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Sick of being nice!!!


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I just wanted to say that being nice gets you no where. Everytime I try to be nice or polite I end up getting screwed one way or another. Now I understand why some people come across as rude or unfeeling. They probably played the nice guy/girl for a while and then end up getting shit on over and over, so they change for the worst - at least in others eyes, for them its a defense mechanism I guess. Sorry to rant, but I am getting pissed off at friends borrowing money and not paying it back. Never loan money to a friend under any circumstances.

Another thing that pisses me off is when you are doing well finacially and then others that are suppost to be 'friends' talk bad about you or are recentful that you are doing well. They would love to see you fall. What the hell is wrong with people! When I got my new car I showed some supposed friends and I could see the jealousy in their eyes. I mean it is a normal human emotion to feel jealous sometimes, but when it gets to the point that you have to put the person down or make them unhappy with their purchase just to pull them down a knotch, it is plain wrong. It makes me realize why the rich are so stuck up. I mean if you had people everyday wanting your money, wanting you to invest in their idea's or just to be friends with you so that they can benefit, wouldn't you become stuck up? I sure as hell know I would get sick of it real soon. Also, it makes sense why the rich only hang out with other rich people. At least they are all equal in life style and assets so there is not as much reason for conflict. By the way, I am not saying I am rich or even close to it, but I am doing very well for myself lately and I can see the envy in others eyes that really makes me angry. I have known these people for years and would do anything for them in the past - but not anymore.

I even realize this when I go through a drive through. No matter how nice you try to be you seem to always get attitude. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying everyone is like this, but I would say a good 70 percent of people that I encounter day to day (at least my city) are.

Well, now that I got that off my chest I guess I can get back to my regular grow threads. Sorry to put anyone in a bad mood with my negativity. I have just had too much happen lately that is really painting a very bad picture of the human race. I hate everyone sometimes! Not you guys/gals though lol.



In todays society we love nothing more than to watch the small guy fight and scratch and claw his way to the top of the mountain. And then love nothing more than knocking that same man off the mountain and watching him tumble all the way to the bottom. Money breeds greed, whether it be the man who has it or the man who wants to have it.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
There is not much sense of community in this world today, in areas with larger populations, there is a good chance you will see and interact with people that you will never see again, some folks just don't want to waste their time establishing a basic relationship or even being polite, even though it is easy to be polite.

Some people just don't understand that good manners are a needed thing for socitey to operate smoothly, they are only worried about their own little world, and basicly screw everyone else.

I work in a industry where I interact with the public everyday, and I see and experience rudeness all the time, I often have to just take it with a smile, and know in my heart that I am a better person than they because I take the time out of my day to be polite. Selfish people who only care for themselves and their EGO are retards.

Rudeness= ignorance=Stupidity




I work in a industry where I interact with the public everyday, and I see and experience rudeness all the time, I often have to just take it with a smile, and know in my heart that I am a better person than they because I take the time out of my day to be polite. Selfish people who only care for themselves and their EGO are retards.




Tom 'Green' Thumb
There is not much sense of community in this world today, in areas with larger populations, there is a good chance you will see and interact with people that you will never see again, some folks just don't want to waste their time establishing a basic relationship or even being polite, even though it is easy to be polite.

Some people just don't understand that good manners are a needed thing for socitey to operate smoothly, they are only worried about their own little world, and basicly screw everyone else.

I work in a industry where I interact with the public everyday, and I see and experience rudeness all the time, I often have to just take it with a smile, and know in my heart that I am a better person than they because I take the time out of my day to be polite. Selfish people who only care for themselves and their EGO are retards.

Rudeness= ignorance=Stupidity

You are so right. I guess I should quite being angry and just be smarter. I guess it is possible to be a good guy and not get screwed. May be its because I think the best about everyone and need to display a little more caution. It is important to be polite in a society to run smoothly and if I become rude I will be no better than them. Thanks for the good thoughts. It helps that I had time to relax, smoke a joint and think. Everything always seems better after a time out.



I'm the Commander of an International Organization of Evil..but in all reality, I'm actually quite a "Nice Guy"...



I wish we could teleport to like the 78th dimension and all chill together cause i feel the same way and im sure alot of others here do as well.


Active member
JustinCase said:
In todays society we love nothing more than to watch the small guy fight and scratch and claw his way to the top of the mountain. And then love nothing more than knocking that same man off the mountain and watching him tumble all the way to the bottom. Money breeds greed, whether it be the man who has it or the man who wants to have it.


but, there must be a good way to live

and i bet its by being good

so keep your chin up brother there is a lot more poopoo out there
i guess you have to adjust your self
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Active member
in person i dont think ive ever been accused of being nice or polite.

im def. not usually rude, i just dont talk to people, and i suppose i act like im better than everyone (i guess i do think that)

i dont have things in common w/ people and so i dont have much to talk about. (not like i can stand in line at the store and talk about growing weed), and the only other thing i like to talk to peeps about is BMX, and there isnt too many into that....so aside from my really close friends i dont have much to say to people.

..im usually cool to people on here, unless someone wants to be an ass then ill be an ass back.

...and since i got my new Toyota FJ...everyone seems to want to ask me shit at the gas station or store parking lot...i usually dont even look at them and act like i dont even hear them.....or if they are really in my face i just reply w/ short 1 word responses like yep, nope, uh-huh...and offer nothing back.

people who know me usually start a conversation w/ me w/ the phrase "sorry to bother you", but yadda yadda yadda....even people that dont know me usually say "sorry to bother you....".....if they for sum dumb reason think they need to talk to me.

i dont really know what makes me like that, but ive always prefered my own company, i prefer to do things alone, and i dont like to be bothered.

i could NEVER work a job where i had to constantly deal w/ people or customers...there is just no way.

anyway no real point to all that, but i sort of wanted to give a perspective from someone who isnt perceived as being nice, ....but just someone who wants to do his own thing and be left alone.

...and as a side note i dont ask anyone for anything.

i think if your someone who is needy, and cant deal with shit, handle shit, or get shit on your own then you have to be nice to a point....i never had a problem w/ taking care of myself.


Active member
Fuck them. You know what that means? YOU DON'T CHANGE A THING. Let them be jealous, envious, whatever. All it means is that they are disappointed in themselves and their own failings, anyways... But if you change who you are (the 'nice guy', which is way UNDERrated) because of them, then they win. They will have turned you into a douchebag, same as them. Who gives a shit what road you drove into Douchville on? YOUR'E IN FUCKING DOUCHVILLE!!! Nah'mean?

You are spot on about why wealthy people hang out with people of similar means. It's not right, or wrong, it's just like that. Here's how I see it, though- If I ever hit the powerball (lottery) I would immediately donate a chunk to charity, and then buy an island. I'd put homes on it for each of my closest friends, and a larger inn for the not so VIPs. I'd give them a yacht to share, the deeds to their houses, and they can do whatever the hell they want as long as the houses stay in their families.

Having an Enzo is fun. You and your 3 best friends driving Lotuses (lotii?) is more fun. Plus, everyone says, "wow, he's a really good guy! He hooked his friends up!" Not, "Look at the wanker with the small penis!"

I'm not saying buy your friends. Just be the same guy as always, and if they aren't happy for you, they weren't your friends. Find new ones. But don't assume that everyone is like they are. Furthermore, I hope you see what happens when you get a little flashy. It's tough when you work hard for your money, but you'd do better to resist buying the nicest watch, car, whatever. There is something to be said for understatement.

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lives on planet 4:20
social status.....its an animal instinct.....animals higher in social status in nature get best mating partners and first hand at food...that's why they fight for it...at least many of them

humans are similar...when they see someone that is higher status than them.....makes many feel like shit...because they let these animal instinct take control of their emotions...etc


Active member
ok...this is the honest to god convo i just had w/ new neighbor...

its nuthin exciting, but its how i am and how i act.

their house was unoccupied for about a year, and i live way the fuk up in the mtns, and we neighbors dont live close and dont talk.

ok so these goons move in about 3 months ago ( i cant really call them goons, cuz we dont talk)...so i call them goons anyway.

ok so i fire up the chainsaw today and cut up one of my old grow cabinets so i can throw it out since i gotta move.

so while im running the chainsaw ...dude walks up w/ his dog and tells me hi.

...like i really wanna talk right now.

(he says dude i have a skill saw if u wanna use it)..i didnt even look at him and said no i dont wanna use it.

he said "my name is andrew"...i said "cool"...and never even looked at him....he walked away and then my chainsaw flooded..and i threw it...what the fuck....cant people just leave me alone.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Well, Yukon, I don't really consider people who are quiet and reserved to be rude, that is my personality when I am not at work or with family.
For me, I'm talking about people who almost go out of their way to offend others, verbally or through body language, or by being overly agressive drivers, for example.


Active member
Well, Yukon, I don't really consider people who are quiet and reserved to be rude, that is my personality when I am not at work or with family.
For me, I'm talking about people who almost go out of their way to offend others, verbally or through body language, or by being overly agressive drivers, for example.

no thats not me in any way ...im fine w/ peeps as long as im left alone...otherwise im just aloof i guess.

i dont really care about about anyone but me or my pooch.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
So many response, I thought this thread would be dead. Cool though, it's nice to here what other people have to say about it.

The night I started this thread was the product of the bad week I was having, it seemed everyone I talked too were dicks for no reason at all. First driving in the car some jack ass gives me the finger for waiting for an old lady pedestrian to pass, then I go through the drive through to get coffee and the lady gives me attitude for saying my order slow. If I say it too fast they get the order wrong and ask about six times for me to repeat myself. Then I say it too slow they get insulted. If I say it just right, they still screw up! That day also I drove my new car over to a good friends house to show him what I had bought and see if he wanted to go for a ride with me. His first look at the car I could see the jealously in his eyes, and then he became a dick. I know him well and he was fine up until I showed him the car, then he wanted nothing to do with me. I left alone and went for a drive with my daughter instead. I talked with him since, but I can tell he is not happy for me. All that stuff in one day, not to mention all the assholes I had to deal with the few days before put me in a really bad mood.

I'm okay now and I am not going to change the way I am just because the way others act. I just have to learn to be smarter and not trust anyone other than close family and if someone gives me shit, I'll give them shit right back. But it doesn't mean I am the one who has to start the shit flying.

Thanks for all the response, it's been interesting.



My little pony.. my little pony
Remeber this thread the next time you happen to be at the mercy/convenience of a service person doing something for you.

You can either force yourself to be nice or firmly accept the fact you consume more shit and spit than a Taco Bell restroom toilet.


Active member
Verite said:
Remeber this thread the next time you happen to be at the mercy/convenience of a service person doing something for you.

You can either force yourself to be nice or firmly accept the fact you consume more shit and spit than a Taco Bell restroom toilet.

hell verite the 1 time i sort of disagree w/ you.

i dont have to be nice to anyone because i can handle everything mySelf...

i dont ask anyone for anything, and if im somewhere where they make me have to then i make it their problem not mine.

if i need to explain more than that then i will...but i should not need to.

(alaska in my blood deep...what else to be said?!)


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