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Smoking and driving .. the debate


well people and objects do move slower so you gotta be an aggressive driver while high or you will be the guy on the shoulder turning a mile in advance.


There is no debate amongst the rational. This isn't a tricky one. Straight up, you're in an altered state of consciousness that even cannabis friendly literature consistently suggests slows reaction time. You should not operate a vehicle in such a state.

If the highways were yours alone, I could really care less. But my loved ones share the roads with you folks, and so I support any intelligent legislation that gives severe punishments to those driving while high on drugs. If you're high all day long and find that you need to occasionally drive, tough luck; take a cab.

I've got no love for folks putting other people at risk under the justification of "I swear it makes me a better driver" crap. Science, research, and common sense say otherwise.


I love to see some science as far as this "reaction time is diminished". Maybe for non regular smokers, but for daily ones I don't believe this at all. At least once a month I will knock something off a table or counter, and catch it mid air before it hits the ground. Or i'll be in the shower and drop the shampoo, but catch the bottle before it smashes my feet..... 99% of the time I am baked outa my goard. If i would abeen sober i woulda dropped these things. I always say to my girlfriend or friends "pshhhh they need to put that on their anti pot smoking commercials"

If anyone here actually still has to "think" about how to drive, you are probably still in your teens, or you're just a horrible driver to begin with. I was taught from a young age how to properly drive. If you follow these simply things you always know whats going on around you and u can avoid potentially dangerous situations. Driving comes like 2nd nature to me and doesnt require any conscious thinking. Even when driving a manual.

Now spelling and grammar.... thats a whole different story.

I suspect the same people that say you shouldnt be driving stoned shouldn't be driving period.... anyone that is "scared" of driving is a danger to themselves and everyone else on the highway. Need confidence to drive.... and proper training and experience from parents.

edit: I shouldnt have to say this, but i better cause one of u r-tards will bring a gov. study for the "science".... i want unbiased science please.

And furthermore, untill we start enforcing "low iq while driving" or "chic talking on cell phone to her girlfriend" or "texting while driving", or "listening to the radio while driving" or "eating while driving".... smoking while driving can stay.... its far less dangerous then the aforementioned activities.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
........edit: I shouldnt have to say this, but i better cause one of u r-tards will bring a gov. study for the "science".... i want unbiased science please.

And furthermore, untill we start enforcing "low iq while driving" or "chic talking on cell phone to her girlfriend" or "texting while driving", or "listening to the radio while driving" or "eating while driving".... smoking while driving can stay.... its far less dangerous then the aforementioned activities.
OK.........Some people are retards for using common sense and saying that the roads shouldn't be full of HIGH on pot drivers?

Pretty amazing comment.

My girl got a ticket this last Monday for driving while talking on the cell phone to her Dad !! Talking on the cell and texting is already illegal and they are trying to make eating / and smoking cigs illegal while driving as well. Where do you live? In the boonies?

CA VC #23123. Look it up and then shut up.

I guess smoking DOPE while driving can stay in the discussion then based on your own criteria.

Smokin dope when driving is less dangerous than eating or listening to the radio while driving?

Wake up and put away the shrooms knuckle head. :moon:


EVERYTHING IS illegal in California..... you guys are what the rest of the country call a "nanny state"

Do i think texting/eating/phoning while driving should be illegal? Hell no, but I do think the regular driving test needs to be made 5x harder. Driving is NOT A RIGHT.


Haha. I learned to drive stoned.

However, I have driven sober and I'd have to say that in the car (sober) is the ONLY time I could possibly say I have an anger management problem. :mad:

I swear almost everyone on the road is either on rx pills and sleeping their way through life OR they are just raging maniacal arseholes who do the stupidest things ever.

Pot makes me not care about either type. It is lovely. Also, I do believe I am a more careful driver when I am high. Never had a problem with reaction time either. If you want to know what a real reaction time problem looks like, just observe 90% of drivers on the road who are over 60 years old.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
EVERYTHING IS illegal in California..... you guys are what the rest of the country call a "nanny state"

Do i think texting/eating/phoning while driving should be illegal? Hell no, but I do think the regular driving test needs to be made 5x harder. Driving is NOT A RIGHT.
Now................. I can agree with every word of THIS post !!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Do i think texting/eating/phoning while driving should be illegal? Hell no, but I do think the regular driving test needs to be made 5x harder. Driving is NOT A RIGHT.
and I don't think alcohol purchasing and consumption should be based on age either, hell no, IQ exclusively, to get into a bar you flash your IQ card, buying booze the same way. The less common sense or 'smarts' you have the less you're entitled to drink or buy, after all add booze to a moron and really, what do you now have?

One exception to this rule might have to be made to the IQ liquor laws or an
entire industry might very well collapse overnight ~ country western bars ~



Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
......One exception to this rule might have to be made to the IQ liquor laws or an
entire industry might very well collapse overnight ~ country western bars ~

Daaaaaammmnnnnn !! LOL.

Hit em where it hurts..............Right in the nuts !!

El Vexilix

Maybe it also depends what weed you smoke . I"m a car guy and I love to get high before I practice drifting or autocross . Sativas get my heart racy and ready for any quik response . The only drawback is that if you don't have Roto or Cleareyes , you might not be able to see . lol
I post the fastest times in Forza 2 and Mario Kart when I'm stoned .
online ppl hate me .


Lammen Gorthaur
Drugs and cars never seem to work out. I don't drive any more for the specific reason that I can continue to ingest copious amounts of drugs in my quest to reach the ultimate state of stonacity...

"Stonacity" - to be totally blazed beyond redemption, fighting for consciousness in a sea of drugs that are each fighting the other for control of what is left of your brain. Basically blasted.

I'm going to see if I can rent this word to Webster's for their upcoming dictionary...


ICMag Donor
I've smoked for thirty years and I try not to drive when I'm stoned.

The problem is it's very easy to start thinking and zoning when you're stoned. Most people enjoy thinking and analyzing when they are buzzed and that could be dangerous behind the wheel...

And whoever thinks texting and driving should be legal is wacked out. Twice this month alone I've almost been run off the road from some kid staring down at his cell phone instead of watching the highway...


I love to see some science as far as this "reaction time is diminished". Maybe for non regular smokers, but for daily ones I don't believe this at all. At least once a month I will knock something off a table or counter, and catch it mid air before it hits the ground. Or i'll be in the shower and drop the shampoo, but catch the bottle before it smashes my feet..... 99% of the time I am baked outa my goard. If i would abeen sober i woulda dropped these things. I always say to my girlfriend or friends "pshhhh they need to put that on their anti pot smoking commercials"

If anyone here actually still has to "think" about how to drive, you are probably still in your teens, or you're just a horrible driver to begin with. I was taught from a young age how to properly drive. If you follow these simply things you always know whats going on around you and u can avoid potentially dangerous situations. Driving comes like 2nd nature to me and doesnt require any conscious thinking. Even when driving a manual.

Now spelling and grammar.... thats a whole different story.

I suspect the same people that say you shouldnt be driving stoned shouldn't be driving period.... anyone that is "scared" of driving is a danger to themselves and everyone else on the highway. Need confidence to drive.... and proper training and experience from parents.

edit: I shouldnt have to say this, but i better cause one of u r-tards will bring a gov. study for the "science".... i want unbiased science please.

And furthermore, untill we start enforcing "low iq while driving" or "chic talking on cell phone to her girlfriend" or "texting while driving", or "listening to the radio while driving" or "eating while driving".... smoking while driving can stay.... its far less dangerous then the aforementioned activities.

just because you smoke weed everyday and can drive stoned doesn't mean everyone else can. i mean look at all the the dipshits driving around completely sober some of them smoke weed. lets say they get ahold of some good weed. they told me at my certification clinic not to smoke and drive and being certified mmj doesn't let you smoke and drive. that was a few years back when i first got one they never mentioned anything since.

that being said i dont give a fuck im not a total moron who can't function after smoking. if you dont think you can safely drive after smoking then you shouldn't. you know who you are..
I used to smoke and drive just about everyday.....rolling hotboxes regularly. Till one day, my friend and I just aired out a hotbox, I was making a left hand turn and a speeder clipped my rear bumper.

I was so freaked out that a cop arrived 5 minutes later I didnt even think to argue about fault, I just wanted out of there. It was obviously other drivers fault....25mph zone and long ass skid marks in dry conditions are mutually exclusive. Ended up costing me a bunch of money that should have never came out of my pocket.

I wont smoke while driving again, I drive great while high, even while holding and lighting waterpipes while driving with knees.....I just suck at talking to cops while high. To me, its worth not driving and smoking anymore.


Freedom Fighter
I drive while high all the time...I smoke while I drive too--
But I live in So Cal, and traffic is only going 8mph...so it's all good-- lol


I think it's much more dangerous to drive fatigued yet everyone has done that before. Plus like others have said theres many prescription and over the counter drugs that people drive on everyday.
I normally drive more cautious while high and always do the speed limit unlike if i'm sober i'll be more likely to go that 5-10mph or more over the limit.
I'm also much better at fps games while stoned and those certainly require fast reaction times.
I will say if i'm blazed to a certain point to where I don't feel comfortable driving, then Ill wait till I sober up.


I don't smoke WHILE driving, but I have no issue whatsoever droppin' in some Visine right after I did and driving. I have been stopped by the police 4 times (rolling stop, no turn signal, speeding twice) in my entire life and I wasn't stoned for any of those instances.

I have been driving while goofy for YEARS upon YEARS, and I can tell you hands down I'm a better driver while knocked off my rocker. My 1 speeding ticket and 3 other traffic stops while sober to none whatsoever while high is my anecdotal evidence. I'm so worried about getting a ticket or getting in a wreck that I'm checking everything from every direction, paying attention to things I wouldn't even think about sober. That's just my experience I guess...

What I personally think this argument comes down to is personal responsibility. Know your limits and what you can handle. I am so comfortable being medicated that I feel out of wack when I'm NOT smoking, so performing tasks while high are no more difficult than sober. But I know it can go both ways, I have one friend who is just like me... while another just freaks themselves out and can't handle it. Know your limits, act responsibly. What is good about cannabis is I don't believe it has the same kind of "dumbass filter blocker" that alcohol does. On cannabis, the dumbass filter seems to work overtime for me. But when a bit younger, get that alcohol flowing, and that dumbass filter shuts down in an instant and there is no holding back the stupidity.

And for what its worth, here is a quasi-study done on a British show that I found on youtube a while back on this exact subject... anyone interested in this topic should check this thing out:


Tony Danza

I know it's cool to be a responsible stoner and have a time and place, but that describes less than 10% of the smokers is know.

I'm stoned all day most days. I don't smoke while driving unless it's a long trip, but that's just for security reasons. But I do drive, and unless I'm super lit, it never even occurs to me that I shouldn't do it. To me, stoned and sober aren't mutually exclusive.

The one thing I do notice, I often find myself on the wrong road, not knowing how or why I got there, but that's just the way shit is.

But here's my funniest smoking while driving story:

Four of us were in my buddies Nissan Sentra, cruising down the county roads at night while trying to pass a bowl of hash around. On one fateful pass from back seat to front seat, the hash jumped out of the bowl and fell between the seats. Naturally, all four of us decide to look for it, including the driver. Somebody managed to pinch the burning hash between their fingers and we all look up to see a sheriff sitting at a dead stop in the middle of the road right the fuck in front of us. Tires screeched as we fishtailed violently into the other lane and then back into ours in front of the sheriff. Shitting our pants, we stopped and went with the "Shit, roll down the windows and light up a cigarette" routine. Once we were lit up and airing out, we looked up to see the cop turn on his headlights, flip a bitch and drive away. He probably wasn't interested in explaining why he was sitting in the middle of the road at night with no lights on.


stoned agin ...
The problem is it's very easy to start thinking and zoning when you're stoned. Most people enjoy thinking and analyzing when they are buzzed and that could be dangerous behind the wheel...
thats exactly what ive found, the mind starts drifting, thinking about whatever and not about the road. gave myself a few good scares that way, luckily no accident.

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