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SmokinErb's Vertical Garden - CMH - Speed Queen, Mandala#1 & Bagseed.

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Most of these are day 34 of flower. 4 of 'em in there are day 51 of flower.


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Okay these are day 34 of flower.

The 2nd and 3rd pics.. right behind that main cola... those 2 bud sites? That's the frosted close-up plant.


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Inside the cab. Pics kinda suck, but they're hard to take RIGHT next to the light.

Speaking of the cab... I DID raise the very top light another 4" (as much as I could) and it helps A LOT. I also stuffed my cab closer to the wall so I have a little bit more work room beside it.

Cleaned my fans, wiped off my bulbs, swept the "floors" off, etc.

Light proofed that window a bit better as well - used all that black plastic and covered up the window 2 more times.

I STILL can't get my humidity down, and I run the AC all the time? My bucket of water stays covered. Annoying.


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So uhh....

my landlord wants to come over tomorrow. To give a viewing of the property. =/

I'm not chopping them yet. Too close to the finish. Put some locks with a key on the door... one of us is going to be "out of town." We had a 24 hour notice... we found out today that they're coming over tomorrow between 2-3. That's during lights out, so it shouldn't be a problem. The central air drowns out the scrubber when its set on low.

Uhm, I think they're only trying to show one side of the duplex? The real estate lady (different from the landlord) called and asked if they could show up tomorrow. We informed her of the same story (2 rooms are inaccessible because we don't have a key due to an out-of-town roommate...not all that unlikely with us 3)

We had NO notice. She DID NOT inform us she was coming - she called my MOTHER. She claimed that all of our phones were disconnected? This is bullshit, she has all of our numbers, none have been changed or shut off. I'm being polite by inviting her in, but I want her to feel rude and intruding, simply because she is. Legally in Indiana, it's a 72 hour notice. She didn't even ask, she TOLD my mom she was coming over. That's fine, but 2 doors are locked. She can come back when the roommate comes to town (give us time to chop 'em and make hash I s'pose) in a couple days.

Basically I'm hoping we can bullshit our way through it - both sides of the duplex are identical, so I think they're only trying to show one. The real estate lady DID ask us to tell the neighbors to "call her back" if we saw them. So hopefully it'll work out between them and they'll forget about us for another month or two? :)


Well she never stopped by yesterday. I have NO IDEA what's going on and I'm not liking it. I'll use that 72 hour thing to my advantage if it comes down to it, but she never called or anything. I'm not pursuing it.

I put the Mandala strains in flower yesterday. I don't have time to veg 'em out any more really. Gonna take some cuttings and transplant tonight, I may have to harvest the cuttings early too.

My first batch of clones is looking like this so far -

Took 8 clones, 1x each plant.

2 have died, both were Mandala#1's. All 4 speed queen are still standing up. I'm not sure I'm liking the humidity dome? I feel like it's what caused the stems to rotten out on two of them. I haven't done anything since the initial watering other than making sure the grooves in the base of the humidity dome have a little water for evaporation? I'm not sure if this was a mistake or not - I also gave them a MILD nute solution? My medium is nute-free, and as I've been following Fox Farm's feed schedule, and it suggests 1 tbs/gal of Big bloom for seeds and cuttings? That's what I used. They look a little burned on the edges? Pretty sure it was just too much moisture that killed 2 though.

My next clones are gonna be rather tall - too tall to fit under the humidity dome. I honestly imagine I'll get a better turn out with these. I'll post some pics of everything tonight.


burnt out og'er
man you have many people wondering wtf happened in your thread in security and legal issues forum.

YA THINK maybe you could pop in there with an update ???

arrrrgh !


Lol, I was actually just looking for that. My bad dude!

Edit: Okay so I didn't take any pics today. Basically I started transplanting my Mandala ones, and I'm actually leaning towards the "tall pheno" being more like male-pheno. I know males are said to be generally taller, and I think that's the case here. I got 1 transplanted and notice what appeared to be the starts of pollen sacks. I stopped with transplanting and gonna wait a few days to see what pops up. I'll take the pics then.


The cat that loves cannabis
Nice grow Erb!
Thought I'd stop by and have a look at what was under threat from the landlord.
I would not have torn that down either.
Going to go back and actually read the thread a bit later, just stopped by for a quick look at the pics, very nice brother.


First 2 pics = day 41

third pic = day 59


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All of the rest of my Mandala plants are females. Final count - 2 Mandala#1, 3 Speed Queen (2 mandala#1 and 1 speed queen were males).

Okay I took 20 new clones today now that sex has been determined. Haven't had real good success so far with my cloning, but we'll see how it goes. I think these will go quite a bit better. I just took the cutting, re-cut under water @ a sharp angle, and dipped them immediately into clonex and placed them into the medium. Last time I was scraping off the base of the clone, splitting the stem down the middle, etc. I think that's what hurt them more than anything. Regardless, I have NO IDEA where I'm gonna fit 20 clones if they all survive, I'll probably stick some outdoors. I also have a male cutting that's already rooted. I kept this because I'm thinking about sticking one right next to a female outdoors? It's a Mandala#1 male, if anything, I'd probably just throw a Mandala#1 fem out there to get some more seeds. Meh, I may stick a speed queen out there and maybe check out what the offspring looks like.

Okay so timing - I'm expecting the plants grown from seed to finish around the last week of July (60 days). As for the clones, I have 2 weeks (until 6/14) to root/veg them in order for them to be finished by 8/15 which gives me 2 weeks to chop 'em, dry 'em, and jar 'em up before my lease is up.

I should be trading 2 of my speed queen clones for 2 NL5. If I do it'll happen tomorrow, I've got 2 clones rooted and ready to go.

I also tied down my Speed Queen plants. I'm gonna keep the Mandala#1 on the bottom row so I'm just gonna let 'em grow. But the Speed Queen have limited vertical space - I should have tied 'em down earlier in veg rather than a few days in flowering - but I didn't wanna tie them down until I transplanted into the 3 gallon bags because I tie them down to the bags themselves.

I'll take some pics when I'm done transplanting these girls.


Meh, lack of updates, I know. I"ve been fighting with that cloning as I said and went out and built a cloner as a last ditch attempt. Even took a few new cuttings.

The real surprising part? Most of the clones I thought were too far gone? Well 1 looked 100% healthy within 6-8 hours, the rest are looking a bit perkier today as well. Gonna have to trim some dead leaf, but it seems the growth shoots are living.

I also took a few more cuttings. Everything that has roots gets put into flower on 6/14. Everything that doesn't... I'll probably just stick outdoor. Gonna keep one of each and pollenate it with my Mandala#1 male.

I'll get around to posting some pics, but that hermie fucked it all, really. Pretty sure 100% of the plants are seeded, and some are seeded pretty damn bad. Shitty deal.


Okay so I started some seeds for my outdoor season, I know it's a bit late but I don't want huge plants. I just want more bud, and with my spot, they need to stay smaller. Uhm, some have already germinated, I'll be sticking them in those little jiffy cubes filled with some soil/perlite 50/50 mix. I'll be transplanting those tonight.

Clones ARE looking better. I'll attach a few pics, but they're definitely perkier and... well I only think I'm losing 3 of them.

The Mandala and Speed Queen are starting to pop pistils. I'm really hoping there's not any rouge pollen sacks still opening on those hermies. They still got a little ways to finish. I'll get around to taking some pics. I need to adjust the way I tied 'em down anyway.

The rest of the shit... seedy as fuck. Uhm, not ALL of it, but 100% of the plants have seeds, some aren't so bad, some are horrible. That's why I'm starting my outdoor.

I gotta do some outdoor research. Anyone know how much darkness they need to trigger flower? I know its 12 hours, but everyday is like 2 minutes shorter than the previous... I'm pretty sure they'll flower under 11:58 just as well as 12:00. I need to figure out when they'll start flowering.

Cloner - 6 hours after transplant into - 18 hours after transplant - 24 hours after transplant (this morning)

Before I used this...See those really shitty ones? They all looked like that, just laying on the dirt. One totally opened in 6 hours, the rest caught up. I may only lose 1-2, those "dying" ones growth tips are fighting for it, I'm gonna clip those dead leaves off.


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New member
lol, you seem like you grow like i do. everything is so BUSY and things slip between the cracks, also, your cloning ideas and outdoor bagseed/mandalas is EXACTLY what i'll be doing, except i also have topskunk44, and instead of speedqueen, i got some 8MilesHigh. FOLLOWING, want to see what these mandalas can really do with little extra care, scribed.


New member
but wait a minute, hermies? i thought these mandalas were supposed to fight that like, prolifically, like, isn't that the point of the strain, ? low maintenance? maybe i'll toss and just get some damned g-13 or ak48... no time to deal with horseshit. what do you think, would u use them again?


1st two pics are Mandala#1. One has a little burn on it, but meh. Pretty sure its light burn, actually. I haven't staked those back yet. I need to get on that.

3rd and 4th pics are my Speed Queen.

Right around 2 weeks in flower. Not sure the exact number of days right now.


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but wait a minute, hermies? i thought these mandalas were supposed to fight that like, prolifically, like, isn't that the point of the strain, ? low maintenance? maybe i'll toss and just get some damned g-13 or ak48... no time to deal with horseshit. what do you think, would u use them again?

Nah dude, my Mandala is basically my 3rd round in a "perpetual" harvest. Uhm, so far I'm happy with these. I think if they hermie out that'll be my fault. I'm more worried about the hermies that I've got about 2 months in flower opening up a late pollen sack pollenating my Mandala and Speed Queen.

But to answer your question, YES I'd use them again. I plan to :) It's been a pretty low maintenance strain as you said. Little burn on one I think is from the light. I haven't looked at 'em too well.

Basically what I got going is something like this:

Bagseed - About 68 days in flower

More bagseed - About 50 days in flower. (started 4/20... this is where the hermies are)

Mandala strains - about 2 weeks in flower.

Clones - Going into flower sometime in the next few days. I hope they're rooted by then otherwise its outdoor stuff.


Holy shit.

Chopped all but the 5 mandala strains. Relocating these elsewhere tonight. I'll be using 800w for thees 5. No cab, just setting it up on the ground in a relatives basement. Costing me 1/3 of the harvest, but with only a month and a half left til chop? Better than reverting to veg for an outdoor crop only to have it start flowering a few weeks later. Stress, much? I'll give up 1/3 of some seedless indoor over some hermied out outdoor (especially in my area, conditions suck.)

Long story short though, I got eyes on my place. It's not about the grow, it's about "traffic" which is strange considering I haven't sold anything out of my own home. There are 3 people living here, we all have our own friends. Yeah, we get a bit of traffic, but it's not drugs.

Regardless, I've seen too much. Heard too much. My friends MOTHER, who doesn't even know my name told him "Officer so-and-so said that you need to stay away from ##### street... you know that (insert my first and last name here)? He said they've been watching that place"

Ugh, I'm so disappointed. I guess that was my slip-up, but I really haven't lost much. Hermies and seeded bud. I got some decent stuff out of it though, most of it went into the water buckets. Haven't even really extracted that much hash yet. I've also smoked about a half gram of it as well. It's decent quality.

Anyway, I still don't even have my place cleaned up. I calmed down while harvesting... which took for fucking ever. Still wanna get all the stuff out, but I'm not gonna waste hash and shit like that I should manage to finish up tonight. At least in terms of anything that'll lead to cultivating, not sure what to do about the bongs and stuff. Right now it's just the rootstocks that are all over the fucking place. Gonna be another sleepless night. I'm just worried about a search warrant. I don't exactly have a clean criminal background.


Okay took a few pics. Here's what I managed to salvage. And the clones that are gonna go 12/12 from now. 2 clones in the front are some Northern Lights and the one in the rear is a Mandala#1.

Plant numbers are: 3xSpeedQueen, 2xMandala#1 (not including clones)

Lights are 2x400w CMH. Uh, got about 6 weeks left until harvest. Maybe 8 weeks for the clones, but the clones will likely go outdoors when the rest finish.


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