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Sir-Smoka´s outdoor grow

Hello guys first thread on this site :)

So anyways this is my first time growing outdoors also.

Totally i have planted out 20 seeds the strains are:
LowryderXShiva Skunk
SweStarXWhite Gold

So i germinated the seeds in paper and went out and planted them in soil today. What i did was only dig a little hole and remove some roots then poured in soil in the hole and made small "hills" in wich i planted the seeds. Nuff said here come some pics.


10 LowryderXBigBang here


6 LowryderXShiva Skunk here


4 SwestarXWhiteGold here

According to the guy that sold the seed they are a little unstable and 2/10 are autoflowering!

Update in a few days!


Cool man! I like that you planted them straight in soil. May I ask which Lat. aboutish....

Going to be exciting!



I didnt even kno anything could grow at 64, stay safe bro watch out for polar bears, and good luck
as long as it doenst freeze more then -2 they will be ok

Huh feels good to hear that noway its going to freeze,its just a bit cloudy and cold and some rain aswell. Thanks for the answer!

Whoa! Another northern outdoor thread to keep an eye on. Subscribed! :) And may the nature be kind to your green friends!

Thanks man. I hope mother nature threat them well!

Im going to check tomorrow at night to see if anything has happened. But nothing has prolly happened but if i take some pictures!
Ok so i was there yesterday night and checkin on em. 2 small plants had come up and one was really close coming up. I took pictures on them but they are really really small,afterall they only been there 3 days.


The first one, very small


The second one wich is even smaller lol

Was out today and im doing kinda a test now to see how well 3 seeds manage to do when you cant water them/look out for them so often. This place i´ll only be able to visit every 2 weeks or so.

As you can see the soil is very dry so i dont know, just
doing it as a fun thing :)


you need to use some sort of animal repellent around your digs, and i would not wait too long to do it. peace-biteme
So i was there today and visited and it looks pretty good, not to much had happened since last time though, a few more had popped and there is still about 8 seeds that havent popped. Now the bad news. I forgot my camera cable at my friends place and i wont be able to get it in atleast 2 weeks so i dont think ill be able to get any pictures. But i might fix another camera i´ll see.

Til next time peace!


Good things Sir! I'm sure more will pop. I planted 20 seeds directly in soil and 20 seeds popped!!!!!

Good things Sir! I'm sure more will pop. I planted 20 seeds directly in soil and 20 seeds popped!!!!!


Dam, thats a high sucess rate! The thing is i let the seeds be in the paper a bit to long because of the weather so some seeds had started to get like 2-4cm long tails and some tails was "hairy" and discoloured so i´ll see how many that have survived.

I gotta fix a dam camera cable otherwise this thread will suck without any pictures lol.

I have a question, how often should you visit the growspot? Is every 10 days fine if there is no rain or should it be more often?

Was there today and checked em. Everything looked good except 2 plants had some damage from insects or something. 16 of 20 had come up thats not to bad. I also did spread out some nutrition blue small balls no idea what their name is in english. Now i will only visit the place every 6-7 days or so.

Til next time peace!


16 of 20 is great man! 2-4 cm is very long. Put them in a small cup of soil ASAP. If it is not raining and sunny you should visit them a little bit more often than every 10 days when they are small. You should be careful with fertilizing when they are so small aswell. I'm sure everything will be great. Get a cam!

Later man.
Text update june 9.

Was there just doing a check on how they doing. I recounted and it appears that 18/20 has now come up. Dam they have almost doubled the size since i was there last time. So nice to just sit there and look on them. Something scary happened when i was sitting there just after i had watered them.

I heard something deeper down in the woods that sounded like a bark from a dog, or just some strange noise that might been from a fucked up animal. Anyways i thought for myself "its problably nothing". Then like 5 seconds after i started hearing branches cracking up so it must have been something walking over there. I freaked out and ran and hide in the taller grass for a while, it all got quiet so i quietly moved out took my bike and got home.

If it was a animal or a human lets keep that question unanswered but it sure scared the shit out of me lol.

I took some pics so as soon as i get my cable everything will be uploaded!.

Til next update peace!