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Show me cases of CHS where the cannabis is COMPLETELY clean of azadirachtin or neem.

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Autistic Diplomat in Training
*Facepalm* Crazy when people don't read what's posted in a thread. I've already mentioned how bendadryl helps with aza poisoning. It wouldn't help if it wasn't an allergic reaction.

Thanks avi, figured the actual content from stuff I don't see would be quoted by someone.


3rd-Eye Jedi
*Facepalm* Crazy when people don't read what's posted in a thread. I've already mentioned how bendadryl helps with aza poisoning. It wouldn't help if it wasn't an allergic reaction.

Thanks avi, figured the actual content from stuff I don't see would be quoted by someone.

benadryl is an antihistamine if it helps it is an allergic reaction


this is the problem I have with posters like you

you are so confident in your own delusional interpretation of things that you undermine the body of true information by saying stupid shit with confidence that denies reality

I have called out many people here even respected mods for letting drugs negatively effect their perception, pot is like that and people like you when they first start smoking strong weeds can't discriminate logically anymore.

It is fucking gross and tiring.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Figured I'd read what you posted, weird, since this is a big issue, with a growing number of people. Waste of time, since you only reiterated what I've already mentioned twice now. Good job, zero personal experience and yet you continue to post useless information. *slowclap*

I'm interested to see if those who have CHS from *just* cannabis have any sort of relief from using bendadryl or another anti-histamine.

CHS symptoms:
Nausea, cyclical vomiting, relief through hot shower/bath

Azadirachtin Poisoning/Allergy:
Nausea, cyclical vomiting, relief through hot shower/bath, muscle tension, hypothermia, digestion disruption/slowing

Most folks don't notice the muscle tension for what it is, they simple complain about previous injuries hurting more than usual. (tension pulling the damaged area and causing pain). A great many have low levels of aza in their system for several reasons, low level of contamination in their cannabis and/or low levels of cannabis use. These people have nausea every morning and slight digestion issues, no more. Only when they come across massively contaminated cannabis or increase their use dramatically, do they then come down with the vomiting and need for hot showers.

I'm interested in posts from anyone with personal experience with this. Anything else is pretty much a waste for us. Us being those who have experienced the pain and understand what a significant issue this is.

Eventually, with time and careful attention, this will be straightened out. :)


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Azadirachtin Poisoning/Allergy:
Nausea, cyclical vomiting, relief through hot shower/bath, muscle tension, hypothermia, digestion disruption/slowing
These are not the symptoms of Aza poisoning, nor is it relieved by hot baths.. WTF??

LOL facts vs drivel this is pretty funny considering... Anyone know what hypocrisy is? Anyone???? How about projection. Anyone tell me what those words mean?? Holy holy mother of God up in heaven help us all now you sweet sweet virginal hebrew with the wide vag pushing out those God babies. Hoo leeee God!

NO WHERE do you ever treat someone with Aza poisoning with hot showers. WHAT THE CRAP!>!>!>!> This guy.. I can't even with this guy...

If you ingest aza concentrate, or a solution containing aza or neem, it will make you nauseous and irritate your stomach and bowels, and make you puke.

This has NOTHING to do with CHS, that would be like comparing the vomiting one has with CHS to when you vomit having the flu, or food poisoning... They are very very different things, even though the general symptoms are the same..

Because for most all diseases and poisonings, the symptoms are all similar.. Jesus f christ all f f f f f mighty.

Can you say lying??? LOL talk about "confirmation bias".. How about "bonkers" lol... Wow..



[/FONT]"Toxicology and Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning
Azadirachtin causes severe dermal and gastrointestinal irritation. Central nervous system stimulation and depression have been seen. This agent is primarily used and manufactured in India, so little use or exposures are expected in the United States.
1.Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water if skin has been exposed.
2.Do not use gastric emptying or catharsis because of severe gastrointestinal irritation. Do not use activated charcoal when there is severe GI irritation because of

potential need for gastrointestinal endoscopy."
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

"What are some signs and symptoms from a brief exposure to neem oil?

Neem oil can be slightly irritating to the eyes and skin. Azadirachtin, a component of neem oil, can be very irritating to the skin and stomach. The remaining portion of neem oil is made of fatty acids, essential oils and other substances that are commonly eaten in a normal diet. These substances are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the United States Food and Drug Administration."



Azadirachtin causes severe dermal and gastrointestinal irritation. Central

nervous system stimulation and depression have been seen. This agent is primarily used and manufactured in India; little use or exposures are expected in the United States.
1. Skin decontamination. If skin exposure occurs, the skin should be thoroughly washed with soap and water.
2. Gastrointestinal decontamination. Due to the severe gastrointestinal irritation, gastric emptying and catharsis are not indicated. Consideration should be given to administration of activated charcoal as outlined in Chapter 2."


And it goes on and on and on... How wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong doug is.. Crazy people are gonna be nuts I guess :laughing: :tiphat:

I can't wait for "wash exposed hands/skin" to be twisted into the treatment given or sought out by suffers of CHS as though they are the same thing... Just waiting meow!
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Autistic Diplomat in Training
I find it interesting that zero *cannabis only* CHS sufferers are willing to post their symptoms or information on the progression of their CHS. So far, anyway.

Repeated exposure to azadirachtin, by people apparently allergic to it, causes damage to the digestive system. Over time and through repeated exposure, it becomes very compromised. Is this also true of CHS from *only* cannabis?


Active member
^^ CHS is SO rare... Literally.. Like, a dozen or 3 people on the planet have it. For any one of them to post on ICmag... yeahhh...

Damage to the digestive system, really I would imagine the esophagus, would be the result of profuse vomiting... In other words your stomach acid deteriorates your throat. No its not fun, and it sucks.

No one is wishing it on anyone, actually it's existence makes me angry because it happens in people who are long term smokers/users who smoke a lot of pot, and that would fucking suck to have some sudden issue come up where now you can't smoke or use pot....

Which, I happened to have a pen pal who suffered from this some time ago around 2010, who lived in Toronto, and the only thing that worked, was cessation of cannabis. But they had all the symptoms, and used baths for relief. At the time I didn't believe them because it was so rare and nothing was like it in the literature. But they sought medical attention, and in the end cessation of cannabis was the only thing that alleviated their symptoms entirely. Which stinks, you have a long term user who just had to stop smoking pot.

I have known another who has allergy to cannabis, literally an allergy to cannabis smoke and their throat closes up and they get red/flushed/"hives" and they need an epi pen injection. They also have a host of other strange medical problems, so no one out there should think this is common, its in fact super rare. But things like this happen of course, people shouldn't be surprised with the spectrum of biology.

Pesticides and other causes have been investigated in cases of chs and ruled out. It was likely in fact one of the first things I am sure investigators tested for..

You are a special case and need to seek professional medical attention Doug, and not be looking online on rando forums for medical advice, or trying to confirmation bias and self diagnose your own maladies...

Which may be made worse by smoking or using pot - there are plenty of other things that could be wrong with you, that pot could make worse, like a mental disorder, other physical disorders, a number of things that pot in fact would not help, and in fact may make you worse, which seems to be the case.

You need to seek professional medical council. Hell get a team of doctors, especially an internist and gastroenterologist, as well as a priest, rabbi, a physicist, an imam, and one of those guys that wears those funny round hats with the things on top. Do you believe in God? I'd trust in the almighty. All others, take cash. Only cash
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Autistic Diplomat in Training
No personal experience, yet you keep posting in this thread. You do this about a lot of subjects?

I'm sure, should you post some slim piece of useful information, someone will quote it. I, personally, have no use for your drivel.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Hey can we have this feature where if enough people vote for it shit like this disappears?

Community action I think they call it.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
My blood type pH isn't optimum for adsorbing all the meganutrients in shilijit, but I take it anyway as I enjoy the constipation.

I've been seeing a naturopath about a leech therapy for the resulting blood in my stool. He immediately started me on a cleanse diet to flush the toxins out. I asked what the toxin's were but he became irate and just drew a picture of Trump.

Real game changer kind of guy. Makes ya see things different, like a microkaleidoscope. Once upon a time the dull pallor brought on by a vegan diet disturbed me, now it is a badge of pride. Like conserving water by never showering. #motherearthfam #gaiadontshowerwhyshouldi #freespirit

Maybe the voting system isn't so much a voting system as it is a concerted effort to drive 'em all batshit.
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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Surprised you hold that perspective, as you're going to end up drowning in diarrhea come harvest.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I think the saddest part of this while neem is considered safe for production but this could very well lead to uncovering latent sensitivities (allergies?) in some users which could be critical for assuring proper product for the end user

I have changed the way I use many products (neem based) and removed many products from flower production (silica) once thought safe but reported through various outlets a potential hazard

I was born with 130 environmental allergies and spent a good portion of my life battling to breath so I understand how allergens can destroy a person's life while it does not effect others at all.

No one is discounting your symptoms but your insistence of the cause

maybe you should remove the labels and focus on the causation


my product would easily qualify. how could this be so hard to find? does every grower really have to spray!?

who dat is

Cave Dweller
my product would easily qualify. how could this be so hard to find? does every grower really have to spray!?

I alternate sprays and have cut back on neem oil lately, no particular reason. I do love to top dress neem seed meal though as my plants love it :yes:


Active member
No personal experience, yet you keep posting in this thread. You do this about a lot of subjects?

I'm sure, should you post some slim piece of useful information, someone will quote it. I, personally, have no use for your drivel.
Well among many things, like I said I had acquainted with someone who had it.. And I've known people with weird allergies and other reactions to cannabis that are not CHS..

I've also, one one occasion, smoked myself into a sort of short hyperventilation fit. But I was young and inexperienced. In fact any weird or strange reaction I ever had with pot was when I was young and inexperienced. But most any except save for 2 instances of those "weird reactions" were actually negative.

DRIVEL.. Uses the word drivel multiple times! I love this guy! Do you talk like that in real life? I f'n hope so :tiphat:
LoL drivel.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
No one is discounting your symptoms but your insistence of the cause
maybe you should remove the labels and focus on the causation


Someone quote this so Doug reads it...

Hey Doug.. The problem, one way or another, comes from ingesting pot. You probably have to stop using pot all together to never have any problems ever again... As ultimately the problem(s) come from ingesting pot. Sad but likely true :comfort:

Or if you never have symptoms from your own home grown but do from others then I suggest only do that but I doubt over time only using your own will actually work...


I alternate sprays and have cut back on neem oil lately, no particular reason. I do love to top dress neem seed meal though as my plants love it :yes:

I used to use neem meal in my recipe when I first started but there were a couple times I thought I might have over done it and I think it negatively affected the taste. I was a newbie then. Ive been re using my soil ever since however I have never re-amended neem cake.

I spend a ridiculous amount of money on beneficial insects :muahaha:
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