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Side by side comparison


Well I've seen many debates and arguments over defoiling/deleafing.

So I decided to do a side by side comparison, for myself and others.

I've always plucked leaves off here and there if they start dying or if they're blocking bud sites, but don't think i ever did a full deleaf, not with a control, so now I do.

I'm using 2 clones, taken the same day, and rooted same amount of time, from the same plant. So they ARE consistent with each other.

On with the show.

Clones... 2 dif views..

1 of left was deleafed, the one on the right was trimmed, so they both now have only 2 stalks, the main central stem, and 1 side branch each.. So now, they're both the same height, same branches, etc

This is what was removed...

will make SURE they're uniform again tomorrow...

and will likely do weekly or so updates...:dance013:


To help keep out the riff-raff, the pics are in a private album, only those who are on my contact list...(or who ask to see the pics) will see them.

If you don't like me, or always have something negative to say, then please stay away. :)
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Thanks fellas, this should definitely be interesting, I'm thinking of adding a 3plant in with no trimming at all, just cutting to 2branches, so I'll have 3 different "styles" so to speak...and a 3way comparison. What you guys think?
I think this is awesome! stoked to follow along. Just one thing I can see people saying how you can't do a side-by-side due to one shadowing the other. Are you able to avoid this? (ie: extra lighting)
Either way this is gonna be too rad to get more clarification. No better way then to follow along a side-by-sider


I do hope we can keep this on topic and people don't come in ruining it and de-railing it due to oppositions :\

LOL, ya, a LOT of that is going on lately...

But to be clear...they're not actually side by side, I only put them side by side for the pic... there is a space between them, I was waaayyy ahead of ya there man! I know somebody would immediately jump on that bandwagon. It looks to be people are more focused on pointing out flaws or talking BS than to actually offer good advise, or help... oh well..

HOPEFULLY not in this thread.:tiphat:


Can't wait to see the results. How are you growing them? Looks like coco in the pics.

What strain are you growing for the side-by-side?




Well, as you see from the pics, the difference a couple days can make...


Defol roots

trimmed (not defol) roots

These clones are in the same bubbler buckets, same nutes..etc
trimmed in the bucket


Can't wait to see the results. How are you growing them? Looks like coco in the pics.

What strain are you growing for the side-by-side?

Sorry, I missed your post Tonka.

Yes, they're in Coco, and they're in a 18gal bubbling tub. First time doing a FULL bubbler system. I love Coco...

I'll keep the strain a secret til the end!:)


I'd love to see a good side-by-side, but the pics appear to be marked private :(

I'll subscribe anyways, and hope this gets fixed so I can see the purties too, haha.


Active member
No pics...no big surprise there though :tiphat: curious to see if this thread is for real or if the person who started it as much of a BSer as most of us feel he is :tiphat:


The three clone run would be interesting, but your pictures are not uploading to the thread, we can only read the text.

Ya... the album is private.
That way only people genuinely interested will be able to follow along with the pics:tiphat:

I did decide to do the 3 clones, actually 4 clones.... will post the pics tomorrow..


You gotta be kidding us? A private album for a comparison grow log. In My Humble Opinion share what you are doing for us all or take your private diaries to somewhere else.

And by no means am i radical defender of defolation. Just a curious person who gets really annoyed when someone conceals information on a public forum which he/she is taking part. WE ALL ARE HERE TO LEARN.


Yeah, I really don't get the point of that. I'm reading the thread. I've read the big defol thread. Am I "genuinely interested"? Well I thought that's why I clicked on this thread, but maybe you have a different standard for that? Why the hell would anybody be reading this if they aren't? I just don't get it, what's the test one must pass to be deemed appropriately interested?
Ya... the album is private.
That way only people genuinely interested will be able to follow along with the pics

thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. how do expect anyone to genuinely interested if you don't give them something interesting to see. private album ha what a crock

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