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Sleeping Dragon


my buddy had some nugs he got from a club called sleeping dragon.
if anyone has more info on this strain let me know.
anyway i thought it might make me pass out because of the name but i was wrong.

As it turns out sleeping dragon is a cut of red dragon so this is a Barney's farm red dragon smoke report.

upon opening the jar i was amazed at the smell. It has a very ditininct smell that has serious funk factor like trainwreck but its different. It definately tickles the sinuses. The smell is ver complex but I will try to describe. It smells like pine, honey but it doesnt and citrus like lime undertones and the tart funkiness of a grapfruit or tangerine but neither of them. the smell is a solid 10 one of the best smelling herbs i ever came across it has that special funk to it.

the nugs were smallish with decent frost covering looked good but nothing special.

the overall bag appeal was very high because of the smell.

the effects
on this strain were felt immediately but it also creeps. In the first few minutes i realized why they called it sleeping dragon. It felt like the dragon whithin had been awoken. An amazing high with an even combo of head and body that is up present and trippy. The high is lucid but trippy. this stuff is good for anxiety. The high had this special presence to it that felt amazing and special. It is a quite comfortable high and very funny giggly. it can be a little bit spacey at times but a little tollerance to this strain should ease that. It really doest feel like an amazing presense has woken up in onesself on this stuff. This stuff is incredible. as the high wears one it becomes a bit more confusing and stoney later on with quite a bit of munchies.

Overall this is one of my favorite smokes ever

it just has so much character that is unique. The super funky smell and the special something in the high make this unforgettable.
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i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
sounds nice
i had a few dragons/demon strains all were sativa dom and funky or real fruit funk of heavy thick big dank nugz for sumthin sativa


It sound's like my BlueDemon(BlueDreamXHeadBand) Nice to seee... you again Croissant:)

hmmm maybe rezin i have no way to know what it really is. thnks for the input:)

In my opinion this stuff seems really different from everything. It doesnt smell related to sourd, og, bubba, cush, headband, bluedream or any of the regulars really and the high is soo much different too. i could be wrong. It may be something really generic just a very unique pheno i mean no way to know really. My buddy places it up there with sourd which is his favt. If similar to anything in high i would say romulan in that it feels that youve been warped to a parallel universe kind of thing. but its very different too.

I am going to get more of it and ill ask the person for more info then, hopefully he knows more than myself and is honest.


no idea about clones.... I got more of it way back and the budtenders didnt know anything about it at all really.

Its nice but I quickly got bored witih it. It is a nice variety to have but when its the main stash the same qualities that make it so appealing made me want something else after a few days. If I got stuck on a desert island with one strain its not this one.


i had a 'dragons breath' from a club in sf back in 06 that was amazing, ill never forget that

the UP cut of 'red dragon' also became quickly loved in my circle past couple years, sadly its extinct


the UP cut of 'red dragon' also became quickly loved in my circle past couple years, sadly its extinct

Is that the same as barneys red dragon? what is the up cut?

A few years ago I ordered barneys red dragon, it has a unique taste and potent and immediate effect. I crossed it out with an unknown male of the reserva privada mix pack and the results seems to lean towards indica dominant red dragon; It resembles sour bubble/grapefruit in stature/internode spacing, with giant dark afghani leaves. I will work the strain out soon in addition to identifying the father. Theres some very unique traits in there when it comes to taste/smell/effects, many potentially true breeding.


up's cut was from a single seed found in a red dragon bud while in amsterdam. stuff was ridiculous inside with crazy colors and outside got huge. great high, great smell, great taste

rip red dragon up cut lol


I got more info on this "sleeping dragon" and it is indeed a cut of red dragon. It's is good BUT it has a character that is narrow in it's terpene profile and effect. I'm going to use perfumery lingo to describe it. But it contains some mid notes of a very specific funk this same funk is present in albert walker strain but more so and as a part of a narrower portrait. That said I think sleeping dragon would make good breeding material if it breeds stable. It can add the funk to other strains ideally with something else to provide the high notes and base notes. Think perfuming or spices. This strain is a good representitive of a specific note that is pretty unique.

It would blend well with a good lemony citrus jack Herer for high notes and something like matanuska for the base notes.

The sleeping dragon funk is like guava, grapefruit, coriander, and a hint of cumin
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I think it could improve other strains. But on it's own meh. But at the same time I find a strain like sweet tooth lacking and a bit narrow in effect.

I think something like this crossed to sweet tooth or c4 (which is underrated and better than sweet tooth in my opinion) would be better than than the parents. And adding a citrusy jack such as c99 a three way of those strains would be fire.

The point is it's a strain that you can find a very good representitive of a specific note in the cannabis spectrum so good that it can be used in combination to other strains to create elites it brings the funk.

For example a three way cross of c4, red dragon, and ledo uno could produce an elite commercial strain with it's own unique character using three underrated strains that are commercially available in seed form pre-sourdiesel.

I think yumboldt, red dragon, mextiza or ledo uno could produce a legend, again using commercially available strains not part of the Cali "elite" crosses that saturate the market.
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