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Shades of Grape

Thats kinda funny your making excuses for it already. And isint this coming from the guy thats always said cfls produce way more resin than hids... lol.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thats kinda funny your making excuses for it already. And isint this coming from the guy thats always said cfls produce way more resin than hids... lol.

That's fine talk shit all you want, please save your best nugs of your purple strains and we can take side by side pics and let everybody see and I'll gladly admit your shit is better if that's the case but I don't think you would even if my shit was better than yours...


Just Call me Urkle!!
As for the CFL comment I can admit I was a newb who hadn't been around too many HID grows and hadn't done my own and even told you I didn't think that anymore since I'm able to manipulate my spectrum on my HID grow switching to the 10000K MH at the end of my grow and it was lovely and as close as I can get to a Sun Pulse system for now. I'm really done arguing with you bro, you are stuck in your ways and I am in mine so let be grown ups and agree to disagree and just grow and be happy we have access to bomb ass shit cuz this is really fucking stupid dude...
That's fine talk shit all you want, please save your best nugs of your purple strains and we can take side by side pics and let everybody see and I'll gladly admit your shit is better if that's the case but I don't think you would even if my shit was better than yours...

Why cant we do side by side pics right now? I know you have em.
You brought this on your self. Make me look like the bad guy all you want but YOU said numerous times it was better than pk or mendo, im just here to tell you your wrong, not argue over who has the better shit. you brought this on yourself for saying these things, Im just giving you exactly what you want or had to expect when saying things like that. an arguement.

Every nug i show you i say who did it and how much better it is than mine. I have no problem with admiting somethings better...as long as its TRUE. there TONS of strains better than mine. It just so happens this is not one of them.

And about bringing up the cfl thing- look at what crazy things youve said a couple months ago that you now know is wrong- my pont exactly...PEOPLE LEARN.

Make me look like the bad guy all you want but somebodys got to have the balls to stand up and call bullshit when they see it. This is all been to help you, but your so stubborn in your opinions, (even though you change them half the time later) you just think im talking shit. you should really just take it to heart. :comfort:


Just Call me Urkle!!
Hahahaha I feel you dude I understand I'm a bi polar dickhead but I'm not that stuck in my ways I swore I would fuck with 3part nutes and look at me now hahaha As for the side by side I don't have a HID bud finished of this strain but I'll give ya what I got right now.. Gimme some time to get your pic I took of the good shit and I'll post em.. I still want to see it next to my HID grow version though it wouldnt be fair otherwise..


Just Call me Urkle!!
Ok so I did my best to get a good shot of that last lil nug I have of my bagseed cut from my last harvest that I took 8 weeks under 252w of CFLs and it will be compared to a shot of Deep Chunk x Strawberry Cough grown under 600w HPS bulbs by somebody much better than me at growing and knows their shit and I know the DC cross is frostier for sure but you can't say my shit isn't a resin producer after looking at these 2 pics next to eachother.. I never got a purple strain to produce that well resin wise in my CFL cab and I've noticed things are more amplified in my HID tent which I admitted after my first grow in it so it's that right there that makes me believe the shit is going to frosty up really nice under my 400 what is crazy about that? It also has the purps smell all us Cali cats love and has a faster veg than PK and that's all I've been excited about was possibly having a purple cut as bomb and maybe better to some that would be more practical than a slow vegging one ya know?


HID grown DCxSC


CFL grow Oregon Grape bagseed pheno A

NO I'M NOT SAYING IT'S FROSTIER THAN THAT PIC ABOVE! Just a example of a super frosty strain with great resin production so it can be seen that my cut actually is a resin producer maybe not like DC but it's not average..

p.s. did my best to match the quality of the pic too..
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Active member
ICMag Donor
They both look frosty. The Deep Chunk x Strawberry Cough has more resin coverage, but based only on those photos not by a whole lot "honestly".

Also to everyone is it me or do "BOTH" of those nugs look like they could of been taken a little longer?

Also Thundurkel when doing a comparison it isn't fare to hype up your product with text in the post while the other party has no say in that exact same post via text. You most likely should of just posted the photos, who grew which one and nothing else.

One other thing. One mans trash is another mans treasure. Everyone has different thoughts on what is their favorite strain, different strains give different people different highs, the same strains grown in different grow rooms can look very different. It all subjective.

Me for instance. My favorite strain is Arcata Trainwreck. I think it suits me well. It gives me the perfect high and I think it looks good in a bag (not that that matters one bit to me). There are people that I have seen post on ICMag that think Arcata Trainwreck isn't potent, hard to grow and etc. I have a very close friend of mine who thinks it has no bag appeal at all. Thing is I don't care one single bit what anyone in this world has to say about Arcata Trainwreck because it works for me and that is the only thing that matters.

Hope this post brings some order and logic back to your thread and I hope that you give people a good representation of what "your" Shade of Grapes is all about.



Just Call me Urkle!!
I totally agree and why I'm done arguing and just going to post the finished product and let folks see what I'm talking about. I was just letting folks know I MIGHT have a good purple to bring to the community since I've stress tested it and cloned it and it's stable as far as I can tell. The reason I've been so hyped about it is being a CFL grower I always had problems getting purple strains to preform how I wanted in my SOG so when I found a pheno in some bagseed that blew the purps I grew in my cab out the water of course I'm gonna be giddy wouldn't you? I HATE slow vegging strains and that was why I dumped the PK and Querkle(and cuz Querkle was a PM monster) but now I can enjoy that same lovely scent in a much faster and what I think to be a better yielding purple... I guess I should have made it clear I was mostly excited that it had a great stretch flowered at short heights unlike the PK cuz don't get me twisted I LOVE some well done PK or Mendo Purps and it was the fact that MP stretched similar is why I compared it and it having that smell... I'm at 39 days of flowering so I still got a way to go before I can put my shit up for you all to see I'm not loopy and crazy and do know and thing or two about good cannabis genetics.. Far from a pro too I might add and still and will always be learning more..
Awesome posts. Unfortinuitly I have a few corrections. I

appreiceate what you are now saying, but the whole argument and

point of posting comparable pics was about you saying that was

better than the purp strains, and posting the purps (not deep chunk)

compared to that. Its ok.you dont need to now. And I do like the

pic but I cannot take credit for that pic. I told you who did that

paticular nug, and also that nug was done under a 600 hps not

1K. Its ok you dont have to change anything, you can if you want

though.youve made your peace. I am looking foward to seeing

more finished product though.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thanks buddy hahah oh my bad folks it was a 600 lol More efficient than a 1k anyway right? I know that's what I'm upgrading to when I get the cash.. DR100 with a 3x3 table and a digi 600w system and recirculating drip on air pots or flood and drain with smart pots...

Yea I said it was as good or maybe better which I had liked the tasted more so that's why I I liked it more cuz it had more of the sweet smell of purps I liked in the Mendo cut and seriously was as potent for me key word me haha I realize we all are affected differently so it could be trash to others lol.. I know it was a purps thing but when I looked at the pics I had it would've looked like I took the worst purps pic I had to compare so I grabbed the DC cuz I KNOW that shit has resin all over it hahaha


Just Call me Urkle!!
Also to everyone is it me or do "BOTH" of those nugs look like they could of been taken a little longer?


Yea mine was only plucked at 8.5 weeks and I think it's a 9weeker in my cab and a 8 weeker in the tent cuz it's much further along under the HID right now that it was under CFL at that same time... I still got one in the cab that's the purplest shit I've grown in that cab and probably the most colorful plant grown under CFLs I've seen I'll take some pics today for the hell of it. I can tell it's not done cuz the middle buds are frosty as shit and packing on the resin looking fully developed but the top doesn't have all the resin yet l see it forming but it's not all standing up like on the lower buds.. same with the sugar leaves the lower ones are covered and the newer ones up tops that turned purple completly at just now frosting up... Patience wish I had it a long time ago hahahah Somebody here I think Resevation Labs may have said it " Don't Pick the Kind Before it is Time" and I'm going by that from now on...
2 things. That nug of the deep chunk was pulled at 7 weeks. good call RL. second, not trying to start another argument but this is the second time ive seen you say this. I could be wrong but when I bought my air pots I was told they were good for everything BUT flood and drain... im sure it can be done but it makes sence considering the air holes would make it way harder for it to soak solution upwards. but like I said im sure it can be done prob, just seems not that effiecient. who knows. Now you will prob do it just because I said that, who knows maybe ull prove it wrong, but im just going by what the guy at the shop said.
And honestly, the chunk "looks" beautiful, but far from a favorite of mine. lacks the put on ur ass purp potency that I like. (kinda like what RL was saying) I just wanted a pic because its beautiful.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thanks buddy hahah oh my bad folks it was a 600 lol More efficient than a 1k anyway right? I know that's what I'm upgrading to when I get the cash.. DR100 with a 3x3 table and a digi 600w system and recirculating drip on air pots or flood and drain with smart pots...

Did you read that wrong you fucking stoner haha I know I can't use Air Pots on E&F that's why I said recirculating drip system :tiphat:


Just Call me Urkle!!
And honestly, the chunk "looks" beautiful, but far from a favorite of mine. lacks the put on ur ass purp potency that I like. (kinda like what RL was saying) I just wanted a pic because its beautiful.

Totally agree I didn't care for the taste very much at all and it was potent like you said but hot damn that shit is mouth watering in pics!


Active member
ICMag Donor
The Real Deal,

I hope Thundurkel doesn't mind me addressing something in his thread. I wanted to ask you something about your THE Purps. I am in Mendocino and your THE Purps looks different then THE Purps that my team has grown up here for years.

I actually knew someone from the Sacramento Area (Rocklin) that got a strain from us a few years back that we call Lavender (not Soma's) and when he took it to Sacramento he was calling it THE Purps, but it wasn't our Teams THE Purps it was our Lavender. This guy got popped like a half a year ago and I haven't heard anything about him since.

I was wondering since your THE Purps doesn't look like our THE Purps, if you got your plant from the Sacramento (Rocklin) area?
