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Smoking and driving .. the debate


Devil's Advocate
awhile back the wife had to go to a safe driving class
she was the only one there not for a DUI and when
MJ and driving came up the instructor said "the worst
problem with driving under the influence of MJ was you
tend to get lost and forget where going and that it was
nowhere near the problem that alcohol is"
the instructor was a state trooper

I've met some cool cops in my day, and that surely is one...


Active member
I hope I dont offend anyone when I say this but I smoke&drive (not drive while smoking) almost daily.

I will take a big fat bong hit and then go run errands in my car.

I am still very young and lots of learn but I feel as if I can drive while under the influence of MJ much better then 95% + of the idiots on the roads today.

Also, I'm not justifying saying there are idiots on the roads that makes it ok to smoke and drive, but I noticed when I smoke then drive I drive considerably slower, and happier for that matter :)


i usually do 20-40km/h above the speed limit in the city (more on highways, i'll do like 170, limit=110km/h) and i LOVE to weave in and out of traffic when im SOBER.
when im high i rarely ever speed and i stay far more focused