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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•

Madrus Rose

post 69
Guys ....check out the short squeeze this am on "YONG" ...a seller of tons of Fulvic Acid preparation distributed in China that was HEAVY heavy shorted as a scam but news of Morgan Stanely $50mil placement & director buying $3mil of stock gave alot of validation to their opps & new leonardite mining venture ....

one of the biggest gappers , no largest gapper on the exchanges ....been following this one closely as it seemed way oversold for the revs they were claiming .

do your DD !



Guys ....check out the short squeeze this am on "YONG" ...a seller of tons of Fulvic Acid preparation distributed in China that was HEAVY heavy shorted as a scam but news of Morgan Stanely $50mil placement & director buying $3mil of stock gave alot of validation to their opps & new leonardite mining venture ....

one of the biggest gappers , no largest gapper on the exchanges ....been following this one closely as it seemed way oversold for the revs they were claiming .

do your DD !

I remember Yongye from a few years ago when I was trading CGA. I've been seeing YONG popping up on Motley Fool for the past few months.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Wasn't Morgan Stanley implicated in the Madoff Ponzi scam or was that JP Morgan?

Just cause the big banks are into it doesn't mean it's not a scam IMO. If anything it confirms it.

Cramer even hates Chinese stocks since most of them are scams. Buyer beware is all I'm saying.


Anyone thinks that the gold bubble bursted?

Seeing drops with Gold and Silver prices.Few folks thinks the $1320 in the next level for Gold.

I say "Ye" :tiphat:

tards like you that open their mouth even though they dont know what the fuck they are talking about make this world a shitty place


now i know you have no fricking clue what open interest means, but others will. so what we see here, while price has increase about 5x since 2004, participation in the futures market has not even doubled

let's take a look at silver:


while price has increased almost 10x over the last 10 years, futures market participation has stayed virtually the same

then we got numbers from various very well off and very well connected investors like eric sprott (that guy's a billionaire) or ben davies from hinde capital, that the percentage of world capital in precious metals in the 30s was around 25%, in 1980 around 20%, and right now guess where we are at? under 1%

normally bubbles are determined by overparticipation, not by lack of participation. bubbles form and burst when every hillbilly and his 7 brothers want to own a certain investment, because "look at how much it has been going up!!". lots of underinformed investors crowd in and the price goes parabolic, and at some point the market is saturated, no new buyers come in (since noone new *can* come in since everyone is already in it), realisation kicks in that the market is way overvalued relative to the inherit value of the investment, investors exit, and since most participants have no clue why and just see it going down, they exit in panic, exacerbating the decline

an investment is NOT in a bubble when it goes up slow, long term, with regular setbacks that clean the underinformed investors out of the market ("climbing the wall of worry"). it's also not in a bubble when it is owned only by a very small percentage of the population (i recently saw a statistic that about 1% of 1% of people in the US buy silver regularly), and is ignored and/or vilified in the media.. all those points apply to gold and silver

price alone tells you almost nothing about an investment, you need to know the fundamentals, mainly current supply and demand, approximate future supply and demand, and market participation and investor sentiment, and overall sentiment towards the investment in media and culture/society

go do your own studies on where you think precious metals might go in the future if you want to put your money in them. i just came here to refute the claim that PMs are in a bubble


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
That was a crazy ass IPO. This is going to be huge for setting precedent for social media IPO valuations going into the future.

LNKD Bubble Update: $100 Passed... Make That $107.... $108...$110....$115...$117...$122...$115...$112 ZeroHedge

Some people made a lot of money and some people got hosed.

House always wins.

LNKD Now Below Break Price
Well, that took all of 8 days. To all who bought the shares from the bankers and primary allocators who wasted exactly 10 milliseconds to flip this flaming dog turd to the greatest momo fools out there with an E-trade account and $10k in discretionary cash (now well less), our condolences.

Madrus Rose

post 69
silver/gold ....the AGQ was a short today in the & following the usual pattern cover on the pullback ,then go long into the after noon .

Looks like silver wants to tag the 50ma at $39/40 one just watches the trade on the $USD which fell back again today to some support on Greek austerity plan ....but this is getting close to where it got sold back down before after bouncing on the sell-off .



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Economic numbers out today are terrible as usual. ADP prints at only 38,000 compared to 175,000est. So much for the jobless, housingless, growthless recovery.

The ISM index continues to fall off a cliff printing at 53.5 on expectations of 57.5. It is getting close to going below 50 which signals economic contraction. Bond markets are rallying. The 10year interest rate has fallen below 3% as bond traders see the futility of putting lipstick on the pig. The dollar continues it's collapse. Currency traders seem to already be pricing in QEIII as they should IMO.

The hopium peddlers and spin doctors on the news and CNBC are having a tough time spinning this. Although, now the new line of argument is that bad economic data is actually good for the recovery! That's right folks. Collapsing economic data actually means things are getting better according to MSM. You just can't make it this shit up.

They were talking about the need for QEIII on CNBC this morning. I say we see it in some form start of fall at the latest.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The herd of "economists" (or lemmings depending on your perception) on Wall Street are starting to try and get out the door at once. Goldman just dropped a mini-bomb. The herd will be heading for the doors soon, no? DOW is down 165 right now.

Goldman Cuts NFP Forecast To 100,000 - Sheer Panic On Wall Street As The Heroin Addicts Demand QE3 NOW
Not even 5 mintues ago we predicted that Goldman would lower its 150,000 NFP forecast to 125,000. Well, even we were off. Hatzius just cut his Friday NFP forecast to 100,000. Just like last August when the horrendous NFP number set off QE2, so Wall Street is in full panic mode, as it tries to find a way to crush stocks enough to give Bernanke validation for QE3, but without getting retail to throw in the towel for the last time. Still to come: the firm trimming H2 GDP to under 3%. We give it a few days. Elsewhere, Joe Lavorgna is dry heaving in a corner somewhere, trying to find a way not to look like a complete idiot for having to cut his NFP forecast two days in a row, from 300,000 to under 150,000

Another Weak Report; Lowering Payroll Forecast to 100k

BOTTOM LINE: ISM report weakens substantially, confirming significant slowing in growth in manufacturing sector. We are lowering our forecast for May nonfarm payroll employment to +100,000 from +150,000 previously.


1. The ISM manufacturing index weakened sharply in May, falling to 53.5 from 60.4 in April. The new orders and production components both fell by roughly 10 points-very large declines by historical standards. The employment index held up better, but also fell to 58.2 from 62.7. We continue to believe that supply chain disruptions in the auto sector resulting from the events in Japan are one factor behind the abrupt weakening in the manufacturing surveys. However, it cannot explain all of the weakness in the recent data, including that seen in measures of employment growth.

2. We are lowering our forecast for May nonfarm payroll employment to +100,000 from +150,000 previously. While the ADP report has a mixed tracked record in forecasting payroll growth, our research indicates it should receive some weight. Moreover, the weakness in the ADP report follows a streak of weaker-than-expected news on both the labor market and activity as whole. We are holding our forecast for the unemployment rate at 8.9% and for average hourly earnings growth at 0.2% mom.


ah yeah, found the data i was refering to:


shit, what a bubble - almost all the money of the world is in it :)

Madrus Rose

post 69
Ugly Economic Data Sends Dow Tumbling, Treasury Yields Below 3%; Financials Fall, Manufacturing Index came in well below already weak expectations

Weak Job Growth Numbers Put Damper on the Market

Weak May Sales Figures Send Auto Stocks Rolling Downhill

Japan Slides Into Recession

(lol, does it get any better ? )

Today begins first day of Hurricane season which NOAA predicts to be a "doozy" ... 2010 the 3rd worse Huricane season in Atlantic history !
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Madrus Rose

post 69

Hope all you guys found something to short out there today ...was sticking with my AGQ seeing resistance at $205 2 days in a row & silver bumping up the 50ma overhead resistance & top of the channel (with dollar looking to bounce) ....$GOLD made a perfect tag of 1550 & pulled back , many looking for 1rst strong R there.

AGQ kited up in the am again at $205 then dropped 10pts to $195 and in the last 1hr silver took a fast dive taking the AGQ down to $185 for 20pt swing down . Was waiting for $SILVER to tag that 50ma @ $39.25 area but the resitance was clear at $205 for two days on the AGQ shorts there were working .


Silver taking a dive , nothing today was spared not even precious metals , AGQ did a nice bounce of 4-5pts off $185 after falling 20pts as well. Amazing trader ...

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Madrus Rose

post 69
They took the XLF & the Banks out to the woodshed , 2nd largest weighted ETF in the SPX

The banks we're leading the market lower, with J.P. Morgan Chase down 2.7%, Bank of America down 3.3%, Wells Fargo off 3.8%, Citigroup off 2.3%, U.S. Bancorp down 2.9% and PNC Financial down 2.2%.Among smaller banking fry, Regions Financial is down 3.7%, Huntington Banchares is off 3.3% and BB&T is down 3.4%. Investment banks are also getting popped, with Goldman Sachs down 2.5% and Morgan Stanley off 2.7%.

One very big UGLY stick down on the financial XLF, they wont be raising any rates soon

Reflecting one of the largest one-day mood swings in recent memory, the downward revisions now place last month’s job growth at 125,000, the weakest since the 68,000 positions created in January and down from the average of 233,000 over the past three months.

As the sun rose on a steamy Wednesday in Washington, economists polled by MarketWatch had been looking for growth of 175,000 in nonfarm payrolls for May, a consensus figure representing a decline from a healthy 244,000 in April but still passing for strength. The nation’s unemployment rate was expected to reverse April’s slight uptick and fall to 8.9%.

First-time claims for unemployment benefits rocketed to 474,000 in late April — the highest level in nine months — from under 390,000 earlier in the month. Claims have since fallen back, coming in at 424,000 for the latest week.

Analysts tended to dismiss the claims data as an aberration. They saw continued strength in hiring, and some were hopeful that more than 50,000 jobs created by McDonald’s Corp. might offset any weakness in other sectors.

But this confidence cracked soon after data based on payrolls handled by Automatic Data Processing Inc. showed that only 38,000 private-sector jobs were created in May — extraordinarily weak given that economists were expecting a gain in the neighborhood of 175,000 jobs.

Adding fuel to the fire, later in the morning, the Institute for Supply Management’s May survey of factory supply managers was disappointing. The ISM factory index sank by nearly seven points to a 53.5% reading, the largest drop in nine years.

largest drop in 9years ....[/i]
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Market feels like it's ready to roll over and die.
Pretty much. I was about a week early after that gap drop. I didn't think the gap would close. Hard to see any potential here except down. SLV back to it's 100 MA which is still in an uptrend.

Madrus Rose

post 69
yeah, pretty disheartening to see silver crash 5% or so, after it is only up 100% for the last 12 months, 20% for the year, and near all time highs

$silver's trading in a lower channel here which you take advantage off , if just sitting idle is one thing but each time its kited back up near $39 it has been a short op on the AGQ ....

Now if you think 70pts down from $225 on the AGQ from the first oversold bounce of silver back up to $39.80 is no big deal ...then you're pretty well set for life .

The AGQ bounce off $155 to land it back up here at $190's isn't bad either . Remember that it also did another 30pts down & all in the last 3wks before rising again to $190's here & now .

Its called volitility....so far the lower channel has been $33 -$39 you have trade accordingly. Market has been a short since last week & was right ontop of it , but if i had the time could show you the Kitco Charts for spot Au & show you how these trading pivots are fairly easy to read ...you'll see the double top in the am ...followed by the double bottom pivot at $36 later intra`day . These have been very VERY consisitent .

So you short the am 2nd spike @ $37.40 area & buy/cover/ long the 2nd bottom touch at $36...and AGQ bounced back 6pts to 190 .

** They have had $gold pinned to $1550 for last 3days ...some heavy resistance here .
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One day you will have to answer to the children of
Yo, I don't know that dude.
I just posted on his wall cause he left some rep saying 'Stay Safe'.
So I told him I do like I always do.
'Fast and Reckless'.

I'm in Colo, btw.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Yo, I don't know that dude.
I just posted on his wall cause he left some rep saying 'Stay Safe'.
So I told him I do like I always do.
'Fast and Reckless'.

I'm in Colo, btw.

tx Red , he's being a little young inconsiderate lying lazy greedy prick ...lot of them out there these days , caveat emptor . Most of young crowd that are late 20's to early 30's in the US i've figured out all grew up in the internet boom times with all the new tech toys , cell phones , broadband video games ...all the stuff that makes them think they are so entitled , so "cool" when in fact most turn out to be worthless self seeking, greedy lying lazy fucks .

Unfortunately there's alot of them around ...and they're not very bright
really , just spoiled & lazy little low class assholes...greedy & stupid , real
successful combination.