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Just curious - WHAT DO YOU DO for a living?


Living with the soil
My former career as a cannabis grower made me $260.000 the last year. The year before that $180.000,the year before that $120.000..........just climbed the old ladder so to speak.
Spent the money on land,home,cars,.................and then went and did 5 in prison because someone ratted me out. Now I only pretend to grow and post pix from magazines.


in !998 i got t-boned on my bike by a dude in a pickup truck,that collision cost me my right leg from the knee down...curiously he was very high up in one of the two most powerful computer companys in the world....lets just say i am one the few lucky motorcycle riders to get hit by someone with money and a shit ton of it!anyway in 1998 the market price of gold if you can remember was less than half of what it is now.i invested in the market heavily.....it paid off massively,so i opened a custom hot rod shop and pursued my lifes dream of 70s muscle cars and motorcycles


Freedom Fighter
in !998 i got t-boned on my bike by a dude in a pickup truck,that collision cost me my right leg from the knee down...curiously he was very high up in one of the two most powerful computer companys in the world....lets just say i am one the few lucky motorcycle riders to get hit by someone with money and a shit ton of it!anyway in 1998 the market price of gold if you can remember was less than half of what it is now.i invested in the market heavily.....it paid off massively,so i opened a custom hot rod shop and pursued my lifes dream of 70s muscle cars and motorcycles

This is not ment to be funny....but do you think it was worth your leg??
I ask, because I know another person that lost theirs...and got over a million...and is fine with it--
I am not sure a limb is worth any amount of $$...but, since I have all mine, and not a lot of $$...I could be wrong--


Airline pilot, retired now, hauled my bags around every longitude on the planet. Yippee, no more piss tests for me!


I work for a major pharma company in a biochemistry lab. Ive been with this company for 12 years, in the industry total for 15. The money is good, but since I am single and live alone my salary just barely covers my expenses, so I need to supplement it a little here and there.

The job itself used to be cool, but in the past two years we have had several changes and some departmental restructuring and it pretty much sucks ass. We are asked to do 3-4 times the work we used to do. Used to be I had time after work to take classes, go out to the gym, etc...but the increased workload is just killing me so I often find myself getting home at six and being in bed by 830 or so.

This week they also just announced that they are canceling raises this year, and arent allowing us to carry over or bank any vacation into next year, so that makes it suck even more.


I used to be a post-production systems engineer for television and film production. I retired when Avatar wrapped. I figured that a project as cool as that wasn't going to happen again soon, so I told the industry to kiss my ass, and burned every bridge I could find on the way out. I felt like Homer Simpson, calling "So long, stink town!" on the way out of L.A.

I'm enjoying myself now, and don't plan to do anything for at least the rest of this year. I might go to grad school. I have a Masters degree in Biology. I feel there may be a PhD in there somewhere. I'd like to work for a botanical conservatory someday.

(Don't ask how I ever got involved in the entertainment industry--it was a complete accident. I let it steal ten years of my life. Anyone else blow some time on something stupid?)


This week they also just announced that they are canceling raises this year, and arent allowing us to carry over or bank any vacation into next year, so that makes it suck even more.

If you lived in California, that would be illegal. Companies even have to pay unused vacation time when you quit. That is why I don't have to work this year--I made a HUGE sum of money off of unused vacation time. It is like having free rent and food for 2010.


If you lived in California, that would be illegal.

Interesting I was wondering about the legality of that.

I think that is just a prelude to worse things to come later this year. Layoffs, buyout, merger, etc....I cant understand any other reason for not allowing us to carryover/bank vacation.


Active member
Right now I'm a full time student in nursing school. Decided to go back after being stuck in minimum wage jobs.

Can't beat going to school for about 2 years to become an RN and have a job lined up for the day I graduate. $57,000/year starting position at a local hospital. Job is just waiting for me :)

oh yeah, my last job SUCKED. I was working at walmart in the back unloading shit from trucks and stocking heavy shit all day long. I hate walmart. They owe me at least 25+ hours overtime that I was never paid for!! Arsehole manager would make me work at least an hour late every night and not pay me for it. I got fed up with that crap and quit.


stone fool
My last employment was as A solutions Marketing Executive, hired gun, 20K signing bonus just to take the job, and the recruiter got 20K also, for finding me. My specialty, Farmer, the exec that goes into a large customer who is pissed off at the corp, and I listen, listen, then fix the problem, lick off the client's ass, then take them for drinks and dinner. Then be at their office the next morning before they get there to begin winning the rest of their business.

Now, I am developing products for two different industries, boot strapping my company, with the support of my gals.


that person is a franchisee (not sure that a word)

How can you be a franchisee and not know that word? Every document I have regarding a franchise ownership has that word on it.

fran·chis·ee (fr
)n. One that is granted a franchise, as to market a company's goods or services in a certain local area.

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