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Sleepy Hollow Canyon-2011

CanniDo Cowboy

First, a personal observation:

As I read thru the 'outdoor growing" posts here at IC, it is undeniable that over the years, the methods and styles of growing have changed immensely. One of the biggest changes IMO, is how we as growers, ultimately put our med plants into soil. There was a time when we planted med plants the same way we planted a vegetable garden. We tilled the soil or just dug a hole and planted the plants. Today, with so much more knowledge and technology available in regard to Cannibis, we have learned how to expedite and simplify the process and yet still maintain quantity & quality.

And in light of that, I give you: Container Growing. I suppose it was inevitable and necessary. Inevitable because with increased knowledge of the plant itself evolve products to take advantage and enhance that new found knowledge. Necessary simply because that is progress and progression is the name of any game.

Good or bad, simply stated, container growing is a method which removes, for the most part, the guess work from growing in the soil, literally located beneath our feet. While container growing isnt a slam dunk affair, it enables those who's gardening skills are limited, to buy a bag of soil and a container and at least have a fair shot at success. Or five bags and five containers or 10 bags and 10 containers and so on.

I guess what I'm saying is simply: Something's gained but something's lost.." You can work man-made soil in a container or dig a hole and work Mother Nature's soil. The first can be easier but still doesnt guarantee results but neither does working Mother Nature's soil. But, working Mother Nature's soil can give a sense of satifaction knowing youre doing something man has been doing since time began and that's something that doesnt come in a bag of soil...I find that thought pretty cool. Maybe not too realistic with where we're at today sure, but still, pretty cool...CC

So, onward, upward and down to business-

Tweaking The Plan:

So, we have the place: Sleepy Hollow. Now, what are we going to do with it?

The Plan
18 plants- To be named later but an interesting mix of these and those...

Soil: Pro-Mix soil- In ground

Nutrients/Amendments- Sorry, if I told ya, I'd have ta kill ya...

Logistics, Theories and EWAGs (educated wild-ass guesses):
Due to the first year unknowns of Sleepy Hollow, specifically not knowing exactly how high the sun will track during the later summer months, only the north side of the Hollow (right side of previously posted 2 photos) will be planted. The slope is already receiving full sun 7:30am to apprx 6:00pm and should only get better. The length of Sleepy Hollow lies East & West so Mr. Sun travels up the Hollow from sunrise to sunset (bottom to top of photos) which should prove Okey-Dokey to the best laid plans of mice, men and the Cannibis Cowboy.

I am opting for "diggin in the dirt" rather than Smarties for a few reasons. The primary reason is that the slope of Sleepy Hollow is approximately 35-40 degrees or more, so for the time it takes to level out each 200 gal Smartie location, I might as well dig a hole instead. Other reasons are: The soil appears good: rather loamy and not a lot of clay although somewhat rocky (hopefully, me and the rocks wont have big issues) Another reason is I prefer an au-natural look to my gardens which is to say, if it can be avoided, I prefer not looking at big black tubs. So, approx 3'x3' holes tapered out at the top for feeder root expansion filled with Pro-Mix should put me on the roadayo to mucho successo...CC

Well, fast forward to April 30 and the above "plan" is undergoing some "tweakage". It would appear some of my estimations and assumptions were premature and a few were directly associated with simply 'talking outta my ass"...Sorry, no other way to put it...The only thing going according to plan right now is the first part about the sun. I got that right. As far as the rest, it's turning out to be pure babble...lol

Sleepy Hollow has some short comings. 1st-Rocks, rocks rocks! 3' x 3' holes will not be possible. I'm backing off to 2'-6" x 2'-6". I know 6' doesnt sound like much but trust me, in this crap, it's a lot.

Test holes reveal another issue. At apprx 2' depth, along with the rocks, the soil is predominately clay. Not quite pottery quality but dang close. I had hoped to mix the native soil from the holes with Pro-Mix (50/50) thereby minimizing bag soil costs and usage but the holes may have to be 100% Pro-Mix. And, with all the rocks in the hole sides, I'm going to line the holes with landscape fabric. If not done, I'm concerned the lateral roots will suffer from restriction. In essence, it will be a container in the ground. I can live with that.

The good news is (I think): There is a natural spring on my property located apprx 100 yards from Sleepy Hollow and it flows underground down the hill side, to the seasonal creek bed. While I was aware of the spring, I had no idea it seeped that far. I discovered this after digging one of the test holes to a depth of 2'-6". The next morning, the hole sides were wet with about a 1/2 cup full of water lying at the bottom. This may be a really good thing if the seepage amount remains constant thru the summer. That is, if a sample from the spring itself doesnt reveal any nasties in the water. it goes without saying, that would suck majorly.

More later.....CC


Looks good CC! Those girls look anxious to get this goin.

Looks like your back probably feels about the same as mine right now, LOL.

I'm diggin it CC, can see the pride you're takin in your work from each snap shot, rock on!

CanniDo Cowboy

Looks good CC! Those girls look anxious to get this goin.

Looks like your back probably feels about the same as mine right now, LOL.

I'm diggin it CC, can see the pride you're takin in your work from each snap shot, rock on!

Hey Slang...Yea no doubt on the back pain! What I hate worse is bein woke up in the middle of the nite by a massive leg cramp! Damn them hurt!

Yea , I do have the pride thing but being obsessive doesnt hurt either...LOL

On another note, I came across a post of yours from the What's Everyone Growing thread: GC (green crack)/GDP (grandaddy purple) - Ran both of these cuts last season and loved them both - just going to be more careful with where I put my GDP as the spot I had them in last season received too much shade thru noon. Resulted in some loss to rot.

Got some sour bubble, blue sat 2.2 and a bag of randoms that I plan on giving a go as well - not sure how these perform outside yet so may just go with these in a small area this season to test it out.

Want to get my hands on a few more clones of different variety, but I have rarely been able to find a club that I trust for legit cuts - and I'm not lucky enough to have a large circle of buddies to pass them around in... someday!
Hell man, in all your posts here at Sleepy Hollow, I must of missed you were "doin your thing"...Good Luck! I hear ya on the legit cuts things and the clubs can be real punk-asses fo sho...BTW, the What's Everyone Growing thread is insane...It gives me a headache reading all the strain names! LOL CC


Active member
Lived up in Sleepy Hollow some 25 years ago. Probably not fun digging. I guess raised beds are out?




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If your digging your holes 3' deep IMO your wasting your energy I would go 2' max as ganja roots spread wider not deeper. I love the effort your putting in and no doubt at the end of the year you should have a great reward.


Hey Slang...Yea no doubt on the back pain! What I hate worse is bein woke up in the middle of the nite by a massive leg cramp! Damn them hurt!

Yea , I do have the pride thing but being obsessive doesnt hurt either...LOL

On another note, I came across a post of yours from the What's Everyone Growing thread: GC (green crack)/GDP (grandaddy purple) - Ran both of these cuts last season and loved them both - just going to be more careful with where I put my GDP as the spot I had them in last season received too much shade thru noon. Resulted in some loss to rot.

Got some sour bubble, blue sat 2.2 and a bag of randoms that I plan on giving a go as well - not sure how these perform outside yet so may just go with these in a small area this season to test it out.

Want to get my hands on a few more clones of different variety, but I have rarely been able to find a club that I trust for legit cuts - and I'm not lucky enough to have a large circle of buddies to pass them around in... someday!
Hell man, in all your posts here at Sleepy Hollow, I must of missed you were "doin your thing"...Good Luck! I hear ya on the legit cuts things and the clubs can be real punk-asses fo sho...BTW, the What's Everyone Growing thread is insane...It gives me a headache reading all the strain names! LOL CC

Lol, yea I got my own lil slice of paradise here - just never get around to documenting anything online... usually just a lurker who enjoys to see the hard work everyone else puts in - and learn along the way!

Lookin at 80 degrees and a light breeze today hope you're having a weekend of progress!
Howdy cowboy
Boy, do I wish I had land like that!!!
If having no arms wouldn't make it difficult to grow, I'd give both of mine for something like that.

Definitely grabbing a seat for this show.


530 local just saying hi.....great thread. I hope your spring flows all summer!


CanniDo Cowboy

CC, I found these sites useful for figuring out how the sun will move at different times of the year:



Gracias amigo! Although I bought this property last fall, I had an opportunity to see where the sun was tracking over it in mid-summer at apprx mid day which happened to be directly over Sleepy Hollow. As noted, the Hollow stretches east to west. Knowing that in mid summer the sun was tracking directly overhead and also moving in the same direction, I figured the area would be ideal. So far, I'm stoked.

if the Hollow and been located north to south, the sun runnin east to west (crossing perpendicular over it) would have made the area a no go. The 2 slopes would only receive full sun at the same time around mid-day. The south slope would be shaded in the AM and the north slope shaded in the afternoon. Pretty deep thinkin for a cowboy eh? lol BTW bro, if yer in the shadow of Lassen, we be neighbors...CC

CanniDo Cowboy

Lived up in Sleepy Hollow some 25 years ago. Probably not fun digging. I guess raised beds are out?

LOL bud, SLEEPY HOLLOW is merely the name of my grow this season. Yea, raised beds on a 35 degree slope would be tough. Thanks for the visit man! CC


lassen is cool, i hate driving thr0ugh the park though, i did that once on my way home, took a wrong turn and ended up going up the darn volcano, oh well haha

CanniDo Cowboy

If your digging your holes 3' deep IMO your wasting your energy I would go 2' max as ganja roots spread wider not deeper. I love the effort your putting in and no doubt at the end of the year you should have a great reward.

Hey Guy, welcome dude. Ya know, hole size has always been a big debate. I have a brother who swears by 5' x 5' holes, another who uses ordinary post hole diggers and goes down 12 inches. Go figure. I try to give as much depth for the tap root as reasonable and as much width for lateral.

IMO, anywhere for 2'6" to 3ft diameter is respectable. If a fella is gonna dig a 2ft hole under decent digging conditions, hell, what's another 6 inches? LOL

Another thought is, if the hole is in the right place, ya only have to dig it once and it'll already be there for next year so expending a little more energy now means I wont have to do it later. Last thought: if the plant isnt doing well later on, I want to eliminate any doubt that it's because the hole wasnt large enough.

Thanks for the visit and well wishes! CC

CanniDo Cowboy

Lol, yea I got my own lil slice of paradise here - just never get around to documenting anything online... usually just a lurker who enjoys to see the hard work everyone else puts in - and learn along the way!

Lookin at 80 degrees and a light breeze today hope you're having a weekend of progress!

LOL dude...you sadistic bastard! LOL I'm with ya on the learning! I love tricks of the trade, man. And we got some right fine "tricky" folks in this joint! Yep, weather's heatin up. I'm averaging 2 bottles of water a hole! LOL CC

CanniDo Cowboy

Howdy cowboy
Boy, do I wish I had land like that!!!
If having no arms wouldn't make it difficult to grow, I'd give both of mine for something like that.

Definitely grabbing a seat for this show.

Dude, now that is just plain funny! Thanks for riding along and the kind words...Grab a seat pard, the grow-rodeo is on...! CC


Howdy cowboy
Boy, do I wish I had land like that!!!
If having no arms wouldn't make it difficult to grow, I'd give both of mine for something like that.

Sure would make it tough to wipe your ass. :tiphat:

That stable of girls is looking real good Cowboy, did you start any from seed?
I don't know what your using for digging but a sharpshooter shovel is a nice tool to have around, up here in volcano country.
With the good weather coming in, it looks like you've got everything timed very well. My plants just did very little since they've been out a couple weeks.

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