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Smoke Cigarettes? Too Bad for you!


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Poor Americans.

I offer my services as an inexperienced smuggler.


Typical politicians.

I'm going to bet that tobacco companies are behind this in an effort to increase the crappy sales they've had since the healthcare industry started cutting the strings they had to pull puppet strings when they got tired of covering the cost of smokers.

Make no mistake: The big "let's curb tobacco's insidious influence" wasn't some public service -it was C. Everett Koop on behalf of others in healthcare and insurance applying pressure on Washington to keep from having spend money to treat tobacco related illness.

It's been good to see tobacco taking a back seat, because 30 years ago, EVERYONE smoked. Ashtrays in grocery stores at the ends of aisles, at every corner, etc.
Everyone's houses stunk like musty ashtrays, always.

Now to see them push back in an obvious effort to increase sales by doctoring the nicotine down again is just... well... apt.

I'm going to skip a groove again and repeat my mantra like a broken record:

Washington is only working for big money, and they don't care where it comes from.
There is no democracy here; only big money pushing its weight around. They control the candidates you have the luxury of voting for or against. They introduce 99% of the bills in Congress. They run states, regions and the whole world.

Just enjoy your life in the best way you know how to, because as Frank Zappa says,

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
... cause the FDA has decided to cut nicotine down to non-addictive levels.

Looks like you'll be smoking more and getting less.

What's next, pot with no THC???

Of course, it's all for our own good, they mean well, I'm sure!:tiphat:

I wouldn't smoke gov't sanctioned pot, why would I smoke gov't sanctioned tobacco.

Just grow your own tobacco, done and done.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Natural may be a subjective term.

My homegrown is many degrees more potent than the chemical cardboard called Marlboro.

Personal experience only.

Many of the withdrawal symptoms of smoking are not attributed to nicotine at all.

Additives are to blame as well... Perhaps more than you know.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Natural may be a subjective term.

My homegrown is many degrees more potent than the chemical cardboard called Marlboro.

Additives are to blame as well... Perhaps more than you know.

I gave up the cigs back in the 90's after testimony in
congress bout the ingredients in cigs added up to the
equivalent of freebasing nicotine.

Cigs being designed with added chemicals to allow
a per cigarette metered nicotine deliver device.



Tobacco smokers are weird. The brand loyalty, the immediate withdrawals after the pack is gone. Id say theyre less tolerable than meth heads by far, when that last stick is gone and the store is 5 miles away. I've only known one tobacco smoker sensible enough to roll his own... The rest had some near romantic relationship with the prepackaged chemical garbage.

You know there is nothing natural in prefilled cigarettes? It's mixed batches of lowest bid crops grown by poverty level farmers, mixed in a vat, the naturals extracted completely and the synthetic branding consistency blend mixed back in. It might as well not even be tobacco. Just soaked grass clippings would work. Prerolled cigarettes are essentially the tobacco version of K2, spice.

It blew my mind when the fire-proofer chemical was added, that it only made users smoke their cancer sticks twice as fast to keep them lit, rather than rolling their own without the chemical...


Natural may be a subjective term.

My homegrown is many degrees more potent than the chemical cardboard called Marlboro.

Personal experience only.

Many of the withdrawal symptoms of smoking are not attributed to nicotine at all.

Additives are to blame as well... Perhaps more than you know.

Not like I want to start up smoking, well besides weed; but I am going to have to look into growing tobacco, just for the hell of it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Grow your own without synthetic fertilizer. No more heavy metals in your smoke, less cancer risk. The tobacco industry has known for decades that synthetic fertilizers leach heavy metals into the tobacco. Costs too much to use organics. Afraid they can not sell more expensive smokes.

On the potency, raw tobacco can be so potent it is dangerous, or so I have read. They adjust the potency down not up afik.

They also change the ph of commercial cigarettes so the nicotine breaks the blood brain barrier much faster. The freebase reference by Dropped Cat. No comparison between a hand roll cig and a Marlboro. The Marlboro gives a nicotine jolt with each puff.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yes I think dumb they gave army chemical weapons.

I think nuke more dumb than Roundup sprayed on everything we eat.

Do you think army dumb for machine gun?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Tobacco smokers are weird. The brand loyalty, the immediate withdrawals after the pack is gone. Id say theyre less tolerable than meth heads by far, when that last stick is gone and the store is 5 miles away. I've only known one tobacco smoker sensible enough to roll his own... The rest had some near romantic relationship with the prepackaged chemical garbage.

You know there is nothing natural in prefilled cigarettes? It's mixed batches of lowest bid crops grown by poverty level farmers, mixed in a vat, the naturals extracted completely and the synthetic branding consistency blend mixed back in. It might as well not even be tobacco. Just soaked grass clippings would work. Prerolled cigarettes are essentially the tobacco version of K2, spice.

It blew my mind when the fire-proofer chemical was added, that it only made users smoke their cancer sticks twice as fast to keep them lit, rather than rolling their own without the chemical...

Many lots of fine tobacco go to big companies.

Meth heads are more tolerable than smokers?! How many smokers steal a bike a day to pay their way?

The "fireproofer" chemical is baking soda in the paper itself.

Knowledge only hurts on the way in.


On Friday when this wet down our phones started ringing and the good liquor was brought out and fist bumps and high fives all around was the order. Our man Gottlieb in the FDA came through and delivered. The ruling was primarily to bring the US and the EU together on the future of nicotine addiction, and the future is ecigs. We had regs pending for August 8 that would have destroyed the ecig industry and they were basically wiped out and put off for consideration for at least 5 years. Furthermore, the FDA has embraced the preferred method of nicotine delivery by actively pushing cigarettes out the door.

Cannabis will one day have tightly regulated dosing standards and all products will be made from concentrates of known strength and purity. We buy nicotine at very high concentrations and make our flavors in a tightly controlled, environmentally managed lab. Yes, cigarettes are routinely sprayed with nicotine, as well as dozens of other substances, to bring about predictable nicotine levels and flavors.

This was a big shot against tobacco, the oldest big money in the US. Although now big tobacco will try and buy there way in through acquisitions and eventually they will own a huge chunk of the ecig future, especially since this ruling will allow wall street, hedge funds and other money to enter now that a lot of the legal fear is gone.

Vape on.