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Sleeping with nuggets


Na I don't sleep WITH the weed, but my drying cabinet is open on one side and stands next to the head of my bed. So while I sleep, my face is within inches of freshly cut branches of chronic.

It smells so bomb, I couldn't imaging sleeping without my buds now. I'm constantly waking up to giant wafts of sweet, musky dankness. :bow:


cant stop wont stop
Dude that IS so bad ass, reminds me of some years past.

no bullshit i useto be involved with comercial grows, 'wherehouse' style..
in our country house we dried where ever we could!
i have fond memories of of my coleman's air-matress in a 10'-15' room with 20 lines across it all with plants hanging near my head :D

would smoke all day and all night and even go to bed with 6lbs each night!!

ahhh man i miss those days
its really depressing looking back on what i left, as dangerous as my situation was.

and im not talking danger of being busted, im talking danger of greed, violence and money. the only reason i left the "good life"


hahahah fuck. My friend was just telling me how he cut off ties with his caregiver because he was weird as fuck, then went on a half-serious rant about how dorks like me and his caregiver probably jerk off from plant porn and need a life.

Then I read this!


Active member
i had some dank in a drawer by my bed, and everytime i rolled over i would get an amazing whiff...still miss that


This Idea is Not Strange At All...

This Idea is Not Strange At All...


In my post on comforting herbs, I mentioned that hops can be taken as tea or tincture to help with stress and insomnia—but my favorite way to use hops to encourage sleep is with hop pillows. The aroma of good quality hops is a gentle, effective soporific (so effective that people who pick hops all day sometimes get sleepy on the job)

You probably know that Hops and Cannabis are related. They've been sleeping on hops pillows for centuries. Why not a Cannabis pillow?

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
i sleep with my pipe right on my nightstand right next to the clock radio. its there when i go to bed and right when i wake up :rasta:

h^2 O

bong for me - beaker bottom so it's stable with water inside. I'll wake up and take a couple puffs, drift back to sleep, repeat


mmm its intoxicating.
Speaking of which, my buddy says that the turpines get you high, and that smelling them all night long could probably retain my high or even get me high at night... my question is, what the fuck are turpines?


I picked up some headies from my caregiver about three months ago, a QP in a Zip Lock

I was late for a date and tossed the bag in a PILLOW case for some unknown reason, later that night i crashed drunk and SOLO to awake the next morning with my FACE SMELLING OF POT :) it took me about an hour to find my bag which was Squished and flattend but i rolled a joint and it flattend me lol...

My face smelt of weed all day :)


Parker Schnobel
what the fuck are turpines?

If you walk into a garden in bloom and breathe deeply, you are likely to encounter great smells. In many cases, the molecules that bring those scents to your nose are terpenes. Terpenes are a class of molecules that typically contain either ten or fifteen carbon atoms built from a five-carbon building block called isoprene . It is important to note these molecules are volatile —they tend to evaporate relatively easily—which allows them to reach one's nose and trigger the olfactory senses.

What is a turpine you ask?? Turpines are condensates that you recover from heat destruction of organic material. Orange peels, fruit rinds, old or bad peanuts or peanut shells, almost any nut, and you can get it from cow manure but not as much as from wastes such as tree bark, wood chips saw dust and other wood scrap.

Ok,science class is over now,go burn one.




In my post on comforting herbs, I mentioned that hops can be taken as tea or tincture to help with stress and insomnia—but my favorite way to use hops to encourage sleep is with hop pillows. The aroma of good quality hops is a gentle, effective soporific (so effective that people who pick hops all day sometimes get sleepy on the job)

You probably know that Hops and Cannabis are related. They've been sleeping on hops pillows for centuries. Why not a Cannabis pillow?

If my memory is correct in Switzerland a while back they used to sell cannabis in pillows for "aromatherapy" but I believe most people just opened the pillows and smoked it


lol. one time when i woke up i was looking everywhere for some buds and couldn't find anything. My man wakes up and pulls a jar of ganja outa the couch cushion. x]
I like to roll a nice J and leave it on my nightstand b4 I go to sleep. That way, it smells good when I wake up and my first doob of the day is ready 2 go.

Cookie monster

I like to roll a nice J and leave it on my nightstand b4 I go to sleep. That way, it smells good when I wake up and my first doob of the day is ready 2 go.

I used to do that tho sometimes I'd wake up in the morning and my brekkie joint would be gone...
I'd ask my then gf did she smoke it even tho she was not a toker.
Well apparently I used to sleep toke, she tells me I used to wake up in the middle of the night and fire the pre-rolled and go back to sleep.

Cannabis really is bad for the short term memory :)

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