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Signs that a collapse is under way.

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Was that referring to me Disco? I was wondering, b/c I never quoted the Founding Fathers, but, yeah, you got where I was coming from.


lol, I remember reading that guy's post and thinking: if he's talking about me, I never even quoted the Founding Fathers so no point in responding to a guy who can't even read what's written in front of him, let alone process it rationally. What a goof.


weed fiend
IMO, Jeffersonian democracy itself (Articles of Confederation) beget federalist control (Constitution). Some like to reminisce of the days prior to the states asking the federal government to arbitrate their respective grievances. What followed was law and some that don't agree with this outcome think of Jefferson's revolution every twenty years as palpable.

But getting down to it, one has to suspend the idea of majority rule our founding fathers intended, at least the majority of them.


Have to love Marbury v. Madison. The Supreme Court essentially said to Jefferson, "Congratulations, Thomas, we aren't going to force this Federalist judge upon you, but in doing so, we are giving ourselves the power to strike down laws as unconstitutional. Cheers."

Classic stuff.


We need a new New Deal.

Yes we do...replace unemployment and welfare with WORK projects. Instead of giving a few trillion to business...we should be paying people to work on things we NEED. Not just paying them to sit home and watch TV.

Yeah you're likely right that it's just political grandstanding but the fact the letters are printed and ready to be sent out suggests that even the politician's are unsure if they're political maneuvering is going to work. It's like a driver taking the wheel of a bus full of people with a letter in his back pocket saying he might decide to jump out of the bus if it gets too close to a cliff.

Personally I'd rather see us deal with the politician's that drained the Social Security trust fund and filled it with IOU's, that's the real reason Social Security is doomed to fail. It's not that people are living longer although that does compound the problems Social Security faces. In the end though it's because government diverts the excess of monies collected after benefits are paid, to the treasury so that the politicians can access those monies like tax revenue. What should be happening is that money should be allowed to sit there and draw interest in order to cover things like people living longer.

Have you SEEN the letters? I say it's a ruse to get us to agree. There are no letters.

It IS sitting there drawing interest! The PROBLEM is...we're broke and can't pay it back. We put the money in the bank...and then immediately took out a loan and spent it. The other problem is...we ADDED a whole lot of people to the SS roles that shouldn't be there. Why is disability in the SS system? Because it's expensive, we don't have the money to pay these people...and there's a TON of money sitting in the SS "trust fund".

IMO, Jeffersonian democracy itself (Articles of Confederation) beget federalist control (Constitution). Some like to reminisce of the days prior to the states asking the federal government to arbitrate their respective grievances. What followed was law and some that don't agree with this outcome think of Jefferson's revolution every twenty years as palpable.

But getting down to it, one has to suspend the idea of majority rule our founding fathers intended, at least the majority of them.

That's NOT what they intended! They created a Constitutional, representative, republic. They wanted smart, educated, landowners to represent us. We/they entrusted the smartest amongst us to make the right decisions for everyone else.

It's gotten WAY carried away.

Maybe it IS time to do a governmental reset. Pull them ALL out and start over with all new people? One thing Jefferson was right about...the political party system...it has enslaved us...it did to me anyway. What REAL freedoms do we have? Freedom of association? There are more "discrimination" laws than any other I'm aware of. Freedom of speech? Right...people get banned HERE for saying the "wrong" things. Freedom to make my own choices? Like growing/smoking an herbal medicine? I don't even get to keep all the fruits of MY labor! I'm FORCED to "split it" with others. I'd rather have more anarchy and freedom...than to have my "prison" get any smaller so we can "all have the same things and be equal".


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You aren't my mother, are you?
Middle Ages or today me and you are still peasants. And no I'm not your mother. I'm your daddy.

According to Wikipedia I'm in the top 5% of earners. If you don't believe me look through my attic buildout. That was money spent just for fun. Gotta love working in the oil and gas industry and being one of the best at directional drilling MWD management. So maybe I'm petite bourgeois. As much as it saddens me to see this country go down the shitter. I'm pretty sure my job will be secure if only to serve the war machine later. So this is somewhat of an ivory tower through which I denounce corporate feudalism, but at the same time benefit from it.
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weed fiend
Yes we do...replace unemployment and welfare with WORK projects. Instead of giving a few trillion to business...we should be paying people to work on things we NEED. Not just paying them to sit home and watch TV.

I'm all for repair of infrastructure.

That's NOT what they intended! They created a Constitutional, representative, republic. They wanted smart, educated, landowners to represent us. We/they entrusted the smartest amongst us to make the right decisions for everyone else.

It's gotten WAY carried away.

Maybe it IS time to do a governmental reset. Pull them ALL out and start over with all new people? One thing Jefferson was right about...the political party system...it has enslaved us...it did to me anyway. What REAL freedoms do we have? Freedom of association? There are more "discrimination" laws than any other I'm aware of. Freedom of speech? Right...people get banned HERE for saying the "wrong" things. Freedom to make my own choices? Like growing/smoking an herbal medicine? I don't even get to keep all the fruits of MY labor! I'm FORCED to "split it" with others. I'd rather have more anarchy and freedom...than to have my "prison" get any smaller so we can "all have the same things and be equal".

I guess ratification means little to the static purist but that's another majority rule aspect you refuse to consider.

With the exception of war, I'm not sure that rule-of-law constitutes collapse. You're free to judge for yourself. Don't forget your taxes also go toward your better standard of living. You wouldn't enjoy paying a profit for all the services you receive at cost.

When folks reference republic these days they forget that the omitted, key-word democratic means majority rule. All republic means is no royalty.
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weed fiend
Not many businesses are successful with the throw-out-the-baby approach. But when enough folks like your solutions, you may get the opportunity to ratify us all back to the 19th century.


Game Bred
the proper term is constitutional republic..

some say representative republic..

we are not a democracy,this country was not designed for "majority rule". see the CRA for an example of this.
in majority(mob)rule the rights of the minority have no protections.


Active member
powers not specifically granted to the fed were supposed to be left to the states,

the fed only had currency, military, and state representation to worry about...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
We were supposed to be a Constitutional Republic. That died long time ago.

At the very least we are a representative democracy. I'd argue totalitarian democracy.

Democracy was once thought by many to be the worst form of government. Two wolves and a sheep trying to decide what to eat for dinner. Now it's cheered as the greatest form of rule around the world.

Proletariat cheering for their own destruction? :thinking: Seems to be a common theme throughout history.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The empire dies with our dying currency. They say 25 years. I give it less than 10 and that's if we're really lucky.

Dollar seen losing global reserve status Financial Times
The US dollar will lose its status as the global reserve currency over the next 25 years, according to a survey of central bank reserve managers who collectively control more than $8,000bn.

More than half the managers, who were polled by UBS, predicted that the dollar would be replaced by a portfolio of currencies within the next 25 years.

That marks a departure from previous years, when the central bank reserve managers have said the dollar would retain its status as the sole reserve currency.

UBS surveyed more than 80 central bank reserve managers, sovereign wealth funds and multilateral institutions with more than $8,000bn in assets at its annual seminar for sovereign institutions last week. The results were not weighted for assets under management.

The results are the latest sign of dissatisfaction with the dollar as a reserve currency, amid concerns over the US government’s inability to rein in spending and the Federal Reserve’s huge expansion of its balance sheet.

“Right now there is great concern out there around the financial trajectory that the US is on,” said Larry Hatheway, chief economist at UBS.


weed fiend
We were supposed to be a Constitutional Republic. That died long time ago.

At the very least we are a representative democracy. I'd argue totalitarian democracy.

Democracy was once thought by many to be the worst form of government. Two wolves and a sheep trying to decide what to eat for dinner. Now it's cheered as the greatest form of rule around the world.

Proletariat cheering for their own destruction? :thinking: Seems to be a common theme throughout history.

The other side of the argument is we are a constitutional republic (no king.) IMO, the argument lies in the static vs living context. Looks like democracy to me. The winning vote receives elective office. Working majorities control legislatures. Majority rule resides with SCOTUS. Doesn't mean the majority always gets their way but by-and-large the laws that are written are voted by a majority of lawmakers and in some cases voters.

Democracy was once thought... Caricature perhaps? I'd venture every system has it's detractors. So pointing out what appears to be oversight or afterthought says I'm cheering for destruction?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Benjamin Franklin
I can't consider our current political system anything more than an abject failure. Our currency is failing, our economy is failing, and our political system is failing. One big Epic Fail.

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
Benjamin Franklin
The party started to wind down IMO when the masses figured out how to vote themselves money from the state coffers (welfare and entitlements).


weed fiend
If I'm not mistaken, Ban Franklin believed that too much freedom itself would be our undoing. People can't handle too much freedom or something like that.

IMO, if you didn't have democracy you'd seek some form of arbitration for commerce, crime, fraud and a host of other ills that human nature provides.
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