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SmokinErb's Vertical Garden - CMH - Speed Queen, Mandala#1 & Bagseed.

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Last 4 for right now:

Over the top.

Opened up.

Mandala#1/SpeedQueen lights on.

Mandala#1/SpeedQueen lights off.


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I also just received word that the jigsaw is coming over. I guess I'll have my 2nd level in tonight. Get excited!

Edit: ...

Or not. Apparently he got wrapped up with some bitch or whatever. He said he was still coming by but I told him I wasn't about to run a bunch of saws and shit after 10:00 PM. Fucking annoying.
Hey dude yeah everyones waiting for the next grow to do things better.

The mylar around the outside instead of the black bin liner style material will be much better because....
If you get the extra thick mylar, it is 100% light proof, and reflect 97+% of all light back into the plants helping growth.
Black absorbs the light, and doesn't reflect anything back so any light that does hit it, just gets absorbed instead of reflecting back in for consumption from your plants.

Once you've done a few grows you'll really have all this stuff ironed out and a slick operation in progress for sure.


Once again, I have a roll of Panda plastic I was going to use for a tent. I just honestly don't know if I'm gonna put it up, or set it aside for another grow. Edit: I seriously keep coming back to this. I feel like I came off as a dick or something. Plus I keep coming back to think about the logic of it all. I think what I'm going to do is uhm, leave the black stuff on there for right now. I want to get my 2nd and 3rd levels up. Spread my plants around, and see what kind of light is hitting the black plastic. Like right now seriously ALL of the plastic behind the plants is totally shadowed. So like my perspective is that spending more money to put reflective material where there's no light reaching? I just don't see the point. However, I think that once I spread them out on the different levels, I'll probably want to throw up that panda. Also, as it is right now is totally temporary. I don't want to go around and get it all set up only to have to tear it up to get back in there adding stuff and what not. Uh, it kinda sucks that I'm still building my cab when I'm ready to flower, to be honest. Not the way I usually do things. But then again, these plants are pretty much just a forerunner to the Mandala. The whole purpose of starting them early was to allow me to have my lights and temps and everything dialed in and ready for the Mandala stuff. I'm ready to put the Mandala's under the CMH as soon as I get that 2nd level put in. It's too crowded right now.

The frame isn't even done yet, I still have to run some horizontal supports at the top, put in the shelves as well as another light. A fan and filter. Amongst other things. It's basically the only reason I haven't used it. I bought that cheap black shit to hide the light leaks, and for that purpose it, it works wonderfully.

I talked to my buddy today tho, and he's supposed to be dropping that jigsaw off this afternoon. So by the time the lights come on, I should have plants sitting around that HPS. I may be moving my Mandala strains under that CMH as well.

I gotta get around to wiring up those receptacles. Got another ballast/light coming and I can't plug anymore into that 15a one currently in the room. I got a 20a ran and wired up to the breaker, I just haven't mounted or wired up the receptacles yet. I'll probably get around to that today too, so long as I don't get exceedingly high.

I'll post back with some pics. I'm trying to get the whole op cleaned up a bit, as its basically time for me to flower. As soon as I can get some more medium, I'm gonna cut back the lights. They're gonna get too tall otherwise. And I don't wanna top my tree-style plants.


Active member
Everything looks great so far! Much better than my first vertical run. IMHO, you're making the right choice sticking to vertical. Personally I feel that horizontal is more expensive, as you need a decent reflector. Keep on truckin!


Agreed. Unless you're doing a SOG. Seriously. 6" square pots are NOT cheap when you need 500 of them. One of the main reasons that I'm not opting for SOG this time. @ $1.30 each.... I just... I can't do it. There's too much other things I could invest in that I would be better off with.

I'm still waiting on that jigsaw. Impatiently. I can rent one from the hardware store... for $35. Fuck that. I can buy one for $40. Regardless, he's supposed to bring it by after he gets off work.

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I no longer run my lights 24/7 for the past few days. I don't have the CMH on a timer, but I unplug it early afternoon, and leave it shut off until evening. More or less about 6 hours, so I'm basically running 18/6.

Efficiency is the key to anything. I aim for an EFFICIENT grow. Vertical is the way to do that. To me, it's all about the gpw.


Okay so I pulled all of them out to check to see if any preflowers had shown up yet. Nothing distinguishable on any of them. This is actually way later than I was expecting to see them, honestly. It's been about 45 days since I first started these seeds: 3/2 - 4/15.

Regardless, up until now they've been pretty much under watered. I've known this for a while, but I was pretty much giving them "just enough" as i didn't want any water run off due to the plywood not being lined. But today I pulled them all out into my bedroom, and saturated them pretty well.

I fed them a mix of 2tsp/gal Grow Big and 2 tbls/gal Big bloom, and 1/4 tsp Superthrive. Made sure the medium at the bottom of the bags was nice and wet. I tested the pH of the runoff of 3 different plants, and they were all about 6.8. The nutrient mix going in measures at 6.6. Takes me about 10 gallons all together, I've got a gallon or two left for the ones that are flowering.

And I guess I'll be getting that second level in tonight (I dunno how many times I said that, but the dude is stopping by after a probation meeting).

I took a few pics of 'em when I had 'em all out on the floor. Here's all 20 of the plants on the 1 gallon containers. I'll turned my CMH on, and I'll take some more pics once they perk up nicely here in a few hours, I expect.

Edit: I also gave my Mandala seeds 1/4 strength if not weaker nutes. 1st pic is Mandala#1, 2nd is Speed Queen.

Anyone know anything about the "twisting" in the lower left hand corner mandala#1 pic? pH maybe? I didn't bother collecting any runoff from 'em, but I don't see why the pH would be off so far on that one. They've been given nothing but water (except a mild dose of Big Bloom that I wetted the medium with.)

The spots are just water, no burn or anything. Just that twisting.


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Update on the flowering ones:

1 male, has been removed.
2 females.

1 plant I'm leaning towards male on.
The rest haven't popped nothing yet.


Okay, so I've gotten the shelf cut. I'm trying to get another sheet of plywood (hard to do when you don't have a truck,) so I can go ahead and get the 3rd level ready as well.

I tried to take some macro's of the pistils and pollen sacks. The air movement really wasn't letting me get anything good, but given that the male is gone, I won't get any better pics of it than these. I'll take some shots of the pistils tonight when I bring 'em out.

Anyway, I'll be grabbing some brackets to mount the wood on. I was just going to use some scrap wood blocks, but I can secure the plywood as opposed to just setting it down on some wood blocks. It should help sturdy my frame up a little bit. Gonna head to the hardware store here in like a half hour.

Oh, the shelf isn't perfect, but close enough. One side has like 1/2" bigger ledge than the rest. The ledge is like 8 1/2" all around (short point of each leg) except for like 9" at the shortest point of one leg.


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Snapped a couple pics real quick. I'm on my way outta town to pick up some bud, but.... here ya go.

Just checked the door, and my ballast and CMH bulb were sitting right there. Now all I gotta do is grab another mogul base for it and some wire and we're ready to go! If the HVAC place is open this weekend, I'll probably do it then.


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Man, tonight was fucking crazy. Went to go pick up a QP of some mids, like there's a middle man in there. I don't usually trust people, but I rode with him an hour away, and got dropped off at a White Castle, for him to go down the road and pick it up.

Well apparently he managed to get arrested. In a 1/2 mile drive. Regardless, I guess he bonded out and is coming over here in about an hour to give me my money back.

Regardless the whole time... I thought I was basically getting fucked. I'm standing around... an hour drive away. Phone dying. Thought the dude thought he was gonna pull an easy one. Thought he was laughing his ass off the whole way back. Man, I was so pissed. Anyway, had a friend drive all the way out there to pick me up. Just got home. Been gone.. ALL. FUCKING. DAY. It's time to roll a blunt.

Anyway, I pull the flowering plants out here in about 30 minutes. I'll see if I can't get some better pics of the pistils this time.

Edit: I'd also like to point this out. Yes I sell weed. No this is not a cash crop. Why the fuck would I sell the weed I'm growing? You know what people smoke around here? This here is seriously 80% of the local weed. There's a little good stuff around, but not enough for me. I've tried pushing better stuff... nobody seems to get it. They just wanna spend $20 on an 8th of shit. I can push mids, they'll pay for that - but obviously I pad my pockets better with COMMERCIAL shit. And @ $60 an 8th for dank nugs around here, nobody can afford it.


DoubleEdit: I do not smoke this shit.


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Macro's as I said I would.

The only plants that have shown any signs of sex are the ones I'm flowering. There are 2 different plants with pistils.

Speaking of the flowering plants, I wrapped some black plastic around the 2 liters to light-proof 'em. Don't wanna kill the roots.


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Pretty sure this is a male. Chop?

Edit: Posted another thread. Seems the consensus is to wait. So wait, I will.


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Well I took an attempt at making some more room, so I can stuff those Mandala seeds beside the CMH. I was just gonna sit them up on a crate of their own until I transplant them. Wasn't really too successful. Only ended up moving the shortest 4 plants to the 2nd level and raised the light several inches.

I topped 2-3 of them while I was in there. They were getting 18"-20" tall and I had to cut 'em back right there. Sorta worried about the stretch in flowering, but I'll manage.

The plant in the post above was indeed male. It got the chop tonight.

I took a look at all of the 20 in 1 gallon grow bags and none of them have shown any sign of preflowers. Strange, really. These are 8-10 node plants, 15"-18" tall. About 45 days old, I would have expected to see a little something.

Couple of pics I took real quick. You can tell it's not so crowded around the bottom anymore. I need to get about 3 more off the bottom row and I'll be happy.


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Okay, finally unbanned. So here's what we've accomplished -

Circuit is wired up and working.

Started flowering 4/20 (except the mandala seeds)

3rd shelf has been put in.

3rd light has been put in (I forgot to get the male plug, but its wired and ready to go)

4 new females (The original 2 were transplanted into 3-gal containers, the 4 new ones will be done tmw. I'm basically sexing them in the 1 gal containers.)

3-4 possible males, still waiting to know for sure.

I removed the orange cable that runs from ballast-to-bulb, and replaced it with some 600v rated flexible cord.

I ran into a problem where I kept blowing my circuit. found a single freakin' strand of the wire touching the metal housing. Frustrating. Single piece of electricians tape did the job.

Got a lot more work to do tmw. Transplants. More work on the cab, gonna get that 3rd light up and running. So for now... one pic will do.

Oh I need to clone before its too late.


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sup bro, sweet setup. the similarities between our grows is startling. i'm about 2/3s the way through my first grow and i too decided to go vert, but out of necessity i kept them vegging too long lol. i run bare bulb also and i've had no heat problems cept a couple of burnt fan leaves that got a little too excited. I also just started 5 mandala#1s that are just about the same stage as yours haha. anyways keep up the good work i'll def be checkin back in. peace


So the Mandala seeds. Not sure what happened... but boy did they stretch. I'm kinda pissed.

Anyway, very uniform growth between the strains. Topped 2 of each strain at the 5th leaf set, left 2 growing normally. Not sure where the stretch is coming from. They were like 15" from the CMH, and like 3" from the CFL's. I got them closer to the HID now, so hopefully they'll tighten back up from this point on.


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Here's a couple of pics. Too tired to really get around to taking any good ones.

3rd level is up and running.

Transplanted 16 plants from the 1 gallon containers to 3 gallons (7 days into flower...)

Uhm, basically just cleaned up my whole grow room today. It was a total mess.


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