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Side by side comparison


Well now, this is exactly why this is in a private album...

I have a couple people who follow me around with negative comments and posts, so I did not want this "learning thread" filled that bullshit.

Only people I add into my contacts lists will be able to see the pics, plain and simple.
A positive post would've got you instant access to all pics and posts. Negative comments and snide remarks doesn't..

On with the pics..


Dude....really??? I understand not wanting people to come in and rain on your parade, but putting this thread together in this manner is aggravating. I jumped on this and subscribed to the thread, but what's the point. Someone has to kiss your ass to see your pics? That's moronic! You should make it a public album...otherwise you will keep getting negative responses like you have been. And isn't that precisely what you wanted to avoid. If everyone can SEE the pictures for themselves (without puckering up) they wouldn't knock it nearly as much as they already are. If we can see actual results.


No pics...no big surprise there though :tiphat: curious to see if this thread is for real or if the person who started it as much of a BSer as most of us feel he is :tiphat:

HAHAHA!!! You ARE a funny little dude...I guess that's why "most of you" are on the ignore list....lol:moon:

Jd4083, please, I'm asking politely, leave me alone, and leave...you never had anything positive to say towards me, so why follow and continue to be a pest? Or is that you job here on the boards? :dunno:

Sorry folks, no more negative comments or any derailing from me. I refuse to fill MY thread with negativity, all ignorance will be ignored.

On with the show.


Active member
HAHAHA!!! You ARE a funny little dude...I guess that's why "most of you" are on the ignore list....lol:moon:

Sorry folks, no more negative comments or any derailing from me. I refuse to fill MY thread with negativity, all ignorance will be ignored.

On with the show.

No show, just more bullshit from your corner. I propose that if we don't see pics soon, you get banned for adding to the already enormous stack of misinformation and overall crap on ICMag. Any takers?


Green is Gold
I would like to see the pics too but I'll be damned if I'm going to come groveling asking to see them. Fuck this thread


Get two birds stoned at once
Please show pictures, this thread is worthless without them.

Instead of discouraging personal attacks, making a thread like this and then not following through with it will prompt people to call BS.. Its completely understandable, they feel cheated.

If you wanted to keep it private you should not have made a public thread. People will enter, read a little, get frustrated that there is nothing here and call you names, expect this if you offer something and don't follow through.

I for one would like to see this.



Completely untouched plant.

I may cut this plant to have the same branch count as the other 2 and then leave the last clone completely alone...

As stated, All clones cut, dipped, and dropped same day, all rooted same day and were transplanted same day.

I noticed, deleafed one shows a slow in growth, (but of course since quite a few leaves were removed), the trimmed, slowed a bit too...

But the 2 that were left completely alone are huge compared to the ones that were "tampered with" lol.

But they've only been in flower for roughly what, 2 weeks...so got quite some time to go.:tiphat:

Let me know if you've got questions..


Also, something I noticed, root mass is substantially bigger on the untouched plants as well. Was to be expected, but am pointing this out for those who were wondering...


hehe, you got some offal ticked off pipples posting in here Inco

can I see the strumpets? :prettyplease:


Ya... the album is private.
That way only people genuinely interested will be able to follow along with the pics:tiphat:

I did decide to do the 3 clones, actually 4 clones.... will post the pics tomorrow..

Idiot. Im in your thread reading, im interested. I'm not jumping through hoops for you.