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Smart Meters - a few common misconceptions cleared up here.


Try this: "xcel marijuana bust electricity"

I am going to be offline shortly for a while, see what you can find. A quick search looked promising!

And yeah...them selling info...now that's f*ed up stuff!

I appreciate the effort to help.

That search brings up the same very small set of articles (like I said, I've spent a lot of time searching about this already).

There's that one in Shakopee, MN reported on The Shroomery. One of very few that come from Xcel's coverage area and mentions electricity. But, of course, leo got a tip and started an investigation and later subpeoned elec records.

Of the very few articles I can find, every one that mentions electricity at all it was not the initiator, only a confirming piece leading towards a search warrant.

I guess, really, I have to assume it's somewhat safe. If there's very few busts reported, and all those start with the same (we got a tip, or we were there for a domestic and saw lights coming out of the bathroom lol), then I suppose it's probably means the elec co is not straight up snitching out customers.

And, I've never broke $400 on a monthly bill. I still figure I'm double to triple most everyone in the neighborhood though, but not so much as to make the elec co wanna come out and have a look.

Of course, my neighbor just went to federal prison for running a group of grow houses (asian gang, stealing elec, no one living at houses, etc) - the neighbor's house not being one of them of course. But his little bro managed to get half the local PD lining the whole street flashers blazing the other night. I don't associate with them much, and very carefully hide any incoming equipment.

Talk about scary holy fuck. This kinda shit always happens around harvest too. Last year we had 5-0 and k-9's in the yard for the neighbor reporting a peeping tom or some bs. Midnight-ish, we're trimming. Christ got some PTSD from that one.


Ahhhhh... So I have a question... I have been living in the same location for almost 2 years, and have been getting blinks(where power turns on and off, and on rare occasions will turn off a few hours). This started to affect my everyday living, as it would happen at least once a week, if not more..

I finally felt like I had to do something about it, so I called the electric co. Sure enuff they sent someone out to my house. I felt I acted calm and cool, not to show any signs of paranoia, especially when he asked me if I would mind him taking a look at the breaker box(which he again said, I'm not suppose to, but I am an electrician and I'kk help, cause I kno times are tuff, people can't always afford an electrician(AND I REALLY FEEL THIS GUY WAS BEING GENUINELY NICE & HELPFUL!). Had I said no, I felt that would have been a paranoid move. No smell in the house, so I put the dogs up, and let him in.

Long story short, within seconds of checking the outside box, he found the ground wires were extremely loose, and said that was w/o a doubt my problem. He said it wasn't his job, cause it was our wires, but he gets paid regardless, so he'd help.

Now here's where my question comes into play, after he tightened it, he said he was gonna install some monitor at the transformer up on the pole, to monitor my electricity, and make sure it doesn't occur again.... They way he made it seem, they would be able to monitor everything~!

Now the people before me grew also, so if they were to look at prior wattage usage, the last tenants probably juiced more than me. And I only Juice 2-600 watt digital ballasts, 4-80 watt T12 for rooting/prop, and a 430cfm fan(probably about 100 watts) thats all my juice!!

So here's the question, Do I have anything to worry about with them monitoring for these "blinks" to make sure that was the problem? Should I just continue with my life? I feel after several years of this house pumping similar watts, I'd be a fool to stop.. I feel like me turning everything off for a week would raise more eyebrows, in this sudden drop of watts.

If anyone has good advice, I'm open to it!


Now here's where my question comes into play, after he tightened it, he said he was gonna install some monitor at the transformer up on the pole, to monitor my electricity, and make sure it doesn't occur again.... They way he made it seem, they would be able to monitor everything~!

Now the people before me grew also, so if they were to look at prior wattage usage, the last tenants probably juiced more than me. And I only Juice 2-600 watt digital ballasts, 4-80 watt T12 for rooting/prop, and a 430cfm fan(probably about 100 watts) thats all my juice!!

So here's the question, Do I have anything to worry about with them monitoring for these "blinks" to make sure that was the problem?

1600w total? I wouldn't sweat it at all. The only thing I'd even consider is running the 600's on opposite 12's, but that might not be an option for you idk. Either way, I wouldn't be very concerned whatsoever.


1600w total? I wouldn't sweat it at all. The only thing I'd even consider is running the 600's on opposite 12's, but that might not be an option for you idk. Either way, I wouldn't be very concerned whatsoever.

First off, thanks for ur quick response!!!

I thought about starting the ballast at different times(maybe 20 minutes apart), they already start a couple of minutes apart from each other, but alternating each 600 ballast is not an option, cause I only have 1 room to flower..

But u think its not a major thing?? I really trhought Id get people being a-holes saying, RUN FOR UR LIFE, which is why I was so skeptical of this post, but thanks to u, u made me feel a lil more at ease, about the whole thing, from stressing the "monitoring", to wondering if I was gonna get wise ass remarks. So I really appreciate your advice. :thank you::thank you::thank you:


Active member
if they started spotting small growers like this, we´d soon hear about it from those selfsame small growers..

and even if they managed to hide how they busted people, we´d soon hear about it from snitches within the police or higher up (some ex most likely, there seems to be a trend in exofficials speaking out against the drug war)

its rather rare i hear about small grows getting busted.

usually its at least 200 plants and some shady characters the police had known about for ages. or if they werent shady, then they were in contact with shady people that fucked it up for them. (shady, meaning, participating in violent crimes or theft.)

that is, in most cases (99.99%) there was no detective work involved.

snitches. (and people being careless about smells (one case a police walking by a house smelled excessive cannabis/greenhouse smells) or water (drain to waste systems for example that went haywire and flooded an entire apartment complex (one example)

besides i think this drugwar is coming to an end.


First off, thanks for ur quick response!!!

I thought about starting the ballast at different times(maybe 20 minutes apart), they already start a couple of minutes apart from each other, but alternating each 600 ballast is not an option, cause I only have 1 room to flower..

But u think its not a major thing?? I really trhought Id get people being a-holes saying, RUN FOR UR LIFE, which is why I was so skeptical of this post, but thanks to u, u made me feel a lil more at ease, about the whole thing, from stressing the "monitoring", to wondering if I was gonna get wise ass remarks. So I really appreciate your advice. :thank you::thank you::thank you:

Ya 1600w is so inconsequential that even if a power co. employee is specifically monitoring your use that it's not even worth worrying that the 1.6kw is on 12/12.

Crap, I had almost 1600w of recessed lighting in my 2000 sq ft (not large) house. 10w Cree LED's now, instead of 65w incandescents. But the point is that's tiny. That's me in the basement playing Black Ops on the plasma or falling asleep with the space heater on. Seriously. I'm edging up on 4kw total, and I'm still hovering around $300/month and only just starting to get a little nervous.

Seems like the guy was legitimately with the elec co. You had your ship in order enough to feel comfortable letting him in the house (I really regret the location of the breaker box in my house. Next time I know for sure, don't buy one with any utilities in the grow space period.)

Nobody's the wiser, and it sounds like you handled it very well. On top of it, you got your problem fixed! Grow on bro.


So does anyone have info on the power companies in Maine? Central Maine power is installing smart meters everywhere and I would love to know what I'm in for=(((((((((((


Tropical Outcast

Central Maine power is installing smart meters everywhere and I would love to know what I'm in for=(((((((((((

Catch the guy installing it and ask him a bunch of intelligent (!!!) questions.

Start like:
"I heard these meters make your power bill go up
(not true, but it makes you look "innocent" saying that and the meter guy more willing to talk), what are they actually capable of?"

"Do you know if I will be able to see online how much power I used the day before?"

(that way you will know if it is one of the more advanced units - if you can see your detailed usage so can the power company)

If he doesn't have the answer on that last question, ask him where/how you can find out.



Tropical Outcast
Here is the manual for GE Smartmeter....it may contain some secrets


All those manuals are great, there's just 3 problems with them:

No one is gonna read them

If the average person actually IS gonna read them they still wouldn't understand a word! ;)

Regardless of the above it is impossible for the average user to know what actually has been programmed in to a meter.


aka "Doc"

All those manuals are great, there's just 3 problems with them:

No one is gonna read them

If the average person actually IS gonna read them they still wouldn't understand a word! ;)

Regardless of the above it is impossible for the average user to know what actually has been programmed in to a meter.

Your right...my bad, I keep forgetting not everyone is "above average"!


Guest 18340

So does anyone have info on the power companies in Maine? Central Maine power is installing smart meters everywhere and I would love to know what I'm in for=(((((((((((
If I'm not mistaken, in Maine you have the option of opting out of a smart meter.