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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
some good german hip hop that i enjoy . depends on the region of germany maybe. i think the snowgoons the producers are from germany. i could be wrong



Well-known member
i have never visited Germany. i'm told it's beautiful. the closest i have been is Switzerland, Intelarken was as far to germany as we went edit, dutch german border , maastrict i have spent time, i think maybe closer. I forget the distances to the borders


White Window
Yeah, the Netherlands are much closer. I'm from west germany, less than 100km to the dutch border.

I was in the UK with my school class when i was 16, it was a tradition in 9th class to go there on the last school trip. We were in Andover, me and my buddy had a nice guest family, an older couple. So from there we did a bus trip every day to Bath, Oxford... and the last day before departure to London where we could go on our own in groups for a few hours. :) Stoned in the London Subway and City, that was trippy. :biggrin: To be honest, we smoked nearly in every city we visited. :bigeye:
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