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should i rotate my plants and let them readjust towards the bulb?

I think that properly pruning your plants to allow the light to get to the remaining buds will be more effective than rotating your plants... I've only got one harvest so that is with my limited experience....

Crusader Rabbit

Active member


If I have a plant on the outer edge of the light footprint I will occasionally rotate it if the growth closest to the light is getting to big and causing the plant to lean, I then rotate it 180 degrees so the longer/bigger growth is now further from the light, and the shorter stuff is closer, after a couple weeks it starts to level out again.

I also do a lot of pruning(early) and shuffling(later) of my plants throughout the flowering cycle, the end result is short, big bushes, with even canopies.

After a while you will be able to tell what they need and when they need it just by looking at them.


, The Ghost of
I grow with horizontal lighting so... ya, I rotate... and shuffle.

Looks like youre vert so you want to prune/train the plants in the direction of the light.


Think about the leaves as solar panels collecting light and making energy. If you turn the plants around, only the less developed leaves on the back will be getting light. They are smaller and supply less energy to the plant, while it is using engergy trying to stretch those bigger leaves back towards the light.

The best thing to do at this point is cut off anything in the back that looks under developed from lack of light. If you don't, the under developed branches will drain energy from the main branches, causing smaller buds on the main branches and airy popcorn buds on the under developed branches.


bit like line dancing, do the hokey pokey and move it all about,lol maybe.


No. Definitely not.

Agreed.......Rotating plants away from the bulb diverts vital plant energy and causes recovery time to make em lean back toward the bare bulbs........

Hack out the backs and lower branches that the lights will never fully penetrate for proper lumen absorption depending on how tall and wide the plants end up by end of stretch......

Good luck.....DHF.....:ying:.....

Blue Socks

In nature the sun travels across the sky every day, it's never in one place all the time. I try to recreate outside conditions as best as possible inside, so I rotate my plants once each day to simulate the movement of the sun.

Also if you have a lot of plants and only one or two bulbs, there is always going to be a few that are not getting optimum light since they will be on the edge of your light footprint. Rotating them allows all of them to be under the sweet spot at least a few days each week.

I have a small closet grow and only 8-10 plants to move at any one time so I can see why a large scale grower would not want to deal with that. In that kind of a commercial situation I would use a light mover.

For my closet grow two rows of three or four pots like this:


and I will rotate them so that it looks like this


after one day of rotating.

Every pot moves one spot to the right and crisscross. In that way they all get under the sweet spot which is centered over the four innermost pots.

If you grow in a smaller setup I would advise you to rotate your plants

Blue Socks

I just realized this is the vert forum sorry I was speaking on a horizontal setup . In vert yeah I don't know I would listen to DHF or someone else that has experience in that grow style Sorry for the confusion I should have looked at the pics lol


growing 24 in 9l pots while back, tested turning them and leaving sit one spot, turning pots same amount during lights on produced a much better looking plant to my eyes, under only one light at time though. next time is vert and not gonna move them.