy as a horse and downright amazing.

Other than staying away from heavy indicas and contaminates, I have zero issues recommending it to pregnant women. :tiphat:
(edit: Yes gry, this included working with all herbal remedies. Each worked for days or hours and became ineffective. Only cannabis powered through.)


Well-known member
I suggest you seek an older woman who has wisdom in such things whom you respect and speak with her about the subject.
My wife used to do woman's health care - md/mph. I watched her perspective evolve over the years.

I deal with nausea as a result of cancer. I had heard oil of peppermint helps some people.
I have mint growing out side my back door and found that inhaling the steam from a cup of just boiled water with a couple of sprigs or a few leaves of mint can help a lot when it is bad. I don't drink it, just inhale.
I have also used a wintergreen lifesaver with good results in a pinch.
With my nausea, "Bubba" has been helpful.
Many schools of herbal medicine are run by women.
My wife loved the fact that the schools were repositories of powerful traditional knowledge.
She used to listen to a radio show which a woman from blue otter school of herbal medicine did .
She was very impressed with level and quality of care delivered.


Well-known member
The only problem is doctors drug test the babies in the USA at least and if your child tests positive for THC you will have to deal with child protective services. Happened with my child but we didn't live at the address anymore so they fucked off after a while.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The only problem is doctors drug test the babies in the USA at least and if your child tests positive for THC you will have to deal with child protective services. Happened with my child but we didn't live at the address anymore so they fucked off after a while.
Yes, they drug tested my wife and child at the hospital. They were really creepy and dishonest about it. Whatever, the nausea subsided in the last few months and she was clean at this point anyway.

Yes, the state has ruined many families and lives through actions they believed were correct.
Research studies indicate that unborn babies exposed to cannabis may be more likely to exhibit behavioral changes as older children. These children may be more impulsive, hyperactive and have attention difficulties, affecting their learning ability. Some studies have found that babies born to women who used marijuana regularly during pregnancy tend to be lighter in weight, shorter in length and have a smaller head circumference at birth.

they went back, murdered the baby and gotten pregnant again but this time no drugs? fake research


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
They would be comparing brain developement between the fetus'.

Writing off what disagrees with your own views as is now common with news is dangerous ground. Too many write off information as "fake" merely because it does not jive with their own belief, without verifying a whit either way.


Please avoid the advice of our fringe theory guru. Blood type diets are not supported by anyone but the man selling the book he wrote about them. No medical doctor advises this nonsense, least of all to a pregnant woman with higher and more specific nutrient demands.

Cannabis and pregnancy is relatively uncharted water. Best to err on the side of caution. Anecdotal evidence is hardly evidence at all.

Lost in a SOG

Most women would have no desire to intake any toxins whilst pregnant. Smoking anything is contraindicated for obvious reasons. Anaemia is always a problem for women anyway so don't smoke.

Research is patchy and based on animal studies, humans are complex creatures and the placenta is a complex piece of kit. But to be most responsible if you know you're going to try for children stop taking any drugs for a month before and detox, your fertility will go up hugely as well.. :2cents:


Don't smoke anything and/or drink while pregnant. Don't smoke cannabis until your brain has stopped developing. Doing so causes all these kids around who can't think straight. haven't you noticed them?

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