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SFV OGKush - fresh harvest

Well, now i know, thanks maestro!

I see in your signature spot that you can now download old issues of flower pix news letter!!! Thats great man:yes: I thought they were lost forever??
i gotta download some of those, i think i have an article in one of em?

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Official total... 3 plants... 13.3 ounces, or 4.43 per plant.

Who said SFV was a low yielder? :) Not bad for 2.5 gallons of soiless medium.

We have yielded 5+ per plant here in previous grows.

Pics later.

cc :smile:

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Brastaman, not sure by just a picture, but it looks like Chem 4 to me. :) Mine smells sort of lemony, not at all the same as the nasty ass, offensive smell of Chem D.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
SHIT CC! Always wanted to get a good OG in my stable...THIS is exactly why...lol. That SFV looks alot kinder than the Abusive pics I have seen around...:respect:
good vibes


CC, I think that is one the stickiest bud I've seen. Makes me cough just looking at it. I grew out some Og from clones I got from a friend but I don't think it was the sfv cut. Didn't look that good.
Matthew 7:16 "You will know them by their fruits"

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
A couple shots of the dry SFV.



On a side note, I'm switching back to 110% organics. :) Organic soil + organic Guano teas and scratched in guanos. The next few months should be very interesting around here. ;)

My entire growing career has been a series of trial and error experiments with almost every indoor growing style there is. From pure organics, to soiless mediums using organic fertilizers, to pure chemical ferts with soiless mediums, to pure chem ferts with organic soil ammendments, to soiless mediums with chem ferts AND organic ferts, organic hydroponics, ebb and flow, bubbler buckets, and on and on.

I feel I have a firm grasp on what created the very best smoke, no matter what style of growing is employed. It's not all about the style, it's about the heart and mind of the grower. If the grower understands that he/she has accepted the heavy responsibility of being a surrogate Mother Nature to these beings, then the grower is well on their way to a lifetime supply of truly phenominal smoke.

After all these methods, and all these years I have come to a conclusion. One that I was pretty sure of the whole time, but needed to find out for sure, for myself... That is... simple organics produces the very finest herb on earth. As I type this I hear many of you, and my own inner voice saying, "DUH!!!!" But I can say that I now know for sure that this is the truth, not based on hearsay, or a guess, it's based on in-depth personal experience.

Nutrition for a plant is similar in consideration to our own nutrition. Processed food will keep you alive, but it's not the best source of energy. For us... organic fruits and veggies are the best food because they are directly fed by the sun, picked, and eaten by you. Meat is not as good for you because it is not direct from the sun. The energy came from the sun to the plants, then it was processed and eaten by animals, then we eat the animals. There's one more step in the process when we eat meat, it is not directy from the sun, meat is energy that is more indirectly from the sun.

While chemical ferts CAN grow gorgeous plants, they are NOT energy directly from the sun. Organics are the closest fertilizer source to the sun. Chemical ferts are derived and processed, putting them even further away from the source of all energy on this planet... the sun. The trick is to provide food that is as few steps form the original energy source (sun) as possible... this makes for the healthiest herbs, fruits, veggies, animals, people.

Of course, even organic growing CAN produce disgusting herb if the process is not handled right. But again, it's not as much about what style of growing is employed as it is about how dedicated to being a surrogate Mother Nature the grower is. If the plants are treated like hogs on a massive commercial farm, you'll get results that match the intent. If you treat them like an overbearing girlfriend, never leaving them alone, always tweaking the feeding schedule, you will also get adverse results. Mother Nature doesn't change the feeding schedule constantly, neither should we.

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Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
:jawdrop:....crazy....are u saying organic is better......:jawdrop:...just kidding buddy......yeah that shot of the d u dropped in the 91 thread...was that pure organic?pleased to hear your results....grow on brotha'....$


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Damn good post CC! :respect:I agree whole-heartedly. There have been many a time I have been asked why Im not growing hydro or coco...I try to keep my grows as natural as possible as well...
I have always believed a growers vibes were detrimental to the plants as well. I NEVER go in my grow show in a bad mood. I talk to all my plants, and they constantly have music playing...lol
We all have our ways, its just good to see in this time of bigger, stronger, faster...there are like minds out there still that like to "keep it real".

good vibes

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Thanks for that post CC !!! Some good info there that i needed to know!


Thanks Bro
A couple shots of the dry SFV. * uploads seem to be not working right now, so I'll insert the pics when the problem is resolved. Anyone else having troubles???

On a side note, I'm switching back to 110% organics. :) Organic soil + organic Guano teas and scratched in guanos. The next few months should be very interesting around here. ;)

My entire growing career has been a series of trial and error experiments with almost every indoor growing style there is. From pure organics, to soiless mediums using organic fertilizers, to pure chemical ferts with soiless mediums, to pure chem ferts with organic soil ammendments, to soiless mediums with chem ferts AND organic ferts, organic hydroponics, ebb and flow, bubbler buckets, and on and on.

I feel I have a firm grasp on what created the very best smoke, no matter what style of growing is employed. It's not all about the style, it's about the heart and mind of the grower. If the grower understands that he/she has accepted the heavy responsibility of being a surrogate Mother Nature to these beings, then the grower is well on their way to a lifetime supply of truly phenominal smoke.

After all these methods, and all these years I have come to a conclusion. One that I was pretty sure of the whole time, but needed to find out for sure, for myself... That is... simple organics produces the very finest herb on earth. As I type this I hear many of you, and my own inner voice saying, "DUH!!!!" But I can say that I now know for sure that this is the truth, not based on hearsay, or a guess, it's based on in-depth personal experience.

Nutrition for a plant is similar in consideration to our own nutrition. Processed food will keep you alive, but it's not the best source of energy. For us... organic fruits and veggies are the best food because they are directly fed by the sun, picked, and eaten by you. Meat is not as good for you because it is not direct from the sun. The energy came from the sun to the plants, the it was processed and eaten by animals, then we eat the animals. There's one more step in the process when we eat meat, it is not directy from the sun, it is energy that is indirectly rom the sun.

While chemical ferts CAN grow gorgeous plants, they are NOT energy directly from the sun. Organics are the closest fertilizer source to the sun. Chemical ferts are derived and procesed, taking even further away from the soure of all energy on this planet... the sun. The trick is to provide food that has as few steps form the sun's original energy source as possible... this makes for the best herbs, fruits, veggies.

Of course, even organic growing CAN produce disgusting herb if the process is not handled right. But again, it's not as much about what style of growing is employed as it is about how dedicated to being a surrogate Mother Nature the grower is. If the plants are treated like hogs on a farm, you'll get results that match the intent. If you treat them like an overbearing girlfriend, never leaving them alone, always tweaking the feeding schedule, you will also get adverse results. Mother Nature doesn't change the feeding schedule constantly, neither should we.

cc[/q uote]

could'nt have said it better CC:yes: :jump:
This sounds like a great artical for HT's :canabis:

Let me ask ya sumptin= do you ever/still "supercrop"?? You dont really hear fo many folks do ing/using this method any more?? Wonder why??? It has always worked so well for ME...

here's a pic of a large skunk i did a while back, using "supercropping" method...



Active member
I supercropped about two of my OG's that are flowering. I tried multiple methods on each one but they all turned out so great I didnt even bother to take notes!

CC You really hit the nail on the head with that one. +rep for that. I want to forward this to my friends father lol. He'll really appreciate the post.

Did you happen to see my flower journal? I would really love any input on what strain of OG it may be!


So CC, do you think you can still get the crazy yields with 110% organics ?

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Let me ask ya sumptin= do you ever/still "supercrop"??

Yes, quite often. How about... last night. ;)

So CC, do you think you can still get the crazy yields with 110% organics ?
If not immediately, then soon. ;) In grower speak soon means a year or so. :) hehehe

When you make a tweak, it should be a stand-alone tweak, meaning only one change at a time. Then the change needs plenty of time to make a difference. If you make 6 changes to your operation at once, and something goes wrong, or something goes right, you'll have a hard time figuring out which change made the difference. Making only one change at a time is time-consuming, but IMO it's the only way to know for sure what's working and what's hurting. Slow but sure.

A controlled experiment, is every tweak. (Yoda joke here).

So, as for kicking ass in the organic yield department... yes, I will get it to yield as well or better with time. I've done it before, and I'm only better armed now to do it again, and mo better, too. :)
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I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
When you make a tweak, it should be a stand-alone tweak, meaning only one change at a time. Then the change needs plenty of time to make a difference. If you make 6 changes to your operation at once, and something goes wrong, or something goes right, you'll have a hard time figuring out which change made the difference. Making only one change at a time is time-consuming, but IMO it's the only way to know for sure what's working and what's hurting. Slow but sure.

A controlled experiment, is every tweak. (Yoda joke here). :)

OK got ya,,One at a time!! Thank's alot bro!:joint:

Peace INH


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Well I'm glad/thrilled to hear it!...all!!!

Organic grown really expresses all the subtle flavors and tastes coupled with good lighting and the purest water you can use (fresh rainwater)....... the high will just follow in place is my experience. It makes too much common sense, in my book.

Great inspiration for premium growing CC!


Great thread, great posts and awesome pics..

The brothers down under are droolin after lookin at those sexy buds. I think I have to change my drawers cos I'm pretty sure I creamed my pants.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Almost out! :(But no problem. Absence makes teh heart grow fonder. Besides, there's a gorgeous Chem 4 almost finished, and that gets me even higher than the SFV!!!

I really love this herb, though. What's not to love? Lemony skunky candy.

