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Shcrews' 2K Stadium , Fire OG Kush


hey y'all

getting started on a new run, i deconstructed my 2 vert rooms and decided to run two different setups.

the other room will be 4kw flood tables, with BubbaK, but this room is a 2kw stadium ,styled after SelfHemployed's amazingly well documented 1+gpw grow.

running coco with drippers , 32 Fire OG's in 3gal smartpots. 2 shelves on each side.

all my 80+ plants are in there vegging while i set up the flood tables in the other room, so the babies you see lined up on the shelves in 2gal rootpots are Bubba's just waiting to go into their new home...


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Active member
Are you automating the feed at all? I'm using #2's right now and they dry out pretty fast after the first few weeks. Looks great, I'm pulling up my bucket.


hey bobble! there will be a drip system very soon. Automation is the whole reason behind my decision to switch things up. I REALLY wanted to make some bobbleracks for my 3k vert stacks, but with Burning Man coming up next week I won't have time to do all the necessary work.

SO, rather than miss a few weeks of a cycle, I decided to disassemble the double 3k vert for this run only (?) in favor of a much easier-to-automate 2k Stadium and 4k floodTables.

i have ran them all before, so no worries about new shit, just have to get everything setup before i leave for the burn!

bobble, I have lots of experience with the 2gals, they are probably my favorite indoor pot. I had one that handwatered in my last cycle, dried out A LOT, still outyielded damn near every plant in 3gal plastics. they are great for flood tables.

still looking forward to my 3k vert racks with drippers in the near future though!

hey bobble, side note, whats your DL like? I deadlifted 255lbs for 20 reps yesterday, then hit 50 muscleups! i dont think ive ever been this strong haah


Active member
hey bobble! there will be a drip system very soon. Automation is the whole reason behind my decision to switch things up. I REALLY wanted to make some bobbleracks for my 3k vert stacks, but with Burning Man coming up next week I won't have time to do all the necessary work.

SO, rather than miss a few weeks of a cycle, I decided to disassemble the double 3k vert for this run only (?) in favor of a much easier-to-automate 2k Stadium and 4k floodTables.

i have ran them all before, so no worries about new shit, just have to get everything setup before i leave for the burn!

bobble, I have lots of experience with the 2gals, they are probably my favorite indoor pot. I had one that handwatered in my last cycle, dried out A LOT, still outyielded damn near every plant in 3gal plastics. they are great for flood tables.

still looking forward to my 3k vert racks with drippers in the near future though!

hey bobble, side note, whats your DL like? I deadlifted 255lbs for 20 reps yesterday, then hit 50 muscleups! i dont think ive ever been this strong haah

I hear ya on the ease of assembly... ha ha... My shit's a little complicated. So far it looks like it's paying off though... :D

Happy to hear you're positive experience with the #2's... I'm hoping to take LL to school with my current run, so I need all the help I can get! ha ha...

20 rep deadlift? are you trying to throw your back out? lol... That's pretty strong. My understanding is that the deadlift is supposed to be a low-rep/heavy weight exercise... like 4-8 reps. So I can move 365lbs like 6x, and then I'll go up to 405lbs... but I'm only getting it for 2-3 reps right now.


20 rep deadlift? are you trying to throw your back out? lol... That's pretty strong. My understanding is that the deadlift is supposed to be a low-rep/heavy weight exercise...

my 1RM is probably close to 300 right now, but since i dont have enough weights i just decided to pull 255lbs as many times as i could, 20 reps took me about 10 minutes. pullups/muscleups afterwards can decompress the spine and therefore prevent injury. i've never had back pain ever. then again i can't pull near 400. you must have some grip strength!

. I'm hoping to take LL to school with my current run,

i bet you will, your pods is looking great! hard work pays off as i'm sure you know.

:thank you:


Active member
my 1RM is probably close to 300 right now, but since i dont have enough weights i just decided to pull 255lbs as many times as i could, 20 reps took me about 10 minutes. pullups/muscleups afterwards can decompress the spine and therefore prevent injury. i've never had back pain ever. then again i can't pull near 400. you must have some grip strength!

i bet you will, your pods is looking great! hard work pays off as i'm sure you know.

:thank you:

Here's a training tip for you and anyone coming along that's interested... Cause we're in the vert section, and we talk about what we want... ha ha...

10 consecutive minutes doing 1 exercise is way too long. Training should be explosive and controlled. You need to complete your reps in 15-20 seconds. It doesn't sound like very long, but when you're under the weight, it's an eternity. Why? b/c you're body is only meant to do short bursts of ballistic movements. Stretching things out for several minutes, you're going to get sloppy and injure yourself. I'll spare you the cellular level stuff...

So... you're limited on weight... Do as many consecutive movements in a controlled manner as you can, and then stop. Don't pick it back up and jerk the weight around for more reps. Take the time to fully recover... 30 secs - 2 minutes... and then do another set to failure. You'll inflict more damage this way. Keep it to 2-3 sets though after you've done your warm-ups.

and then make sure you're eating... :D

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I'm liking this thread already.

Shcrew, I really liked having an automated setup, it makes things so easy and you can water the whole room in the same time you could water one pot.

I've also found that doing heavier weights for less reps is more effective. I also prefer freeweights over pushing bars, pushing bars just doesn't feel right. I'll use them for squats and deadlifts if I did them, never done deadlifts though. what is that, like hamstrings and back?


10 consecutive minutes doing 1 exercise is way too long. Training should be explosive and controlled. You need to complete your reps in 15-20 seconds. Keep it to 2-3 sets though after you've done your warm-ups.

and then make sure you're eating... :D

should have clarified, was doing heavy singles with tiny breaks in between, even a few bowls from the roor.. no worries about injuries man thanks anyway. the eating part is what always gets me. I spend $$$$ on food!

Are non-bodybuilders allowed to get in on this action? :)

heh, at this point i welcome anyone and everyone... stick around, you might learn a litle about lifting ,haha!~ fwiw, i am training for jujitsu and kickboxing, not bodybuilding.. I eat too many cheeseburgers for that.

Sam the Caveman said:
shcrew, I really liked having an automated setup, it makes things so easy and you can water the whole room in the same time you could water one pot.

I've also found that doing heavier weights for less reps is more effective. I also prefer freeweights over pushing bars,....
never done deadlifts though. what is that, like hamstrings and back?

Deadlifts are a whole-body exercise, more so than any other. I dont discriminate when it comes to strength training, i will use any weights anywhere anytime, i jsut dont like machines. i alsu train with a sledgehammer, and pushing/pulling a car is great!

I am looking forward to no more handwatering here! save more energy for BJJ !!!!!!

thnx for stopping by guys


Sorcerer's Apprentice
heh, at this point i welcome anyone and everyone... stick around, you might learna thing or two! fwiw, i am training for jujitsu and kickboxing, not bodybuilding.. I eat too many cheeseburgers for that.

I'm all for learnin'!


Those are some honkin ass fans under those lights Bro.......Go big or go home huh ?....lol....

Run em on low for max air exchange for max heat sucked out with smell thru scrubber IME cuz if yas max em out tryin ta keep the bulbs cool , all you`re doin is blowin heat all round the grow area........

I`ve heard good things at several places bout Fire Og , so hope all works out for yas Schrews ......and ....

The Bubba`s .....Ran em once and they don`t veg fer shit and take forever to get to a decent size before flippin em , and then.....No fuckin stretch at ALL......so.....

Whatever size yas want em ta finish at will be determined by the veg cycle guaranteed , and hey......Bubba`s some bad ass coffee/hash tastin shit , but can`t run that bitch for production without mega cuts........

I see yas got 80 turnin tho Bro , so here`s wishin big things fer yer flood table......

Automated feed ftw.....Everything else is babyshit easy once feed`s dialed.....Proper drying out and root building is everything with coco Bro.......and.....

Handle it......I know you will.....



Nice stadium Shcrews....

So you are liking the RO Root Pots yea?

Perhaps it was because I let my girls get a little too dry a time or two, but I didnt have the great results with them. Well.. not necesarrily bad results.. but dont think I benefited from the fabric pot like I should have.

When growing in actual smart pots my roots penetrated the fuzzy interior walls of the pot and where air-pruned on the outside as they are intended for. However when using the root pots I did not get the same penetration. At the end of my grow I was able to stick my fingers down in between my rootball and root pot.

I wasnt blumatted/automated at the time so perhaps I let em get too dry a few times and the root ball shrunk in the pot.

I do know the smart pots where a hell of a lot harder to get off at the end of the grow whereas the root pots just yanked right now with hardly any roots anchored into it.


Love it mate the simplicity is attractive... I read self employed thread and he smashed it! Very nice informative grow that, hope you do as well mate.

How long will you be vegging these for? (I find myself asking that so much now days :D lol) I have just bought some white fire these white crosses seem very good man.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I hear ya on the ease of assembly... ha ha... My shit's a little complicated. So far it looks like it's paying off though... :D

Happy to hear you're positive experience with the #2's... I'm hoping to take LL to school with my current run, so I need all the help I can get! ha ha...

20 rep deadlift? are you trying to throw your back out? lol... That's pretty strong. My understanding is that the deadlift is supposed to be a low-rep/heavy weight exercise... like 4-8 reps. So I can move 365lbs like 6x, and then I'll go up to 405lbs... but I'm only getting it for 2-3 reps right now.

I can move a 1.5lb turd about every 12 hours......try that on your diet
(flex) :smoke out:

Shcrews your probably at burning man experiencing several hallucinatory experiences ATM, but I love the new stadium.....selfhemployed epic stadium was the original thread that got me started down the vertical path.....we gotta hit the beach when you get back!

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Yeah another stadium :friends: I'm strapped in for this one. Schrews when you get it automated how many times are you going to water? I take it your also going to water to their max capacity before run off?



... max air exchange for max heat sucked out with smell thru scrubber IME

I`ve heard good things at several places bout Fire Og , so hope all works out for yas Schrews ......and ....

The Bubba`s .....Ran em once and they don`t veg fer shit and take forever to get to a decent size before flippin em , and then.....No fuckin stretch at ALL...
i love it fred you're on the money as usual, one thing though, i dont use a scrubber.. my neighbors love it trust me :laughing:

my Bubba does not appear to be the original Pre-98, as it is vegging at a decent rate... possible "platinum bubba"??? wtf that is...
i do love the Fire OG though (*hoping the clones arent mislabelled*).. none of these damn potheads around here can keep their strains straight
Nice stadium Shcrews....
So you are liking the RO Root Pots yet?.
thanks!! I actually have not noticed any difference in performance betw. the smartpots and rootpots.. i have used them side by side
Love it mate the simplicity is attractive...
How long will you be vegging these for? (I find myself asking that so much now days :.
thanks Shhh, i'm vegging for 2-3 weeks i think. depends on how fast they grow, i dont have a deadline HAHA!
Shcrews your probably at burning man experiencing several hallucinatory experiences ATM.....

.....we gotta hit the beach when you get back!
burning man is next week, i'm still working on setting up this drip system and flood tables before i leave. save me some of that bubble!
Yeah another stadium :friends: I'm strapped in for this one. Schrews when you get it automated how many times are you going to water? I take it your also going to water to their max capacity before run off?
stay tuned! drippers will water 2x per day, there may be runoff but i have to figure that out


New member
lol so hard, ur post is the first one i see on the forum...
that's hard mega is in town too... im curious who it is. btw work on ur butterfly sweeps schrews.
take a picture of my roor marble i want it for my avatar.

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