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Smoking male plants

Storm Crow

Active member
Hon, just dry it and water cure it- that will take care of any harshness. Yes, you will get a buzz. The best male is about equal to your worst female. But, when you are out of smoke- it works. And if you are into blunts, it is a safer filler than tobacco...and it adds a small amount of THC.

Also, most of us have a moocher friend- you know, the dude who hits you up for a joint as he's leaving! Have a few male joints rolled up for just such an occasion! lol



Active member
good advice, as always, storm. especially since she hasnt smoked since 1983. with that low a tolerance level, the small amount of thc in the male should be just what the doctor ordered.


Hash*_*bean's G13 male from his seed project, you be the trichome judge



^^ yeah man.. males do produce trichomes if they have the right genes.. I made some water hash just a few days ago with a male. not much hash but still worth the effort...


Active member
ICMag Donor
I'm with ya, WoW...ever since I learned how to make kind hash, I waste ziltcho.

sow the seeds

Rose said:
Think out of the bong for a moment.

Cannabis pollen is actually very potent and has a full range of cannabinoids. Here is a hint "I read about somewhere":

Grow some males out and let the honey bees at them. You can put up an ag mist system to protect your and your neighbors sensi crops.

Bees LOVE this pollen and it is very good for them. If you have sick hives, cannabinoids and good food like pollen is what they need to heal. As soon as your hives have stored up their food supply then you can install a pollen trap.

Take a teaspoon of the pollen, wait an hour and THEN decide about potency (heehee)

Very interesting. Wonder if it would be possible to make a medical honey from these bees?

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
1tsp of pollen is a shitload in terms of pollen....

can anyone actually give some % as to whats in the pollen? and maybe a source?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Males can be more potent than females. The problem is inconsistancy. Test one plant from a field of 1000 females and you've tested them all. Smoke a male from a field of 1000 males and you still have 999 to test.


Registered Pothead
Please do not teach or instruct people to smoke male plants. It is a waste of everyones time and lungs. My personal opinion though.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It may be a waste to the common cab grower but it's hardly a waste of everyone's time. How do you think they determine which males to use in breeding? "oooh, use this one. It looks like Nixon."
FreezerBoy said:
It may be a waste to the common cab grower but it's hardly a waste of everyone's time. How do you think they determine which males to use in breeding? "oooh, use this one. It looks like Nixon."

You mean you do it differently? I thought everyone picked their males to breed with by looking for Presidents. I had one that looked like J.Edgar Hoover but it hermi'd on me.



I just grew out 8 alpha diesel seeds, and all 8 are male (remember me next time you get mostly females in a pack, you owe the poor guys like me dammmit! hee hee). I'm damn sure going to be growing at least one or two out and trying them. Actually, one has had really nice resin gland formation on the leaves since it sprouted, is very different from the others being super short, and very dark green - almost blue, and smells like spices and cherry candy. You think I'm not gonna try smokin' that sumbitch and you are crazy, could make for some su-preme breeding pollen.

Even doctors were convinced in the not too distant past that tomatoes were poisonous and would kill you if you ate 'em, so don't always take as gospel what others might have to say about something. You'd be amazed how many people offer seemingly expert advice on stuff they've never even tried themselves...

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Male plants don't really have "buds" per se. Unless you let it mature, what you're talking about smoking is leaves. In my younger days, I used to keep the leaves from my males and those trimmed off my females for a rainy day. They could often produce a mild buzz which was better than nothing, but not much. And no matter how you dry and cure them, I've always found leaves to be a harsher smoke than buds.

Now that I've gotten more serious about growing, I guess I've become a bit of a snob. Males go as soon as they show their sex. And I do the same with the female fan leaves when they are trimmed. But I guess old habits are hard to break, because I still save the female bud leaves that I trim for my rainy day stash. Luckily I haven't had to dig into that stash in several years.

I did make blender hash from trimmed leaves a while back. While it tasted very nice, it was not very potent, the yield was very small, and I decided it just wasn't worth all the time and effort I put into it. I'd rather spend my time growing bud and not worrying about wasting a few leaves. And they are really not wasted, as I mix them into the soil for a future planting.

Just like growing tomatoes -- 90% of the biomass (stems and leaves) ends up on the compost pile. There may or may not be a use for that "trash," but I'm really only concerned with the tomatoes. The rest is just the plant's overhead for producing those tomatoes.
Bubbled a male outdoor Jamaican Pearl recently and it put me on my ass and all my mates on their asses too!!

Stronger than the bubble from the female plants even!! Go figure.


Registered Pothead
sagaseedman said:
^^ yeah man.. males do produce trichomes if they have the right genes.. I made some water hash just a few days ago with a male. not much hash but still worth the effort...
Are you sure it wasnt a wad of pollen LOL.


you could make tea out of the male leaves and stem like the jamaicans do. just make sure u simmer it closed in a tea kettle or whatever on low for 30 minutes. its nice.


Smoking males will get you stoned, if you have nothing else to smoke. Good males can be suprisingly powerful, if they are mature enough.
Good way to help decide which male to use for pollen chucking, too.

2 Satori males I'm smoking and getting some pollen off. :D

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Registered Pothead
sagaseedman said:
chubbynugs No it was not pollen :D damn..
Lets see some pictures of the melt. Or does it even melt?
Also salbai is not the only true way to see how good a male is for breeding is by breeding it and testing the progeny? Never knew that so many people smoked males until this thread and i must say it is still sad and i feel sorry for you all. I got a negative rep point for stating my opinion in here which i dont care about it is just funny how personal people take others comments. Those male trichomes must be getting you more frustrated then high. :muahaha: :muahaha: