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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


Active member
What you guys think about Sprint rebounding with the addition of the iPhone, or their wireless provider Clearwire who jumped damn near 25% today..?! Thinking about S personally… I don't see them failing.
Once Netlfix is sorted overseas, and their doubled resource budget has been implemented, I see it climbing back to where it was as well.. But maybe not.. What you all thinking?


Active member
What you guys think about Sprint rebounding with the addition of the iPhone, or their wireless provider Clearwire who jumped damn near 25% today..?! Thinking about S personally… I don't see them failing.

if you have to ask for advice in this manner, i would recommend using a sim account until you have some actual method of playing the mkt.


Active member
Once Netlfix is sorted overseas,and their doubled resource budget has been implemented,I see it climbing back to where it was as well.. But maybe not.. What you all thinking?

I was reading an article forgot where but it said Something about a guy being bearish is Now buying.

So I'm thinking....The Biggest Shorter of Netflix is now buying.

I chuckle.

I even switched sides myself (paper) now since the earning reports are now out.I think I'm not sure about what Cramer may have said before about not buying 5 days after earnings are announced.And the news said...A few quarters is not going to be good.

But I'm in but 1/10 of a position Bullish.I hate graphs looking in the red and gauge from there.But to each and it's own.Catch a bounce every now and then.Repeat.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Ok this is what I don't get and I hope Gramps can explain this:

How come the EurUsd reacted so late? Doesn't this contradict Dow's first tenent? Because we see how pms reacted almost instantly. Yet EurUSD only reacted like 1.5 hours ago plunging pretty hard. Sounds weird. Something's fishy about this....
From what I've seen it takes the markets a while to digest European nonsense news. Reminds me a lot of a deer in the headlights.

There is speculation amongst the pros that much of the recent up move in the EUR/USD is due to French banks liquidating USD denominated assets and repatriating to EUR to raise capital due to the liquidity crunch. Because equities trade 1:1 with EUR/USD they have moved higher on perceived bullishness which is actual very bearish.

The DOW use to be a discounting mechanism until the Fed took over. Now it's simply a number to keep the proles happy and asleep.

Because if the DOW is up the economy must be strong right? /sarcasim


Active member
There is speculation amongst the pros that much of the recent up move in the EUR/USD is due to French banks liquidating USD denominated assets and repatriating to EUR to raise capital due to the liquidity crunch. Because equities trade 1:1 with EUR/USD they have moved higher on perceived bullishness which is actual very bearish.

I would also add to this, that the squeeze can be further fed and fueled by the sharks trying to capitalize on another's bad situation (aka french banks in this case) creating an exacerbated move with high volatility.

The DOW use to be a discounting mechanism until the Fed took over. Now it's simply a number to keep the proles happy and asleep.

Because if the DOW is up the economy must be strong right? /sarcasim

Lol right.


PEET revisited. The green 'I' breakout day on much less than happy volume. The next day was OK'ish except for the higher down volume as some sellers exited. Today's intraday action (red 'I') violated the pivot point (that long green horizontal line) on the breakout day so fail and today's volume even worse. May just need a bit more consolidation near it's old highs. 10/20/50 MA all pushing up.


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
"European banks agree to 50% write down on Greek debt"

Guess that means they are forgiving 50% of the Greek bond debt, dam, what a precedent.

What next, what will other countries in similar predicaments expect?

How will that effect how other countries issue bonds?

I'm guessing wrecklessly, unless the whole bond market dries up, or at least for countries in bad shape.


NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- European Union leaders announced an agreement early Thursday on debt crisis measures, including a hard-fought deal with private sector investors to write down Greek bonds by 50%.
The agreement came at the end of a marathon round of talks to finalize the details of a comprehensive policy response to the government debt and banking problems threatening the stability of the euro currency and global economy.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Greek bondholders voluntarily agreed to write down the value of Greek bonds by 50%, which translates to €100 billion and will reduce the nation's debt load to 120% from 150%.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
zero hedge was saying that they needed at least a 2.5 trillion write off to make a difference, the 1 trillion isn't enough, so they will probably be in this same position in 6 months from now. that 50% write down was only on one type of bond, so its not on the total amount of bonds owed.


Active member
Just been doing a lot of ignorant speculative research. Gonna have a sit down with some real investors at a couple banks soon.

National Bank of Greece (NBG) is the largest and oldest commercial banking institution in Greece. The company has a presence throughout Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Think of the National Bank of Greece as a combined Citibank (C), JPMorgan (JPM), Wells Fargo (WFC) and Bank of America (BAC) for that nation. The bank also works closely with the debt-saddled government of Greece.
There is no way that this bank will be allowed to go under. The stock price is off more than two-thirds from its closing price at the end of 2010, yet it still has a market capitalization of over $2 billion. When I looked at the balance sheet, I was amazed to see a rather liquid institution.
Of course, the risk for this bank is that it might have to write off or write down many assets. Should that happen, I assume that any large financial rescue plan in Greece would also include some relief of the bank’s liabilities.
The downside for National Bank of Greece is 60 cents. The upside is 5 to 10 times as much.


Active member
From what I've seen it takes the markets a while to digest European nonsense news. Reminds me a lot of a deer in the headlights.

There is speculation amongst the pros that much of the recent up move in the EUR/USD is due to French banks liquidating USD denominated assets and repatriating to EUR to raise capital due to the liquidity crunch. Because equities trade 1:1 with EUR/USD they have moved higher on perceived bullishness which is actual very bearish.

The DOW use to be a discounting mechanism until the Fed took over. Now it's simply a number to keep the proles happy and asleep.

Because if the DOW is up the economy must be strong right? /sarcasim

fuck this is exactly the reason why I keep whining for laissez faire...
technicals is a joke in this economy. you may aswell go with fundamentals to trade for the short term


Active member
The DOW use to be a discounting mechanism until the Fed took over. Now it's simply a number to keep the proles happy and asleep.

Because if the DOW is up the economy must be strong right? /sarcasim

I have this on Fools and been holding DOW since 2009 at $11.00 and I caught this pitch and it seems to hold true...So far.

"This type of mega-cap stock isn't of hot-shot hedge fund prop desk traders.This is a tough,center-of-the-economy,bare-chested-with-tattoos kind of stock.It's not very volatile.It's not easily pushed around.But once it gets going,it puts together long strings of consecutive up closes". Sounds good.But now Beta is 2.32 so it's highly Volatile.I Would go for companies with Great Cash Balances.

Copper at $3.58 and I added SCCO-Southern Copper Corporation in the Portfolio at under $29.50.Gonna hold for 5 years.Instead of Knocking on Wood,:bump:Knock on Copper:bump:

RicoT .....NBG is worth a try at .54 cents..Something happened on the 24th.Maybe a Big Buyer.Good Find!
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
RBS bank is laughing at the Euro Save the World deal.

1.4tril is too small an amount. They still don't know where the money is going to come from. They are saying China. haha.

The 50% haircut is really 28% due to IMF and others not taking part. It's a "voluntary" haircut. This is not a credit event thus CDS contracts will not be triggered.

This smells like a say something just to say something deal. Another can kick. I think as it gets digested over the next week or so the attitude towards it will change, but until then rally on! "Europe is saved!!"


Active member
lol @ the euro is saved. Totally agree, this is just kicking the can down the road on a pr move.

This is type of comedy routinely scene in the world of geio politics and economics is exactly why technical people like myself just follow the price action.

Trying to make sense out of all this as to who's more fucked 'the dollar or euro', is a to ugher game for me, then just following what big money is doing with there positions on a given day/week.

Often times, the move starts BEFORE the news because the insiders already know. So for me, i just keep one eye open on the news events more for comic relief. And trade based on the greed/fear that shows up in the charts.

I applaud anyone that can trade solely based on the fundamentals, because most of the time, even people that are successful with it, are constnatly figuring out what to 'buy'. In a bull market, this has a better shot at working. All goes to hell, in a bear market if one is only look to go l on specific stocks.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I been trading the NQ, mainly following the macd on the 2 minute chart, some days it works awesome and you can make tons of money, other days its shit. On those days, I just play the volitility game, short when it spikes and sell when it drops in a few seconds, lol. thats quite a nerve wracking method, but technicals are shit on those days where there is no definate direction or defined pivot points.


Active member
Wow..Good news today. 358+ right now.

Copper at $3.70 Now up from $3.05 in the last 5 sessions.I went back to the website and the price for the bars they were selling stayed the same so...With $6.00 over spot It may not move unless it drops $1.00 either way or I could call them up and ask them how do they come into the price and selling it $6.00 over spot ?

I think I would own this type of stock if the management comes up with a witty answer.


Sam...heard of one guy that only traded the NASDAQ on 1 minute charts. Glued his ass to the chair until he made a million.


Active member
Sam...heard of one guy that only traded the NASDAQ on 1 minute charts. Glued his ass to the chair until he made a million.

dam, he had to be doing a crazy ROI decisions. I wonder how much into fundamentals that guy was!(or is)