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Shroomys 2011 - 2012 Outdoor


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Hi guys

Been quite a busy last couple of months for me lately... with working full time and just finishing my Diploma with an almost perfect score... high 5's all-round :)

any ways I got round to the new spot a few days ago and started to do a little ground work... not to sure how many plants ill be running this year... I'm thinking 5 big ones and a few others started in December instead of October :dance013:

will be running some of my own crosses as well as some others that have been gifted to me this year... some I cant say what they are as i am testing em out for certain people ;)

any ways here are 2 of the many holes from this year

enjoy people and looking forward to everyone else's Out door grows
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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Good luck mate!

Nice spade, same as mine :smoke:

I also got a new all in one stainless drainage spade with a very narrow blade. Excellent for digging deep in a hurry! :D


Doing what we do because we are who we are
thanx silver

she is a great spade... goes through anything except rocks lol...

im going to experiment a bit this year gonna try deep holes about 3 foot deep and not so deep about 1.5 foot and see if their is any difference

p.s who do i speak to about donating some seeds i want the Donar logo under my name :) got some Red Man Skunk x Jack H i want to donate :)

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Dig those holes deep shroomy, pack them full of goodness.

Give them sun...give them water.

And you will be rewarded.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yesh i donated seeds to the cause.

Theres a thread in the seedbay forum. You just pack the seeds into 10's and post em to the UK.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Thanx for the kind words people :)

need some help from people that are Out door growers that have a tech that enables me to not have to water the plants everyday in summer... the plot is a good 1 hour drive and a good 3 hour bike ride away so it kinda makes it hard for me to water them every day or every3 days when summer comes

come forth with knowledge people :)
:dance013:Yes Shroomy it's that time of year, seeds a'cracking, a dirt a turning, make the magical dirt, dig the holes deep, mulch a plenty, water crystals as well, can't wait to get back my patch this weekend myself mate.

Good luck champ and grow them hard and big.



Doing what we do because we are who we are
Hell yeah Bundy :) I dont feel alive unless I am growing a plant or 10 ;)

best of luck to you this year as well mate :)


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yep what Bundy said. But more mulch :smoke:

Like mulch up to the 2nd node from bottom!

May i suggest... take your favourite machete (i like the Cold Steel 2 handed katana machete personally) to your spot. Slash some local vegetation down. Then lay it out so it dries or maybe if humid area allow to rot down a bit in a heap. Leave it a while and voila - free and readily available mulch.

Water crystals i think do make a difference but some people believe organic matter is more efficient at holding onto and distributing water. Something like a 5% increase in organic matter can translate to 50% more water efficiency.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Any chance of finding a little creek or spring? Dam it with sandbags using local soil, it doesn't have to be big and run drip lines from it.

Depends on the location of your site I guess, in the mountains this is relatively easy to find.

But like others have said, mulch, mulch and mulch. Dig shallow spoon drains if on a slope so water is directed directly to the plants when it rains.

Try to use the topography wisely and think about where the water goes when it rains.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Thanx for all the advice guys think i am just gonna go 2 - 3 deep and use a fuck load of water crystals :)

My medium will be consisting of the following

Cow Poo
Chicken Poo
Dynamic Lifter
Worm Castings
Water Crystals

fed with liquid H&G or canna COCO at 1ml per litre from about week 8

and some horse shit if i can get my hands on it :)
ive gone away from the trenches this year,
going to run the fold out kids swiming pools, tin sides 1.2m dia and 350mm deep, perfect !!


ive gone away from the trenches this year,
going to run the fold out kids swiming pools, tin sides 1.2m dia and 350mm deep, perfect !!

these work great Mr Time
have some in the jungle as we speak
wish you the best of luck for the coming season
it seems everyone is going full steam this year :)



Doing what we do because we are who we are
more details please Father time and Squiggles

Where to get
How much

I did some searching last year but nothing that was fold out looked like it would work properly

thanx in advance guys :) might grab one and throw 20 or so autos in it :)


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yeah i was turned onto these by Brown Dirt Warrior's dvd. He uses one as a guerilla res.

I could only find the flimsy ones that look like they pop if you farted near em lol :smoke:

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
ive gone away from the trenches this year,
going to run the fold out kids swiming pools, tin sides 1.2m dia and 350mm deep, perfect !!

I think a swimming pool with tin sides reflecting a lot of light might be a bit of a give away in the bush.

Better off damming a small spring or stream with a few sandbags, the dam need only be a meter or so square and 1/2 a meter or so deep for an ample supply of water.

Drip lines can be run from it which means you don't have to visit the site as often or at all.....SECURITY.