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ICMag Donor
:dueling: :D :smoke:

Growth Media for Container Grown Ornamental Plants1
Dewayne L. Ingram, Richard W. Henley and Thomas H. Yeager2


Some have suggested the placement of gravel in the bottom of containers improves drainage. In fact, the gravel decreases the total volume of medium with favorable aeration. The pores at the interface of the container medium and gravel must be saturated before water will move down into the gravel. This means that a layer of medium with near maximum water content is positioned above the gravel rather than on the container bottom. Therefore, the effective height of this container is reduced by the depth of the gravel in the bottom.

Root distribution in container media can be influenced by the particle size distribution. A medium with high water-holding capacity and low aeration may result in a concentration of roots in the top portion of the container, especially if the medium in the bottom portion of the container remains saturated for extended periods. Roots growing in poorly aerated media are weaker, less succulent and more susceptible to micronutrient deficiencies and root rot pathogens such as Pythium and Phytophthora than roots growing in well-aerated media.

Concept Illustration:

Obtain a large rectangular sponge (about 1.5 inches thick, 5 inches wide and 12 inches tall). Cut the sponge into two pieces, approximately one-third and two-thirds size portions. This sponge represents a container medium with a combination of large and small pore spaces. Just as in a container medium, a portion of pore space in the sponge will be filled with water after irrigation and drainage. Remember that the proportion of large and small pore spaces in these two sponges is the same; they were once one sponge. Saturate the sponges in water then stand them upright on a raised stand of some sort over a pan. Water will drain from the sponges. This is the force of gravity pulling water from the large pore spaces. The concentration of water at a given height in two sponges is the same, even though one sponge is taller than the other. After a few minutes, squeeze the water from the two sponges and measure the amount of water obtained from each. Try to squeeze the sponges with the same pressure. The volume of water squeezed from the two sponges will be surprisingly close. This illustrates the importance of consideration of container height when formulating a container medium. If approximately the same amount of water was obtained from each sponge, that means a greater volume of the pores in the taller sponge was filled with air after drainage.


ICMag Donor
Real small containers likely no big deal, maybe helpful with hydroton.... But the gravel/pellet zone will dry out quicker and roots may be become "air pruned", which would cause lateral roots to form and grow giving you a fiberous rootball, but then ya still have that zone of saturation (little Oxygen)..... Depends on container of course.... :chin:


West Coast ICer
Hey pipelinet to me it would only matter if your roots are to out grow the pot "root bound". I found another link that supports what you say but no real science behind it. I see the writer mention something about possibly blocking drainage holes.

But honestly, I like lining the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket with hydroton. It is pourous and holds moisture well. I dunno. It works well too without any hydroton. So it is hard to say what is right. But I am using plastic and plastic does not breath so the better drainage the better.

I guess from all that info it is best to use tall containers. I dunno its all good

Oh and shmoe, that Hawaiian Snow fucking tickles my nose man. :yummy:
Fucking got me lit off one bowl too. :woohoo: I need to give that shit JUSTICE.



Occasional User
LMAO...nice to come home to...but I still see no science :moon:

too funny...actually this was good to read, thanks guys. For the record I have no gravel in my bins, but the LUI that's just about to be harvested is the last of that method. Soil only in all other bins with drainage holes ...oh do I have drainage holes...last night I had a nice scare on my hardwood floors :yoinks:

I figure it's all about the perlite now...am I high? :chin:


Hey Pipe...the more and more i think about it...
the less and less i want pellets in my final flower pots.
After seeing the growth of the PK Mysta won...
i thinkin straight coco... dont even have to plug the holes.

KaliMist...the top cola is about 1.5 ft. and getting wider every day.
the top of that cola about 6ft off the ground. :yummy:

H3ads...CaseyJones>>> :yoinks: start flushing in a week or so...

Sharon>>>@ 3 weeks...W/ SSSDH behind, OG and Bubba to the right>

SSSDH@ 5 weeks



flushed CJ and SD...one more time in a week...
they could go longer ...and will next run...i need the space...

SourD ibl



Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Joe :wave:
Anohter 2 :yes: for your skillz and selections man - great variety of plants, fab harvest coming up - especially love the way your Casey looks. :respect:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey man, I just read thro ur entire thread, and I am friggin blown away...I knew u had skills, but I had NO idea HOW good they were. Ur garden is beautiful, the MJ and all the others. I used to have apple trees in my yard growin up back home, and I loved them...Im gonna stick around for the rest of the show if u dont mind...Oh, and nice HT pics last month, beauty blueberry!!!Peace Joe....

- Zeus


thanksGJ>>>>>>the casey has me itchin for this harvest...can not wait to taist her.
Teddy!! hows it going man... hows the StrawberryB??almost done???
man havent seen you in a while...everything cool?
ZeusOG>>thanks for stoppin in...and your more than welcome to pull up a seat.
i am almost into my roach jar...if it wasnt for friends...i woulda been there a long time ago. THANKS FRIENDS!!!P>Joe


hey...it happens...be it bad planning...weather..many others>>>thats why i keep the roach jar full...32oz.jar full to top and recycle...
HEY i make a great SHMOE Salad...the roach needs to loose the burnt part....and paper...w/out taking off ALL the black part..it'll taist like an ashtray...
DAM>>>talk about intoxicating.
this year i quickly realized how a short break can turn into a long one quick...
perpetual gardening KEY>>>




yep JDOGG,,,she's a nothing yielder...
but,DAM!!!! she smells fabuloso...
I like the camo coloring on the leaves.
reminds me of the grapefruit...w/ really lightgreen lil FROSTY nuggs...


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i am almost into my roach jar...if it wasnt for friends...i woulda been there a long time ago. THANKS FRIENDS!!!P>Joe be seeing you today. Gratz!
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