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Shmoe Gardens...

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Occasional User
LOL....awsome shots Joe...I love the Sunshine pic...lol we can see the patio chair set so you can sit and watch them grow. Too funny. Spend alot o time in that chair Joe? Makin me jealous.

Peace Man...always fun to check out your garden.


Its a great place to sit and and take in the kindness the day has to offer.
there should be more shade in about 2 months...hehehehe

another note:::it seems all of my StrawberryBeastly seeds are possibly female...NO MALES REPORTED as of yet. confirmed...8 out of 15 were popped all female. i am not recieving any feedback from the OTHER people i gave the seeds to...but, i have 5 and The DAM has 5 popped now...all 10 of those turn out to be girls.?.
..then i think it fo sho.
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The Voice of Reason
Killer Casey, Joe! keep that gal tied down tight or she'll get unruly... lol...
Looks like you'll get a nice yeild from her, that's gonna be one giant plant...


Yes, she got a lil' crazy this time...but what fun. :woohoo:
i predict a decent yield.

heres the Sharon @12days in...still need to strip the lower a lil bit.
a bit more undercontrol...



thanks BG... :wave: hehehe she my lady... :yummy:
so, a lil' push from some comming rain... :badday:
made all the transplants this morn go fast... :woohoo:
only one small unintentional topping of my lil funnystyleG33...who knows , may just be the best thing for her at this point...
we..shall..see. :chin:
OK...you notice i'm reusing a few things i have around...the rocwool/hydrotron pellets...
they were extra around here, now i will continue to use the pellets for the drainage, AND EASE OF TRANSPLANT>>>i barely finger the balls...hehehehe pellets...and they fall right out, w/o takeing ANY roots w/ them. the roots love it. i think. :chin:

few other things growing in ShmoeGardens...
Herbs...rosemary, chives, sweet basel...celantro,Peppers...few others



Huge rosebush

other stuff

first strain of my own to pop and root and now transplant..the StrawberryBeast. i'm hearing reports of no males as of yet...
i think out of 7-8? popped 10 more, so we will see...

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I can look at those pics on 5 threads bro
make me feel all comfy and shit.
gona roll a fat one and pretend that fourth shot is a
view out my window.
Peace brothe and enjoy the weekend.


Occasional User
Hey Joe....I got a really nice tent and camping gear...would you mind terribly if I just set up in your back yard? You'd barely know I was there and I could bring some Maple Bacon with me.


Bring it on BG!! bring HP w/ ya too!!! come around harvest time...we'll be knee deep in KINDNESS...i could move the plants and use the porch for a stage...so the rest of the band has to come too.


Occasional User
Ha too funny Joe...you know me well now. Back-yard band parties are pretty much the most fun I have in life. I dunno how that may sound to other people...everyone has their idea of heaven, but me? Great People, great food, great musicians, great buds, = HEAVEN to ME. Couple that with Joes Harvest? ... I dunno man... might put me over the edge...too much of a good thing ya know?

Peace Bro...things are lookin great fo sho joe shmoe


hehehe we'd have to pull the tent for the room to PARTY!!!
sharing time w/ friends...heaven in my backyard. food too YA
my dog also...she's almost people.
Later BG>


Active member
I'll pitch next to bonsai if you don't mind

nice garden joe, you going to flower all those plants outdoors? what are the big plants I see in the full patio shot - the furthest out looks like a monster - she could flower out to huge as that rose bush.

I'll be tagging along for sure


i have room for at least 4 tents Suga...so...the last 2 ...for the band?hehehe
wooohooo party at my place! the fire dept. would have to come from all the SMOKE comming from the yard.
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