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Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)


Great post.

You and fatigues are saying the same thing with different words.

the reason the buds you forgot to burp were harsh is they had an improper cure. If you want to understand curing and moisture you should read about how tobacco is cured and how they make it mellow.

you should burp often until the moist reaches optimum levels then you can seal your jars and check them once a month. A Hygrometer can help.


And dark jars protect bud better

Where do you get jars like that?

I've been looking very hard for large wide-mouth dark glass jars with lids that seal and have had no luck at all.
I got about 11 or 12 ounces from that one. I am guessing because that is normal for a single plant grow. We can do a little bit more if we grow twins.


great post. will be using the tips in this post here in the next few days. my last harvest smelled like hay And tasted like pooo... + rep my friend...


New member
Rubber gloves have their advantage: simly throw them in the freezer after trimmings. than ur black finger hash will just flake off and u can rool it into a nice piece.

Heres a trades secret. I clean as much of the resin off my hands with a Blade (scissors or knife) to collect the finger hash. Than you take 1 spoonfull of Butter or margarine and 1 spoonfull o SUgar, Srubb away and rince with hand soap. I Guarantee you'll never have sticky fingers from BearBack Trimming again.

OverGrow The Atmosphere
Rubber gloves have their advantage: simly throw them in the freezer after trimmings. than ur black finger hash will just flake off and u can rool it into a nice piece.

Heres a trades secret. I clean as much of the resin off my hands with a Blade (scissors or knife) to collect the finger hash. Than you take 1 spoonfull of Butter or margarine and 1 spoonfull o SUgar, Srubb away and rince with hand soap. I Guarantee you'll never have sticky fingers from BearBack Trimming again.

OverGrow The Atmosphere

Great tip, thanks.


Thanks for the info Rumple. I plan on using this method in another 3-4 weeks after my first grow is done.

Everywhere else I've read to burp the jars a couple of times a day. Some even suggest turning the weed in the jar to promote even curing. This time around, I'm keeping it simple.


Active member
Thanks for the post Rumple. Last week I jarred up some SSSDHxG13 after using your method. Very quick and easy and the results are fantastic. It's like I have jars of sweet sticky candy.


Very nice step by step instructions. This is very helpful. Good work!!


Rumple your tutorials are great! I liked your clone machine thread so much I looked in your stats to see if you had any more tutorial threads and found this one. You are very helpful. This says it all....

"Members of International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums have rated post 3836948 as the most helpful. Skip right to it!"

I really dislike rubber gloves so I don't wear them for MJ trimming. When I'm done or my hands get too sticky I use rubbing alcohol and a little hand/fingernail scrub brush. Without the brush removing all the resin is quite difficult. Then simply wash my hands as I normally would.
I have always used wadded up papertowels to wick off the moisture in the brown bags, but I like your method and will try it next time. I'm not sure why but it seems you just can't beat the wicking properties of the good ole brown paper bag.
After a few weeks of curing I always put small paper bags over the jars and place my jars back in the original cardboard case then place the jars/cases in the deep freeze for long term storage. Jars stored at 65-70 degrees seem to slowly loose potency after a few months. Also freezing prevents the possibility of any mold from occuring. The paper bag is just so if the wrong person opens the freezer it's a little less conspicuous. I have stored MJ this way for up to two years and when I take it out it is always just as good and fresh as the day I put it in the freezer. I'm an outdoor grower and only harvest once a year so good curing and storing is of the upmost importance to me.

Thanks again...for the great tutorials, ideas, and pics :D


New member
Never seen that shredded paper bag drying technique - seems interesting.

Great job putting together a step-by-step photo guide though, wonderful information for the hopefully countless people getting ready for their first harvests! PS - good choice in scissors - i love the fiskas micro-tip pruners with big cushy handles. first harvest i ever did back in the day i just had some hard plastic handled kiddie scissors... i thought my fingers were going to die by the end of the first hour, i was miserable by the end! its a big process - the right tools make it so much easier...


To anyone who's tried both techniques, which do you think is better? Simon's "A Perfect Cure Every Time" or Rumple's "Paper Bag Tek"
I am sure both work just fine. You can find thousands of great working methods for drying/curing. My method is more for the guy who wants to dry and cure his weed with household items. No special equipment is needed.
Love the info Rumple!!! 1st timer here and this was beneficial to my trial n error 1st grow. I jus cut my 1st n got her hanging up to dry....question tho.....whats the purpose of the brown bags?