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• Every time an iPhone user closes out of the built-in mapping application, the phone snaps a screenshot and stores it. Savvy law-enforcement agents armed with search warrants could use those snapshots to see if a suspect is lying about whereabouts during a crime.
• iPhone photos are embedded with GEO tags and identifying information, meaning that photos posted online might not only include GPS coordinates of where the picture was taken, but also the serial number of the phone that took it.

switch of gps-tracking, so no one knows where you are/were... problem solved
People already put tracking devices in children's shoes so that if they are abducted, they have a better chance of finding them . . . . .



Never fails


without reading the whole thread

geo-tag on or off, they still know where your pic was taken.

if your geo is on then you can see where you took your pic

so the phone company can turn it on their end to see where you are, and im sure if they knew this info they know alot more. they probably had the technology to see where you took your pic's 10 years ago.

where you are, where you were, where you took the pic.

2 buddys of mine had their whole list of messages brought into court. and they dont know each other.

another got a knock at his door for a message he sent about pool (think you guys call it billiards) asking if he dabbles in the distribution of heroin.

the trick is... code. use code. or dont talk shit on the phone. if people ring me and start talkin rubbish, i hang up. and then i will change my number. my mates know better.

even with using the code, we still make mistakes, but every1 makes mistakes. we are human too!


The Voice of Reason
anyone who uses any device with a serial number which is attached to their 'real self' in any manner to conduct or document any sort of illegal activity is being extremely lax with their security.

and don't forget, your camera and mic can be accessed remotely any time your phone has a battery in it.


They know where you are using iphone or any other phone
Here in Slovenia they checking mesages & voice calls and operators have to record & save everything for 5 fakin years. Scarry? A lot of my friends listen to their phone calls on court. Its not a problem just with iphone. And even if you change your number you dont solve nothing as they have voice recognition machines :D When pigs follow you they are looking for voice not number.



In search of Genetics
smash and dunk :)

I thought we had seperate phones for business.
Disposable pre paid no text ?


They know where you are using iphone or any other phone.

And even if you change your number you dont solve nothing as they have voice recognition machines

When pigs follow you they are looking for voice not number.


So true, phone numbers and throw-away devices do no good against voice recognition.

good drown

hahaha, iphone users get what they deserve. who the fuck needs smart phones. shit, i buy a new phone and throw away the old every week or 2, good luck doing that with an iphone. all i need my phone to do is make calls....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I would worry about your check card as much as your phone. your check card, credit card, and thousands of other products you use have rdif chips n them. Also rdif chips make it easy for criminals to access your personal info. all they have to do is walk next to you with a small rdif scanner, and it will pick up your bank account info.

also there is a group of people in our government that want one of these put into each new born baby. I dont think it will fly though.



Active member
25$ 300 minutes and a phone! boo ya. not a smart phone. just an old brick type phone.

or i use a land line. paid 300 dollars, for an monitor that tells me if i'm being snooped on. power drops in line. changes in frequency.


Thanks for the info, but that first post makes my head hurt to read. I do not know if it is the bold fonts, the lack of spaces or the run-on sentences.

Whatever happened to proper grammar?

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
the moment i found numerous random voice recordings on my blackberry that took place at various intervals throughout my time owning the phone was the time I really woke up about how real it is... i was spooked to the highest degree..

believe me, if man has the smarts to develop a device that uses microwaves to allow one human to communicate with another, then you best believe that they have the smarts to tap into a phone unbeknown to the phones owner...

the geotagging and screenshots are just covers for what they REALLY can do...

its only 2010...

before I die, I predict that every human will have a digital device that they are required by law to carry that stores everything and contains everything digital: cell phone, ID, credit record, criminal record, dental record, health record, credit cards, keys, etc... when LE pulls you over, they will ask you to hand over your device... i predict that the device will have a gps unit in it also that will be tagged to your social security number... so for example, if they want to find "REZDOG," they will type in your numbers, then get an immediate track to you... it will also contain a camera, video camera, projector, video games, internet access...

its 2010, and most of this stuff is already here...

mark my words..


"its 2010, and most of this stuff is already here... "

Yeah other than the "required to carry" part.
I mean other than the license or Id which we are already required to carry in most states.

I think that day is a long ways away man, the older generation is going fast, the boomers wouldnt do this to us would they? I sure hope not.


New member
Never say something on a phone you wouldn't want played back to you in a court of law.

Pretty simple. But people are lazy and LE knows this. Instead of driving the distance it takes for a face-to-face, they'd rather get slick on the phone.

In a past life, in a land far far away, many moons ago, we met in person and wrote down our conversation with pen and paper. When conversation was done, we burned the paper in front of both parties. Additionally, if we were driving to a ranch/property to do our dirt, we use to turn our cell phones to the OFF position. Which sometimes meant we had no outside contact for 7-10 days.
Any word of how to delete the screenshots or the deleted bins? I find it crazy that I can delete a voicemail and still retrieve it. It is very scary.

if u gotoyour delete box u will find deleted vmails until u delete them out of your deleted box or 30days passes from the time u got the vm

all companies have this delete box feature so when u hit 7 make sure u listen to all your voicemails (current ones) then it should say msg blah blah on date blah blah marked for deletion hit 7 again and then u wont be able to retrieve vmails that u deleted this works for sprint verizon and cricket and most companies