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Sittin in my shed....



used to shoot foxes for spare money on farm I worked at, cunning buggers, used take a pair of ears in to council to claim the big reward, many moons ago.


Well-known member
Ear ear!

Got em all shut up safely tonight, think the dog is just going to have to spend more time in the garden - he loves it anyway:)
Fuck'n freezing tonight, weather can't make its mind up. Still proper windy tho.
Gonna wake up lil baby brunch in a moment for her feed, hope she doesn't wake up too much am knackered


Well-known member
set a few rat traps baited with Vienna sausage or something where you keep seeing the fox. after he gets his nose & toes whacked a few times, maybe he'll move along to greener pastures...:)


Well-known member
Probably not from a mangey old fox tho! :)
I think the missus would have a fit if I skinned em....
Still, I could do without having to pay for more chickens, and I probably wouldn't mind as much if Mr fox just took one chicken- but they don't, they behead the lot to shut em up then take one.
They're still alive and clucking tonight tho, but I bet they're fuckin cold




well i hope ya get High like i am .. the Roof will soon become brown if ya smokin' Spliffs/tobaccoo


I'm in my shed laying under the work bench feverishly cutting a vent hole whilst avoiding big black fuk'n spiders.


Well-known member
I'm in my shed laying under the work bench feverishly cutting a vent hole whilst avoiding big black fuk'n spiders.[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=50910&pictureid=1371863&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

Watch out for those spiders- dodgy little fuckers ! If my chickens saw the they would gladly munch em for Ya.
They wanted to follow me up the garden today so I have let them have the run of the place


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Better put em away soon, got a big bag of straw and spilled food from the rabbits clean out , I will tip it in the run and they will come runnin!


Well-known member
Just came in from shopping and granddad was letting baby hold and chew a tulip (!)
Mrs b went mental! Have done a little googling and I don't think it's a problem... Hope not


Active member
Found some land planarians in my shed yesterday. Into a cup of alcohol. Worm eating no-goods.

They're are long; body looks like a earthworm but it's head it flat and shiny. They will devastate a worm population.

Spiders don't bug me, wifey is terrified of em.

Good morning and good day.


Well-known member
Good day to you my friend, not bothered about most spiders, they are excellent at munching the flies but there seems to be a lot of false widows this year and they do concern me a bit as far as baby b goes- they do give a nasty bite.
Not heard of those worm things, hope we don't get them here! Now if only there was one that just eat slugs, I would adopt it and give it a home for life..... Last year I pulled 104 slugs off one bed over 3 days- destroyed my cucumber patch :(


Active member
Everyone should have a bolt hole, a please to withdraw too
and contemplate

shit! ...I have buddies coming around suggesting we hide in my

"Man Cave" ...?

ps yeah pimp that enclosure out! ...lol


Well-known member
I have been quite slack pimping the old shed out, other jobs keep getting in the way!
Still, you are right- it is good to have that bolt hole.... Man cave sounds a bit wrong- kind of like a dodgy euphemism:)

Just got some cheese x white rhino which is stinking the car out, so it should make the shed smell lovely and is sure to do nice things to my head ... The guy I got it from looked proper baked, red eyed to fuck, sweet good sign.
Looking forward to some shed time this evening got a long day at work tomorrow... Still, got to be done.
Can't wait for the next crop as I am pissed off with paying for it.


"Man cave" is a term from a popular 1991 - 99 USA television sitcom, "Home Improvement" with Tim Allen. He used it for extremely tricked-out garages/basements/sheds meant for male occupancy only... large screen TV, beer keg, etc.

I suppose that's dodgy enough, eh?


Well-known member
Yep, dodgy enough!
Would never make it men only shed- I love it when Mrs Brunch pops out for a cigarette or a puff of doob.... I've been smoking a long time and still some of the best smokes I have had have been with her, but then she is a diamond.
Had a massive turn of luck when I met her.

This weed is nice, very smelly yet you can still taste the rhino in the background


Well-known member
Yea mate the white rhino taste is still popping it's head through the cheeseyness. Quite balanced.
I think we're expecting snow tonight, although the forecasters don't seem sure... Mrs b is excited she loves the snow- don't know what baby b and the dog will make of it , they not seen it before.
Lot of filth activity up this road tonight, makes me edgy even though I not doing much wrong besides the spliff


if it smells like fish
I like how you phrase things ..filth activity lol..snow is great unless you have to work in it...my old shed in new England used to get covered in snowdrifts....yeehaw


Well-known member
I don't mind the snow as long as I am ok for cash and have plenty of weed... Neither of which applies at the moment... So got to work, and as you said it don't help with that.
Might also dampen plans for my next bonfire