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Sleepy Hollow Canyon-2011


some friends from home told me they got snow at 3500' in the 530. hope all is well for you there, good luck and stay green,

National Weather Service says snow tonight in Lassen, snow level dropping to 3500'!

I'm hoping they're wrong.


run some of each... there is a chance that 1 ft clones will out produce large plants that thought about flowering

4 more days... 4 more days... 4 more days... 4 more days!
run some of each... there is a chance that 1 ft clones will out produce large plants that thought about flowering

I have witnessed this first hand a clone or seedling can easily out produce a larger plant that has had several stressful experiences(like transplanting out of a huge pot). It would be worth it to run one or two just to see if you can change this theory


Thru all this, the grow Gods are laughing...CC

Pics to come...CC

LOL hey man it aint just you that they're laughing at!

I bet those girls are just as big as you say - I've got a Casey Jones that completely blew through it's 3 gallon in no time at all. She was way more rootbound than I like to let em get, but heck.

Lookin forward to those pics - hope the weather starts to get it's act right, been real overcast for my area, finally a light sprinkle for my girls as I type this.

Enjoy the weekend, I'm finally just getting myself some time to get around to garden chores for the first time since I planted on Thurs.

But FIRST.... a doobie :tiphat:

CanniDo Cowboy

imo the size of your containers would prob be better with smaller 1 ft clones then giant moms. Plus who doesnt like depping moms........

some friends from home told me they got snow at 3500' in the 530. hope all is well for you there, good luck and stay green,

Hey Sticks...Yea, there would certainly be less "grow-drama" if I just plug the smaller plants. The bigger plants would require immediate and pretty serious stake-age and if they experience a growth slow down, it would be too late, ya got what ya got.

I know I said I was gonna plant the moms a few post back and just go for broke but each day I look at the moms and how big they are, I just keep thinking that at their size, they will be much harder to deal with initially and the risks of non-healthy plants goin forward is much greater all the way around. I'm thinkin 100 gal smarties for the bigger girls might be a quick fix...CC

Woohoo! Man I left 3000 ft last year and never looked back! I just couldnt get much done with that high of elevation. Way too short of an outdoor season for me. We had a little thunder boomer pass thru here yesterday with some thunder, lightening and small-sized hail. Just a little last minute "grow-drama..."LOL Luck to you to bro! CC

CanniDo Cowboy

I have witnessed this first hand a clone or seedling can easily out produce a larger plant that has had several stressful experiences(like transplanting out of a huge pot). It would be worth it to run one or two just to see if you can change this theory

run some of each... there is a chance that 1 ft clones will out produce large plants that thought about flowering[/QUOTE said:
LOL...All great grow minds think alike! (Well, mine isnt exactly great but it's all I have to work with...lol) You guys have read my mind. I'm gonna plant 1 or 2 of the big-guns just to see what happens and blackbox the others in 100 gal Smarties, just to be on the safe side. I really did want to avoid a blackbox operation this season but as we all know, the closer ya get to planting time, the more things change...lol Thanks all for the input fellas...greatly appreciated! We are truly brothers in the green world...CC

CanniDo Cowboy

LOL hey man it aint just you that they're laughing at!

I bet those girls are just as big as you say - I've got a Casey Jones that completely blew through it's 3 gallon in no time at all. She was way more rootbound than I like to let em get, but heck.

Lookin forward to those pics - hope the weather starts to get it's act right, been real overcast for my area, finally a light sprinkle for my girls as I type this.

Enjoy the weekend, I'm finally just getting myself some time to get around to garden chores for the first time since I planted on Thurs.

But FIRST.... a doobie :tiphat:

Hey Slang...hope all goes well in yer neck of the swamp...lol Man, I hear ya. The closer to planting time, the behinder I get. I put in a lot of tractor time this time of year helping folks get their gardens in. This year has been pretty crazy. The tractor has been runnin non-stop for 2 weeks, leavin very little time for my own stuff. lol

Just a interesting grow tidbit I picked up yesterday and thought I'd share. It sure humbled my grow-ass pretty quick. LOL I had a fella who runs a big landscape materials outfit tell me he just made a delivery of "215mix" up the road. A semi-truck with double trailers carryin 14 yards with a price tag of $1700.00. It sure makes my little operation seem mighty puny! God bless the boys who strive to "go big or go home..."CC

CanniDo Cowboy

National Weather Service says snow tonight in Lassen, snow level dropping to 3500'!

I'm hoping they're wrong.

Hey Maps...thanks for the update. I been seein a few boomers roll by here and look to be headed yer way. Hec, just a little last minute "grow-drama" (like we all need that right now...) LOL CC


Just a interesting grow tidbit I picked up yesterday and thought I'd share. It sure humbled my grow-ass pretty quick. LOL I had a fella who runs a big landscape materials outfit tell me he just made a delivery of "215mix" up the road. A semi-truck with double trailers carryin 14 yards with a price tag of $1700.00. It sure makes my little operation seem mighty puny! God bless the boys who strive to "go big or go home..."CC

Morning CC - hope yesterdays surprise in the weather didn't put any kinks in your operation.

Yes, living and growing in CA is a constantly humbling experience for sure!
Ganja D:My soil mix has 12k pounds of worm casting.
My jaw broke after reading that one LOL.

I'm happy with the size of my gig though, and I sure would kill off a few people to get ahold of your property... so rock on man!

B. Self Reliant

I just spent my morning reading this whole thread and smoking some of last year's OD harvest. I enjoyed the read. I think that regardless of what you decide to plant, you'll have some good product come the end of the year.

I'm lovin' the honesty in this thread. . . You've acknowledged the mistakes you've made and are a hard enough worker to fix them as best you can. With that kind of work ethic I can't imagine what your holes would look like if you weren't in an area that's so rocky. I can't wait to read about the end of this grow & I hope you pull enough to make it "worth it."

I know this has been brought up already, and I know you're not a novice grower, but genetics are everything. Assuming you bought this property to grow yearly & not just this once, I'd do everything possible to make sure next year's genetics are exactly what you're looking for. You've put in a lot of work and I can't help but think that having reliable genetics that don't pre-flower, grows plants that are the size you're looking for, etc. would be an irreplaceable asset.

Seeing how big your plants got this year after buying clones in February, it makes me think that proven genetics bought around the same time could be grown into a mom, cuts could be taken & rooted, and the resulting gals could be vegged a good deal before going outside Early to mid June. Same time frame but assuming the genetics are what you're lookin' for, you'd have an army of uniform clones exactly at the height you're looking for. . .


So is Wednesday looking to be your busiest day since digging?

I was so bored this winter with moderate temps (in the greenhouse) that I had all my holes reshaped, amended and watered in february.

Ive been twiddling my thumbs since that day...

Also to put it in perspective... I always think about that June 1st (planting day) and October 1st (1st day of trimming) is ALWAYS ONLY 4 MONTHS APART!

4 months til harvest y'alls... congrats on getting this far!

We've done gobs of work, and even though there is still work to come, it is all down hill from here!


CanniDo Cowboy

So is Wednesday looking to be your busiest day since digging?

I was so bored this winter with moderate temps (in the greenhouse) that I had all my holes reshaped, amended and watered in february.

Ive been twiddling my thumbs since that day...

Also to put it in perspective... I always think about that June 1st (planting day) and October 1st (1st day of trimming) is ALWAYS ONLY 4 MONTHS APART!

4 months til harvest y'alls... congrats on getting this far!

We've done gobs of work, and even though there is still work to come, it is all down hill from here!


Hey Mani...I plan to space out my planting time as I doubt whether I will get it all done in one day. I still have one hole left to dig and it might turn out to be more.

I'm gonna Smart Pot/blackbox 4 of my larger girls so that will also take some time so there's also that. I'll also be scatterin misc plants "around" the property hither & yon.

Ya know, I have an erie feeling that June is gonna hold some weather surprises for us here in the 530, maybe even thru the entire summer. Weve had 3 storms in the last 2 weeks or so which is rare for so late in the spring and I dont think it's gonna magically turn to great weather just because it's June. First, we have a La Nina currently goin on in the Pacific Northwest. Second, there's another weather phenomenon know as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation happening at the same time. The effects of the 2 combined weather patterns are supposed to turn the weather patterns upside down this year. So far it's been right on the money. More extreme weather thru the winter (it was!) and very unpredictable spring (it is!) and an abnormal cooler summer (we'll see). Growers should be aware that June is most likely not going to "business as usual" when it comes to planting and the entire season as a whole may prove to be quite different from years past.

So, I just dont know about the "all downhill from here" part...That could be good and it might be not so good...lol Either way, this cowboy has his ante in! So let the grow-Gods deal the cards and I reckon we'll see where the grow chips fall... CC


hey cc, i just plugged on sunday, all my plants, before the forecast predicted scattered t-storms today and tomorrow, followed by showers this weekend, and even showers next week june 8 and 9th... great. this weather is definitely unusual, and quite unpredictable. funny how the weather all of a sudden becomes so controlling and important when the season starts, i don't think i checked the weather forecast all winter...

CanniDo Cowboy

hey cc, i just plugged on sunday, all my plants, before the forecast predicted scattered t-storms today and tomorrow, followed by showers this weekend, and even showers next week june 8 and 9th... great. this weather is definitely unusual, and quite unpredictable. funny how the weather all of a sudden becomes so controlling and important when the season starts, i don't think i checked the weather forecast all winter...

I hear that BC...Read my above post for my thoughts on the crazy weather. Good luck pard, sounds like you cowboyed up n took the plunge...lol Me, I'm gonna wait till this latest mess passes...CC

CanniDo Cowboy

Wait for it...Wait for it...lol I'm ready, the girls are more than ready but unfortunately, the weather isnt cooperating. Yea, something we are all experiencing. This latest storm is hammering the 530 area and Ive decided if I dont have a clear window of 3 to 4 days after planting, Ill wait till I do.

I see no sense or reason to bring on more worry and more work by trying to protect the plants from certain damage by putting them out with storm predictions off n on thru the next 4 days or so. The plants dont need the stress and neither does this cowboy....So we wait...

Gonna have my hands full planting these sizeable mamas...LOL The Blue Dreams (Predominately Sativas) in the rear of the pic are rocking at 4 1/2 to 5 feet. If this weather continues, I'm gonna need a boom truck to plant em...LOL

This is what they looked like apprx 3 weeks ago...

In the beginning...Put outside on 4-20 (On purpose!)


New member
now thats what im talking about!! looking good over there buddy! i came on here and was going to post asking for an update but you beat me to it!!