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Showtime "hash" machine from WalMart


OK folks,
I searched and did not find anything on "Showtime" so I hope this is not an old thing here.

While walking around WalMart the other day looking for ideas on something I could bastardize into a dry sieve hash making tumbler I stumbled onto:

Tada : The Showtime Rotisserie & BBQ oven. (As seen on TV!) motto:{"Set it & Forget It"*} *disclaimer applies


The thing that really caught my eye was the switch setting of "No Heat Rotation". Anyway, I am planning on opening up the electrical box and disconnecting the heater to prevent any ACCIDENTS !!!


Ok, the rotisserie is two part with two sharp rods that skewer the bird and fit into the other gear/end cap. I bought some craft store round wood things to attach the mesh to and I need suggestions about the mesh size.


Also any usefull suggestions about the mesh/"drum" construction are welcome. Thinking of attaching to one end cap(wood) with staples or screws then aluminum tape, and maybe teflon tape, (not plumbers tef tape), over the end of the mesh, then velcro or rubber band or such on the removal end for loading/unloading. Also aluminum tape on the long seam (both in&out /no exposed glue).

Some years ago I bought 3 rolls of stainless steel mesh to make screens out of. Well they have just sat around and I have no idea where (on the net) I got them. They are labeled MS105, MS125, & MS180. I think that stands for Mesh,Stainless and the # is in microns. The 180 has much larger mesh openings than the 105 so I am sure it is not LinesPerInch! My favorite & most grown flavor is Cindrella99 so I think the 105 micron mesh would be best for that??? Any feedback on that??


I just wanted to get this up today, and will show my work as I build the "Drum". It is my intention to make several sizes like the pro models.
BTW , the "drum" (inside) size will be about 6.5inches dia and 8inches long. Thats pretty small, but the timer goes to 3.0 hours and I just could NOT resist buying it!!!!!

Also, I hope I don't smoke too much and just sit on my ass and let this collect dust. Gotta get motovated.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Oh man! This would be stellar if you can pull it off. I'll brainstorm and see if I can come up with any helpful suggestions. Can't wait to see this one!


Thanks KJ I'm brain stormin' myself right now.....need all the help I can.:joint:

Thanks to you too treez......yeah I get off on other tangents sometimes.
Hopeing to get a little feedback before I put the mesh on so if the wheel (homade hash drum) has been perfected I can learn from that.

I am a ledgendary packrat so I have some raw materials to draw on.


Active member
a flat narrow dowel (post) on each side of the 'drum to run the length of said drum, attached to each end will give you a surface to mount your screening to. try not to use tape. either gorilla glue or small staples...

you could make more than one drum with different mesh sizes if you like, as well...


Active member
I seen the same exact thing done before a few years back. it worked, but im my opinion the motor turns the drum too slow. instead of a slight tumble, the model i seen made the trim do more of a sliding action. yield was decent and the resin was pretty pure. we adapted the drum to be able to be turned by a 1/2 inch socket and when tumbled manually yield was much improved with not much more contaminants....hope this experience helps you


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
I seen the same exact thing done before a few years back. it worked, but im my opinion the motor turns the drum too slow. instead of a slight tumble, the model i seen made the trim do more of a sliding action. yield was decent and the resin was pretty pure. we adapted the drum to be able to be turned by a 1/2 inch socket and when tumbled manually yield was much improved with not much more contaminants....hope this experience helps you

i agree that it its really slow...

i own one of these things, and use it every so often... it spins quite slow..

you would almost HAVE to spin it manually to get it to spin quicker, or alreast electronically adjust the speed...

lets see what you can do though, im all about being proved wrong..

peace, LW


Thanks guys,
Yeah a dowel or 4 would be doable.

I wonder if I could "rewire it" like Tim the tool man???? 220 anyone (Just kidding folks,don't lecture me on voltage please). I have tons of motors from years of "saving" but most are stepper motors. That would be neat, 25 steps forward, 10 steps back.
"Shake", rattle & roll one up!!!!!

Keep it comming folks......I am planning on making several "drums" to just slide on the rods so plenty of room for different methods.

I love this shit! :smile: :woohoo:


Yeah LW,
6 rpm. I love your attitude! I'm gonna have to rev it up!
What speed do the big buck units run?? Anybody know?


it sounds like the mesh sizes are stated in micron (for those who don't know : micron is a Metric measurement, in this case tells us the width of the mesh opening....LPI or lines per inch or simply a number then the word "mesh" is less accurate as it only a count of the number of threads or lines per linear inch and doesn't tell us the hole opening size which varies due to thread thickness)..so the MS 125 mesh would be the best choice.

MS 105 would probably be too fine for most strains and MS 180 definitely will have mesh openings that are too large (though with extremely slow movement might work?)...

the 105 micron mesh could be attached to a flat screen and used to clean the powder you get from the 125 micron mesh by scraping a card to and fro

anyway.....before you build the tumbler, card a handful of ground up bud through the 3meshes, this will tell you which mesh will work best with the that strain

Happy Hashing
Last edited:


Thanks Chamba,

I was waiting for someone to chime in on that.
I"ll make my first drum out of the 125.

Still looking around for frames.


That is clever and ingenious! Looking forward to your next project. :joint:


Thanks Trichy,

Maybe today I'll start wrapping the first drum.
Took the day off to celebrate The End Of An ERROR


Very Nice..................If this works out I'm hoping for a detailed build.


cant stop wont stop
its been sed but ill say it again

my main concern is that its going to be too slow.
fucking kick ass idea tho and alot cheaper than the pollinator..

i've made a tumbler a few years back using a 35 gal rubermaid tub for the housing of the drum..
i found using about 6 (if i recall right) threaded metal rods spaced evenly around the outside edges of the wooden circle things you got there, provide for a pretty sturdy "skeleton" for the drum.. hah i hope that made sense.

anyways i could get into a few more details but i was mainly trying to give you a few ideas on the construction of your drum

good luck man cant wait to see the finished product and a report on that hash!!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
man I LOVE these mcgyver techniques :D

I just finished a clone/cuttings room in an old chest of drawers and a window sill exhaust box for my can (something I had to come up with after realising my new tent didnt fit in the loft..durrr...always measure...)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
very nice..

very nice..

Raspute..i built one of these last year and have never used it! I was going to use heavy galvanized screen, 1/4x1/4" to cover the drum to attach my cloth mesh to. I just got busy with good buds and had a med patient using all my shake so It is in my pump house on a shelf. Boy was I surprised at our similar drum design! good luck..DD.




yes these do turn slow but they work just fine! and it doesn't have to be a showtime there are quite a few toaster ovens that do rotisserie

1. buy rotisserie toaster oven at wal-mart
2. disassemble and remove motor
3. reassemble and replace in box
4. go get your money back cus the oven wont spin your chicken! :D

"damn toaster won't spin my chicken" <--- works every time

might seem like a lot of work, but i only spent 2 hours total including driving......this was after DAYS of trying to track down and buy a rotisserie replacement or equivalent motor.

dont forget to keep your receipt!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Good job rooted! When the first batch is finished, you can call it Dishonest Hash!