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Smart meters


Guest 150314

both you are right, if you read the flyer there goes the neighborhood they have some interesting little blurbs

concerned about higher bills, they say reports of 50% higher bills after smart meter installation in ontario and the united states. not to mention the billion dollars it will take in tax money to buy and install them. dont see any benefit really


Active member
so they claim they lose x amount of $ to hydro by-passing, yet most busts r stealing power, so they must have a way of telling already ? no, is it merely a coincedence that 90% of busts happen 2 have stolen power ? cant blame bc hydro entirely, there already gettin' takin' down river by the yanks... this is new world order at its finest


Active member
bc hydro is retarded. no other place on earth has an average 4-5 extra kwh days then bc. maybe cali now with the medpot thing, but still. they are still richer then any other power supplier anywhere because of all the people with 8-10 lights that do pay. i would like to see their profit margine if everyone stopped growing, it would be like manitoba hydro or worse, d


Well-known member
so they claim they lose x amount of $ to hydro by-passing, yet most busts r stealing power, so they must have a way of telling already ? no, is it merely a coincedence that 90% of busts happen 2 have stolen power ? cant blame bc hydro entirely, there already gettin' takin' down river by the yanks... this is new world order at its finest

it may be that the pd has info on so many grows that if the address doesn't have a high hydro bill it gets a higher priority because the pd figures hydro theft with safety issues


Active member
at the end of the day, smart meters have squat 2 do with pot growers... tis simply a smoke screen. american style corperate take over - new world order. $ the yanks owe bc hydro will never b payed back... we've sold our water rights down river for over 50 yrs... 2 think this was put in place 2 thwart growers is the hieghth of redic


at the end of the day, smart meters have squat 2 do with pot growers... tis simply a smoke screen. american style corperate take over - new world order. $ the yanks owe bc hydro will never b payed back... we've sold our water rights down river for over 50 yrs... 2 think this was put in place 2 thwart growers is the hieghth of redic

I agree, this might have more to do with the eventual privatization of our publicly owned power supplier than anything else. It would harmonize BChydro with private suppliers in the US, allowing for continental ownership by a large corporation.


honey oil addict
it may be that the pd has info on so many grows that if the address doesn't have a high hydro bill it gets a higher priority because the pd figures hydro theft with safety issues

no, its because hydro can always tell when someone is stealing power. it shows up as an unexplained loss, and they can trace it. its like if a tree is touching a line somewhere, shorting it out, or something along those lines, something they need to check up on.


Well-known member
no, its because hydro can always tell when someone is stealing power. it shows up as an unexplained loss, and they can trace it. its like if a tree is touching a line somewhere, shorting it out, or something along those lines, something they need to check up on.

sure you hear propaganda from the utility like this all the time and then the media reports a 200+ lighter that was stealing hydro for a couple of years undetected and it makes you wonder but i do believe that smart meters are part of them trying to tighten up the system
In nova scotia they check the lines with a long skinny pole with an electronic fork on the end that they use to determine power and how much!
That's how i figured I was gonna get raided! Got raided no bust!


New member
A friend who lives in the Nanaimo area, who is not in the "business" placed a do not swap out sign on their meter and Corix did everyone on their street, but them. I figured they would just send someone out to do a little more explaining but who knows. Anyone else done this?

Guest 150314

anyone seen these? good idea


Smart meter blocker

Some Facts you should know.
- Smart Meters emit radio electromagnetic fields (EMF) that over time have biological effects in living beings including humans, animals, and plant life.
- Smart Meters act as surveillance devices. They record all of your energy use and can tell when you go to bed, when you go to work, when you are home and even when you have visitors.
- Smart Meters are easily hacked ! This could enable criminals to obtain personal identity information.
This could allow criminals to be aware of your usual routines including when you are home and when you are out regularly
- You're billed on a Time-of-Use basis, depending how and when you use electricity. It adds to our electricity costs because higher demand often means higher market prices.

1 Front facing blocker ( as shown in picture )
1 Side wrap blocker ( not shown )
1 Inside back piece ( not shown )
- If directly behind the meter in your house is not blocked by an electrical panel or other obstruction.
- Install piece 3 on the wall behind the meter. This will stop the signal from entering your home.

All pieces come with double sided tape attached for easy installation.

Note: This product is your property. The company supplying your electricity is not entitled to remove your Smart Meter Blocker. If they do it is regarded as theft

As this product contains lead, Please wear gloves when installing


Price: $119.95
117.68 USD

joe fresh

Active member
smart meter hack



DUMB METERS – How Gordon Campbell wants you to waste a billion dollars

The wheels are spinning in high gear selling us the dumbest single scheme the Premier’s Office has come up with so far for BC Hydro. They want us to buy a billion-dollar plan to hang hi-tech meters on every home in the province. All by itself, this would add about 8.3% to every household’s electricity bill, even taking account of off-setting savings like meter-reading.

There is no doubt that these gadgets, which basically add a computer and a communication system to electricity meters, can do lots of things that the simple, cheap, reliable meters we have today can’t do. The important question, however, is whether those new features (like animal-noise reminders to turn off the lights) are worth the gigantic price tag.

The main function of a “smart meter” is to track how much power you use minute by minute through the day, and relay this information to BC Hydro. This enables different prices depending on the time of consumption. Electricity used during peak times (weekday mornings and evenings) would cost more than off-peak – say, in the middle of the night.

The point of this is to encourage us to shift our energy-use from peak times, when the system is under the heaviest demand, to the slack times. That sounds sensible unless you try to apply it to most people’s real lives.

There is a reason why we use more power during peak times. Take a typical family with working parents and school-age kids. Most of their energy-intensive activities occur in the rush to get everybody up, dressed, fed, and out the door, and later when they all converge at home late in the afternoon for dinner, homework, baths and bed. All of that activity would attract a high on-peak price. Energy-heavy household chores, like laundry, can only be done during those two slices of the day. . . that is, unless someone wants to set the alarm to get up at midnight to run the clothes dryer.

There is only so much that family can do, with all the will in the world, to shift their energy patterns.

Hydro claims that smart meters will prevent electricity theft. They have pulled from the air a guesstimate that some $30 million a year is stolen by grow-ops, using cables to bypass the existing meters, but with no evidence to support this figure.

The biggest problem with this is that smart meters would make it easier, not harder, to steal electricity.

Tests in the US have shown that smart metering systems are relatively easy to hack. Assuming that organized crime has access to computer expertise, we would hand them a simple way to steal electricity without detection. The White House has raised concerns about the potential for someone with a grudge against the US to use a smart meter as a point of entry to the national power grid, and has identified this as threat to national security.

There is another big problem with smart metering as an energy conservation strategy. Smart meters and “time-of-use” rates don’t really do much to reduce how much energy we use, especially once the novelty factor wears off. Their main impact is to shift what time we use energy. If our typical family went to the trouble of running the clothes dryer at midnight (saving perhaps a couple of pennies on their energy bill), they would still use the same amount of power to dry the same load of clothes.

Smart meters’ contribution is to smooth out our daily consumption pattern a bit. That helps relieve our need for “capacity” rather than energy. To apply a metaphor, capacity is the horsepower of the system, not the amount of gas it burns.

Capacity comes in huge expensive lumpy investments, like new transmission lines or huge hydro dams. Smoothing out the daily consumption pattern a little has a negligible impact. We’re talking about postponing the need for a major transmission line by a few weeks or months, perhaps, if smart meters perform as perfectly as their proponents claim.

Hydro claims that smart meters will pay for themselves in system savings. If this were so, why did the government need to pass legislation to shield them from open public scrutiny? Taking away the Utilities Commission’s power to study the cost effectiveness of this billion-dollar investment means that Hydro customers will never have an opportunity to test the inflated promises. Instead, all we have is a “trust me.”

As in most gee-whiz solutions, the costs are real. The benefits are theoretical. All that we know for sure is that there will be one huge winner from this scheme – whichever corporate giant gets to sell us these costly gadgets.

Here’s the big question that nobody is asking: if we have a billion dollars to invest in energy conservation, is this the first place we’d spend it?

Here’s one example of a better place: for the same money we could provide comprehensive $20,000 energy-efficiency retrofits for free to 50,000 low-income homes – and save enormous amounts of electricity while improving people’s health and well-being.


Green Supreme

Well-known member
Fortis BC bringing cancer to a home near you! Wanna get stickers that say that and put them on all the Fortis trucks I see. Peace GS


Fuck me, I should have printed out that Do not swap notice. I seen the guy coming and pretty much told him to beat it. He told me I had no say in the matter and it was being swapped. He was wearing the Blue BC hydro jump suit.

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